Hi everyone...My doctor and I have been discussing fibro for a while now,but she has me on antidepressants first, hoping that once that is under control, my other symptoms will be better as well. "Depression causes fibro, fibro causes depression" kinda thing. To see which one came first.
Anyway, I have pretty sure it's fibro because of all my other symptoms that haven't changed, and in fact, are getting worse. So for the first time, I sat down with my family this weekend while they were all home, and told them about fibromyalgia and that I probably have it. My kids (19, 19, and 22) were very supportive and understanding and asked questions...but my partner of 10 years thinks it's "psychosomatic" and that if I didn't have so much going on right now, I would probably feel a lot better. He also believes that I feel good on the days that I want to feel good. He says he feels achy and tired too when he gets home from work , or when he first gets up in the morning, so what's so different about my pain.
I had things written down to help explain everything, like the ten most common symptoms, but it didn't really help with him. I said that some days I just can't even stand at the sink to wash dishes. He said "what is the big deal over standing at the sink for 10 minutes to wash dishes". Then he got mad cause I immediately got up and went to the kitchen to wash dishes. I really don't want this whole thing to be a battle between us, but I'm really frustrated.
He asked me what it is that he can do, and I didn't know how to answer. He is already good at helping with housework. He does more laundry than I do, and he never complains. I told him all I wanted was understanding and support, but he always thinks support means physical help, not emotional.
So what is it I really do want from him? How can he support me emotionally when I'm in pain? Hold my hand? I honestly don't know. What does everyone else want in terms of support from family? I've been very good at hiding the pain from everyone, maybe it's time that I don't try to hide it. But I don't want to be constantly complaining, either.
I don't want him to ignore the fact that I may have fibro, but I want him to believe that the pain is very real and very debilitating at times. I was so frustrated with the whole conversation, I didn't even discuss what may be in my future as far as working goes.
So much to think about, and so frustrating. So worried. So confused. So scared.
I know this is all muddled, but if anyone is still reading and can get what I'm trying to say, I'd love some feedback.