I am thinking I have fibromyalgia. I have degenerative disc disease and have already had a fusion at C5, C6 and C7. I have rods for my lower back. For the fusion, I had lost all of the disc between those vertebrae and for the rods, my vertebrae had slipped out of space and my discs were gone. My spine became unstable and their was fear of spinal cord damage so I had the surgery.
I have always had many of the symptoms of Fibro but I never put everything together until after my last surgery. My pain is so bad. I have a hard time thinking.
When I wake in the morning I can hardly move. My hands a extremely stiff and hurt. When my feet hit the ground the pain in them is just horrible. My body is stiff and aches all over. I have a lot of neck pain as well. I have a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. Many times, the pain wakes me through the night. I drive 45 minutes to work and by the time I get there, my hips are so stiff and painful when I get out of the car. I also have to go urinate all the time.
Does this sound like Fibro? I am seeing a doctor on Friday.
So sorry you have such issues with your spine. Though I have not had surgery yet, it is surely in my future, my Internist already thinks I need it. DDD is one of my ails along with Psoriatic Arthritis, the Spondyliltis type, meaning it targets the spine. My Rheum diagnosed all of my autoimmune diseases and confirmed the Fibro DX my Internist had already made. The Rheum said that the PsA most likely CAUSED the fibro. He said that FMS can be caused by untreated chronic pain. He is not only a practicing Rhuematologist, but also a University Professor.
Those sound like fibro symptoms to me but I'm not a doctor. In my case, fibro was likely caused by Ehlers Danlos Syndrome which is a genetic connective tissue disorder that causes the body to make weak collagen. I have osteoarthritis in both knees, right shoulder and lower back, no cartilage left at all in the right knee. I understand how hard the stiffness and achiness can be to deal with. Sleep issues seem to be a fibro symptom too, from what I've seen. I use a CPAP machine but it doesn't help with actually falling asleep. I am sorry you are in such pain and I hope the dr can help you get properly diagnosed. Big hugs and best wishes.
Thank you! I am really looking forward to the appointment. I just hope this doctor is open. With my back issues, I have had the run around so many times. I finally started going directly to specialist instead of messing with General Practice. Unfortunately, this time I made an appointment with a GP because we are new in this town.
Sorry to hear about all your pains and problems. It sounds by your symptoms of am pain, stiffness of joints, frequent night awakening that it could be rheumatoid arthritis. That is something that needs to be worked up by your doctor. Although fibro can give lots of symptoms, you always want to be tested for illnesses that can be ruled out by blood tests or x- rays. Unfortunately we have no blood tests for fibro yet. Best of luck at the appointment and do not forget to write down any questions you have and take notes at the appointment or right after.
I'm sorry to hear you're having such a hard time. It's so confusing to have so many factors to consider, and then when you can't think clearly and are in pain, how the heck are you supposed to know which direction to turn! I hope you have someone to help you in your daily life, and supportive people around you Good luck at the doctor! And just from my experience, many of the meds we're all given can cause new issues, so it can often be a vicious cycle.
I started keeping a diary and it has helped me immensely! I started it just to count calories and nutritional intake in general. Then I added a little column of how much fluid I took in, and how many times I urinated. Then I added what meds I took each day, which ones I took to sleep, did I sleep, how many hours I slept. What mood I was in in the am, midday, and pm. Did I have pain and where. Mind you. all of this is just jotted in my shorthand in a notebook, nothing fancy! Each day of the week is a new page. It helps to know when I changed meds or doses also. I note when I have a bm, because believe it or not sometimes I can't remember the last day I did! (tmi?)
Sometimes I'll add what I accomplished that day, if anything, or if I slept all day, or whatever fits you!
It has REALLY helped me to notice trends, and to figure out what helps or doesn't. I could not have answered any of these questions if asked. Now I have a reference to look at.
As you get ready to go to the doctor, be prepared to tell him why you are asking if fibromyalgia could be a factor. Things such as what you have described here, how long it has gone on, the type of pain (diffuse/specific, surface/deep, sharp/dull, etc.).
Some of what you are experiencing could be coming from different conditions. (I have many different conditions.) If he doesn't really know, it might be helpful to ask the doctor if you could have a consultation with a rheumatologist to rule it in or out.
Sorry about all this ,but welcome to our world,it may be fibro ,chronic fatgue,lymes,I don't think they really know but I know .it sucks. I believe one day it will get help but not yet. I can relate to all you have mentioned,from the back stuff to the pain,and that riding or driving makes it worse.and the urination ( Vesicare helps) I think you need some further evalueation from your spine people and a rheumetologist, The best advice I can give is that having found this site is the best thing that has happened since this all started happening to me in 1998 ,it helps to know you are not stupid or crazy and there are others in the same boat.If that doctor doesn't help see another one.
BTW, I also have great difficulty riding in the car, I have some pretty bad lumbar spinal stenosis, and my SI joint damage is getting pretty bad. My Rheumatologist had his nurse spray me with a Ethyl Chloride to numb me for the ride home, after doing this for a few visits, I found out I could actually get this prescribed. It cannot be used often, and he made my Mom come back and learn how to use the spray, so that there was someone here who knew how to apply it. It gives me a few hours of relief, and allows me to take short trips in the car.
I had never heard of this stuff,I don't know why,what is it with Doctors doesn't take a rockret scientist to figure out they should be looking for any possible way to make our lives easier.To bad it can not be used very often ,but on the days I have to go to the oncologist it would be wonderful.
Oh my word, your spinal pain and situation sound horrendous! Wow, I really feel for you going through all of that with your spine.
Well, those symptoms are all symptoms of fibro but the thing is that there are other illnesses with similar syptoms, like psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, so you'll need to have your doctor test you for these other illnesses first to rule them out. Fibro is diagnosed when all of the others are ruled out. I am hoping that you have NONE of these illnesses, and maybe the back pain is radiating? At any rate, your doctor will be able to clarify things for you with these tests.
Hoping you are free and clear of any of these nasty illnesses,