This is from my blog. It was suggested that I also post it for discussion:
I do get tired of starting each day taking so many meds - and then having to medicate one of my dogs as well. But then I think of women a century ago being called hysterical or having a mystery "neuralgia". There wasn't much they could do back then. We struggle with fine-tuning our meds, dealing with pain, and pacing every activity. Yet, I can't imagine what women went through back then. Many were housebound. Many could not participate in family life, since invalids were often isolated in their bedroom.
Today I took my meds, took care of the dog, and went out to buy a special Valentine for my dear husband of 35 years. I came back to both dogs wagging their tails, two cats waiting their turn for attention, and a dishwasher had been run late last night by one of my adult children who live at home. I have two young adults living at home trying to make their start in the world, and they are a pleasure to live with. Does it get any better than this? Yes!
OK, I have rampant allergies today, tinnitus, and pain down my spine. But I am alive to see the beautiful sunny day. I played a wonderful CD that is both relaxing yet complex enough to invite active listening. The gift of this music is a blessing and a great way to start the day!
I have another poem bubbling up through my brain. I am working on an anthology of poetry for my third book, and I am up to 33 poems. My first book was on poetry, and my second book was on living with chronic illness. I am an indie publisher, which means I self-publish. I looked at my book listings as Susan H. McIntyre and found another 5-star rating. That is so rewarding!
I could have a husband that beats me. I could have children on drugs who sass and steal. I could have lost my home when finances were really tight (I can't work or qualify for disability). But there is a roof over my head, at least partial relief for my 18 chronic conditions, family who love me and who I love back. That last one is particularly on my mind this Valentine's Day. Is there someone in our lives who loves us and who we love back? A friend? A romantic love? Love of a pet? May you all find love somewhere in your lives - treasure it, for that is what makes a good life!
What makes your life good? What gives you joy?