Hello everyone. I am Mackenzie, 24, and have Fibromyalgia. I am not pregnant, but am at a point in my life where wanting to start having children is approaching. With my pain from Fibro, I am worried about being able (pain-wise) to carry a child to full term. Also, caring for a child terrifies me with the pain that Fibro brings. It also worries me because I want to not be on any meds while pregnant. Any advise or information? I know it is possible to be a mother with Firbromyalgia, but is it a smart choice? Is it "possible"? Thanks everyone.
I don't really have any answers, this all hit me after I was a grandmother, but there are so many young mothers, and a few Dads, who will surely respond to you. The best idea I can give you is to make sure you have a long heart to heart with your OB/GYN, hopefully you have a trusted one. They will be the perfect one to turn to, start a list of questions, and add to it whenever you have a concern, that way if your mind goes blank when you get there, you have the list to fall back on.
Welcome to the group! I'm so glad that you posted!
After several years of struggling with fibromyalgia I gave up on the idea of having children. But I was in a relationship and I just have to add some birth control is not effective as the pill. Anyways, my son was a surprise and an even better surprise was that my fibromyalgia went into remission so the pregnancy went quite well. I asked a fibro specialist about this and he told me it is not uncommon for the FM to go into remission during a pregnancy. My difficulty with having a child occured after the pregnancy. I developed post partum psychosis. The doctors explained that some people are more susceptible to developing bipolar than others and what had been defined as post partum psychosis was actually bi polar. I read a lot about this and discovered fibromaylgia patients have a higher percentage of bipolar than the average person. So even though the pregnancy goes well I would keep an eye out for mood changes. I just think the pregnancy/ or lifestyle change( added stress) it makes us more vulnerable. On the positive side, I believe if I had more emotional support from my husband and family it would have been easier. My son is the brightest joy in my life even with the energy demands.
This month has not been so bad. I have gotten a little control over my sleep patterns. My son joined a baseball team and it has been fun practising with him. Fun watching him. The warm dry weather has been very nice. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding parenting.