My husband and I are considering starting a family in 1-2 years. I want a baby, but I have no idea of what to expect with pregnancy and Fibromyalgia. I barely have the energy now to get through the day, let alone be pregnant and try to make it through a day. People who don't have Fibromyalgia struggle with pregnancy and they don't have the complex, multi-systemic issues going on that we do. A few of the medications I am on cause weight gain and I know a person gains weight during pregnancy too. Also, the thought of not being able to take some of the meds that help me, scares me.
Can anyone provide feedback that has gone through pregnancy with Fibro and what their experience was? I know every experience is different, but I would like to know if you are willing to share. Also, if I don't have the energy now for myself, when I had a baby, how does one cope with the late night feedings and energy, later on, that a 2 year old has?
My pregnancy was blissful. All of my FM symptoms went away and I had so much energy that I was able to move twice to two different apartments. I had some pain in my calfs so I could not walk long distances ( that was my choice of excercise). I was able to work full time up until the minute I was ready to go into labor.I saw a fibromylgia specialist 16 months later (because that is when issues became turbulent)and he told me it is not unusual for fibromyalgia to go into remission during pregnancy. My only advice is that after you have your baby you should put a support system into place. Find relatives who can give you a break, work out some agreement with your significant other for feedings/changings. The toddler years are not to be feared but embraced (kids do nap, you can too). I did a lot of activities where I could lie down, reading books, stacking blocks,coloring with crayons, playing with stuffed toys. We did puppet plays. And then I brought in a mini trampoline for the days I did not have energy for the park. He loved it. I wish you luck. Take lots of pictures
Hi Sara, I was diagnosed with Fibro 6 years before I had my daughter. At the time of the pregnancy, I didn't take any medications, other than prenatal vitamins. I had a pretty easy pregnancy and didn't see anything out of the ordinary that I would attribute to Fibro. After she was born, I did not have a resurgence of the Fibro symptoms which was nice because as a new mom, you need all the sleep / rest you can get. My daughter is now 10 and I didn't start taking medications again for Fibro until earlier this year. Yes, over the previous 10 years I had symptoms and flares but I had it pretty well managed. A good support system definitely helps. Anyway that was my experience, everyone is different as you said. Hugs!!!!!
Thank you for the feedback : ) That makes me hopeful and less fearful of when we start getting ready to have a baby. I know pregnancy is supposed to be a happy time and having a baby will be joyful; I just hope all goes smoothly and it is not overshadowed by FMS. It sounds like it won't be from your feedback.