I was just diagnosed last week. I want to approach this holistically. My doctor has recommended beginning with 1,000 mg of MSM per day for one week and then increase the dosage by 1,000 mg up to 4,000 or until I get some relief from the pain if it happens before that point. The problem is that I had a bout with anaphylaxis last year and we're not sure what I'm allergic to, so I'm reticent to take much of anything. Can anyone tell me about their experience with this supplement? Success? Side effects? Thanks so much. I think this forum will be a god send for me and you have been very supportive and welcoming.
Honestly, I really didn't notice a difference taking this. I took it for a few weeks and it just really didn't do anything. No side effects, but no real help either. You should try vitamin supplements, they're helping me. I use USANA (I seriously feel like I'm plugging those vitamins but they worked for me so I hope everyone else can get some benefit as well). I was using some B12 and what not before as well, that's supposed to increase your energy. Anyway, hope it helps :)