
Hi Everybody I’m Beth.

I’m just wandering are any of you out there in some much pain like I am. I can barely walk most days I’m in so much pain. My doctor will not give me no more medication. Because I’m on alot. I went to see a second pain specialist last month and I don’t think he knew what he was doing I’ve had this pain now for 5 years I’ve been put on carbamazapine and oxycodone and they don’t hardly help with the pain. I suffer from a lot of burning sensations and aching and electric shocks in my body I had them before I was put on this medication hoping these tablets would ease the pain. The only think is the carbamazapine takes a bit of the burning sensations away
But this pain specialist wants me to come off all these tablets straight away and he thinks its the tablets giving me theses effects. How can it if I had the same symptoms before medication. I was told by a neurologist that living with fibromyalgia I’m always going to b in constant pain. So I’m worried if I come off this medication I’m going to b in more pain and they won’t prescribe it back to me. What would you do. Any thoughts
Thanks Beth.

Welcome to the neighborhood! I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Unfortunately that is what we have to look forward to. One of the MANY crazy things about this condition is that you can have this exact pain for 1 day or forever, you never know. You may wake up tomorrow and that pain is gone, but now you have something completely different to try to deal with. I have that type of pain isolated to both of my hands and down one arm and the only med that helps somewhat is Lyrica. The big prob with that is the price, which was OK until I just lost my insurance so now I'm screwed. Lyrica costs @ $300 per month, crazy! The only other thing that gets me through is my heating pad, which I was told to stop using because I've used it too much and now my skin is breaking down on my back. Well, until there is a cure what can we do. I hope what I wrote doesn't upset you, but instead give you some ideas to try. Good luck!

Believe it or not, Aspercream has been helping me a lot.

Hi, Sadly I understand where you are coming from. Pain all day, everyday. It feels like fire running through my veins.i had endometriosis for 10 years and eventually had. Hysterectomy. I also suffer from PTSD as a result of a sexual assault. My primary care dr has ran out of solutions for me. I’ve made an appt for a pain specialist, neurologist And a rheumatologist. Wrapping up in a heating blanket provides temporary comfort. Hugs

Hi sheri thank you for your reply. I’m sorry to here that you suffer from PtSD. I also suffer from this disorder as well as OCD and major anxiety and depression caused by being sexually abused when I was 13 and and being bullied since I was 5 Then to top it all my husband sexually abused me for 15 years. I was told that this was what caused me to have fibromyalgia. So I know what you went through. But living with this pain is awful. This hot weather is making my pain worse causing burning sensations. I hope your pain gets better. Thanks Beth

WARM WELCOME BETH :slight_smile:
It’s so hard to know what to do …it sounds like you are not getting much relief from the meds you are on. Does this new pain dr have a plan for trying new meds??
And I have to disagree with your neurologist living with fibro is not a life sentence for living with constant pain everyday!!! There are treatments, meds, and supplements that help with fibro… You have to find the right dr who is willing to explore what will help you the most.
I’m not sure what I would do, I think cutting down on pain meds, helps because then at least sometimes when you take more, maybe you will get some relief…
Tough decision…???
I would want to know what the plan is before stopping the meds that give some relief
My heart is with ya
Hugs &
dee B

Hi Beth and welcome. We're glad to have you here and hope you take full advantage of the support and info people here can impart on you. It's truly a blessing to have others who understand what you're going through to talk to.

Your burning and aching and electric shock sensations sure sound like fibro. Mind you, I'm not a doctor and can't diagnose. Just going on my own experiences and those of people on here. Yes, I get all of those things, Beth, so it very well could be your fibro. I don't know if the meds are making it any worse. Sounds like one of the meds helps you contain some of your symptoms, which is a blessing so I'm not sure why your new doctor wants you off them.

Have you tried Lyrica or Cymbalta? Both are used for fibro pain and Lyrica helps mine some. The thing is, nothing helps to take all of the pain away and we all get bad periods where we hurt terribly. Unfortunately, that seems to be a fact of life with fibro.

That doesn't mean that you shouldn't get another medical opinion. I think you should. Any doctor who's willing to take away your pain meds without replacing them with meds that help with the pain doesn't know how fibro works. And you can't just stop the meds, you have to come off them slowly, if you decide to do so. The choice should be yours. And hopefully a good doctor will try several different drugs to find one to help control your pain more.

I'm sorry you're getting the run around on your meds and I hope you find someone who helps you. It'll be a relief for you once you find someone on the same page as you and who wants to help you with your pain. Good luck.



Hi Hopeless. I want to tell you about Lyrica's financial assistance program. It's there to help people with financial constraints get Lyrica. Here's the link to the info:

I hope this helps you. You should NOT have to go without your meds. I can't begin to imagine the pain that you're in.


For those on Cymbalta:

Cymbalta also offers financial assistance. The link for Cymbalta financial assistance is:


I too suffer from so many different types of pains and in so many different parts of the body. It truly is intolerable at times. I am sorry that you must suffer in so much pain. Unlike you, my doctors would not put me on pain meds so I can relate to the fear of not having them. Yes, living with Fibro means living with pain and many different types of pain but that does not mean that you should just decide to do nothing to find a little relief. If you are considering the option of lowering some of the pills like the doctor is recommending, then maybe you can start making a chart or a diary of each pain and how each pill effected or failed to effect it. If you do this for a while, you may be able to see which pill to lower first or cut out all together and which pill you feel is helping more than the other.

I also like the new bengay zero degree treatment that you store in the freezer. Feel better.