this week its restless legs and rectal bleeding-cant wait for next week to see the new surprises. never had any of this stuff before. does it ever get better-or does aaccepting it make it better. any feedback or experiences will be welcome.
Hi rileybug! The Lyrica and my Cal/Mag/D3/Potassium really do help my RLS, though it never seems to completely go away, I know my back has everything to do with this in me.
Oh the bleeding, you have to call your Doctor right away with this, this is nothing to fool around with, as I'm sure you know! You're about to be put through the tests.
I do think there are degrees of getting somewhat better, the med trial and error seems constant. I do think accepting what is happening to us is a big part of the battle. It seems to be an on-going process, but it is getting easier for me, I think. Of course things are ever changing, always something to throw you for a loop. Like everything else there are highs and lows to the accepting part of all of this.
Please take good care of yourself, keep us in the loop. It's always good to hear from you, girlfriend!
Wishing you well, and sending a hug,
Have you had a colonoscopy yet?
Not sure about the bleeding-need to call the Dr about that. But the other Fibro symptoms usually come and go. So there are better days ahead. I am in a 5 month bout now, worst ever with pain everywhere, but I was mostly symptom free in 2012, so you just don’t know.
had a colonspy and a stomach scope last year. the rectal surgon didn find anything-he did say lots of diahrea can cause rectal bleeding. he didnt see anything else.