Angie , last night I was in so much pain I took two [ Muscle & Back Pain Relief Extra strebgth ]. With a sleeping pill. For some reason it works for me. Dose not remove all the pain but is manageable.Today I took two more and took a dramamine as you call it. Sure worked.Soft hugs.
Same thing with me. Tramadol did NOTHING for my fibro pain. 2 Ibuprofin would do 100 times more for me.
Angie, have you tried other meds like Lyrica and Cymbalta? if not, you could ask your doc about them. Or else see if your doc will increase your Tramadol dose. I'm so, so sorry that you're in so much pain. But please talk to your doc ASAP and light a fire under his butt to get something better to help with your pain!
I know the feeling..pain management consists of just upping the dose of morphine and tramadol I am on. I also have super sensitive skin...just had an allergic reaction to my toothpaste...oh yes, and toliet paper. They both have formydehyde in them...
Thanks for sharing this. I'm not a real fan of MM anyway, too smelly, etc.
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