Hi Sonya and welcome! I'm so sorry about your awful week. When it rains, it pours.
I would think that it would be hard to tell which illness is causing what, when you have multiple diagnosis! And I'm not sure how you could tell one from the other but it might be helpful to read our posts and see if what we are saying applies to you and then figure that it's possibly/probably your fibro flaring up.
Friends disappear because they honestly CAN NOT understand what we are going through or why we cancel out on them. It's almost beyond the realm of being human to understand the symptoms of fibro if you've never had it. I find that I have to repeat myself with family so they understand what's going on.
BUT that doesn't mean that you are friendless or cannot find new friends. You can start right here and right now. I'll be happy to be your friend. I understand your suffering and am willing to listen and maybe give some advice. Or maybe just listen, if the day and pain calls for it.
If Tramadol isn't doing it for you, can you go back to the doctor and request something else? I'm on Lyrica, which is made for nerve pain, which fibro causes. It helps to take the edge off the pain. Maybe your medicine is helping more than you realize. i mentioned elsewhere that whenever I forget to take the Lyrica (not very often anymore!) I'm in really bad pain and it lasts for a day or more. At any rate, i strongly suggest that you see your doctor. He or she should try things on you so that you can find that something that helps with the pain.
Have you looked into disability? You can only make like $1,100 a month in order to be eligible but you can work up until that point. i know that it's scary to contemplate making that decision to file for it but it sounds like you are getting near the point where you'll pop at work. The other thing would be if you could find something more helpful medically so you could keep on doing your job. The problem is that the pain gets in the way, the fatigue gets in the way and the inability to think clearly gets in the way. And once you get to a certain point, you just can't do it anymore.
Please keep coming. We are here for you, ready to listen and offer support. You need both of those things very much right now, as fibro is so complex to understand and to have others understand. Some people use this article to explain our illness to others, as well as to learn to pace themselves: http://www.butyoudontlooksick.com/wpress/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/
Go easy on yourself. Be gentle. You aren't failing at things; a medical, mysterious, barnacle has attached itself to you.
But we are here!