New to group

Hi, Donna here, it has been 10 years. I have been in a really bad way the past 2 months. My husband was laid off in Oct. and ran out of my Lyrica. Could not afford $500.00 a month so had to do without until my sweet son send me $ so I could get it. It has been a couple of days now and getting to feel better not in so much PAIN. I could not even get out of bed to walk around a little. I have a family that supports me and tries to understand witch is really great, I realize some people out there does not have that kind of support. I guess that is why they turn to other ways for some understand about what we are going through. I am here for anybody that needs me. If you feel bad, having a bad day or anything. Leave me a note and I will get back to you. I really like this group so far I did not realize so many people out there are suffering from this chronic health problem. Some Doctors at the beginning told me it was all in my head & I just neede to walk it off. He did not realize how much it hurt just to get out of the house and to his office. After a while I found a Doctor that was at least familure with the disease. He prescribed Lyrica and it has been a godsend except when you start them you talk non stop for 2 weeks then it gets better. Hope all has a great day.

Welcome to the group, Donna! It is good to know that we have another avenue of support, isn’t it? You & I are fortunate to have the support of our family. A good doctor that understands what we go thru helps a lot, too. I hope that you have a great week! HUGS from Deb

Thank You, So far I like that there is somewhere we can find support. Soft big hugs to you to. Donna

Hello Donna,

Good to hear from you. You sound so positive, it will be good to have you in our community. I think you have hit on 2 key things that certainly help us manage this tricky condition - support of your family, and an effective Doctor.

Take care, Anne

Not as possative as you might think, but what else can we do but move forward because there is no turning around and heading back down that trail. My hubby is wonderful about it, he gets aggravated that he cannot fix it. Men like to fix, I don’t get that. But hubby and sons know how much I try to do things, anything but when I do even the little things I suffere the next day, so I take one day at a time just hoping I feel better after a good nights sleep but sometimes that is impossible. Thanks Anne, you have all been wonderful to communicate with and the stories make me cry. I wish nobody has to suffer with this. Big soft hugs, Donna

Hi Donna glad to hear you are in a better place now. And that you found a doc that atleast knew what you were talking about. I to have been to dos that tell me there is no such thing as fm. Really how can a doc be so uneducated. I am glad also that you have such a strong support base. R u based in America? Because correct me if I’m wrong, ive heard you can apply for disability with fibro. Then at least you can always get ur meds? In Sa were i stay, there is no such thing and very little compation for people with fibromylgia. And I Do Not have a strong support system. So I have found my self on this group. Looking forward to getting to know you. Lots of love Petro

Hi Petro, yes in the U.S. And I tried for disability twice I do not have the working on a job points they require I Only have half and my hubby makes too much money for me to qualify. I have even had an attorney try to help since my hubby is now laid off from his job after 14 yrs. thank you very much, goodbye. I thought that would make a difference, no he has too much coming in from unemployment. So turned down again. So where to turn for help, nowhere, we tried for all the assistance we could find and turned downed by all, to much money coming in. How are we supposed to get by, believe me they do not care very few people care these days or so it seems that way to me. That is why I turned to this group I am very happy so far the positive messages do help. And sharing our stories with someone who wants to hear it. So many people have turned away because they don’t what to say or do so they just leave you alone then you look around and there is no one there they have all drifted away, so I let them so I would not burden them or put them in a spot where they don’t know what to but to go away. Well it is late hare so for me goodnight I guess to you it may be morning, so good morning, have a pain free day, Donna talk soon

Hi Donna, I am so sorry to hear that. I thought the retrenchments were only taking place in Sa. Were as u probably know the jobless rate is thru the roof and crime rate even higher. Just last week a lady in a town close to me was kidnapped and murdered for R1500 which I think is like 200$. It iS crazy that your government wont help u. They seem as bad as here. Were people with no limb battle to get disability mone. I am sorry if this soundsound negative. But its a reality here. And thats why my illness is minor in this country. money seems to be a issue were ever u stay. I also can’t afford expensive meds so im only on a antidepressant. I can only imagine what u guys R going through. A few yeara ago my father got very ill and just when he got back to full health he got retrenched and so they were left with so much medical debt. Butnim glad to say they have semi recovered. It really dos help to speak to like minded folk. Im glad you have a supportive family. I have issues with my husband who dosint want to understand what im going thru and no family to lean on. If ever u just want to talk or to vent I am here.

Hi Donna and welcome. Have you checked out the prescription drug savings discussion in the Fibro 101 guide? It lists resources to try. Glad you joined and posted a discussion. Hugs!

I did went to Walgreens with it and i still had to pay $420.00 not $500.00 not much savings. I saw on TV a 800 # and they are sending out a package, waiting. They are a different kind of discount program. I will turn everyone on to it if it seems worth it. I will not waste your time. Nice to chat with you. More later. Big Hugs. Donna

Hi Pbeal, I don’t think I got back to you but if I did Hello, and to let you know we are here for you . That is why it is here and THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! To the people that set this up. We have a place to get understanding, support and just to RANT, RANT and RANT. I will read every word. And send good thoughts and hopefully some advice and some laughs we all need those. I will send out a joke I heard from one of my sisters, right now, Food. Big hugs, Donnabr/>

Pbeal said:

Hi Donna, I am so sorry to hear that. I thought the retrenchments were only taking place in Sa. Were as u probably know the jobless rate is thru the roof and crime rate even higher. Just last week a lady in a town close to me was kidnapped and murdered for R1500 which I think is like 200$. It iS crazy that your government wont help u. They seem as bad as here. Were people with no limb battle to get disability mone. I am sorry if this soundsound negative. But its a reality here. And thats why my illness is minor in this country. money seems to be a issue were ever u stay. I also can’t afford expensive meds so im only on a antidepressant. I can only imagine what u guys R going through. A few yeara ago my father got very ill and just when he got back to full health he got retrenched and so they were left with so much medical debt. Butnim glad to say they have semi recovered. It really dos help to speak to like minded folk. Im glad you have a supportive family. I have issues with my husband who dosint want to understand what im going thru and no family to lean on. If ever u just want to talk or to vent I am here.