
When I was pregnant with spiderbaby my fibro pain was… gone, 100% gone. I, of course had normal pregnancy aches but no fibro pain until around 4-6weeks after I had her. It was amazing, even now (spiderbaby is almost 2) my pain is no where near as bad as it was. Still hurts a lot but I can get up and move around and raise my baby and take care of my house with out much help. So this brings me to this- my doctor thinks if I get pregnant again it could go away for a longer time or for good.
SpiderHubby and I had been talking about having another- I guess I’m asking if anyone knows, heard more about pregnancy and fibro… I can’t find a lot about it so I’m wondering if its just me. My grandmother had a lot of children because when she was pregnant she felt better (she pasted in the 1970’s and 6 children by 1960) so I’m starting to think it was the same for her.

Whatever research you do Angel, will be only anecdotal and will differ from one person to another.

Hey Spidey!

What ever you decide, I wish you well, I'm sure your baby is beautiful!

Wishing the whole Spidey Family well,


Spidergirl, there will not be any research on that topic because it would be purely anecdotal. I really don't know why you are asking this question. You keep saying that your fibro pain all but disappeared during your first pregnancy. Nobody can guarantte that your second pregnancy would be the same as your first one. So, this is a matter that should be discussed and decided by you and your husband. That's it. It is not an appropriate Discussion topic.

I guess I was asking to see if more people had heard anything about it… not if I should have another child, we talked and planned our daughter ( as we are doing now) with not knowing what my pain would do, the risks are the same I suppose… I thought I would bounce the idea off/to others who may know of any studies or anything with more info…My Dad always said if nothing else arm yourself with knowledge. :slight_smile: thank you all for taking the time to read this :slight_smile:

When I was prego was when I felt the best. With both of my pregnancies. Right after I had my second daughter, like right after I felt so good it was wonderful, I had no back pain or anything, until I got my tubal. However they are now 2 and 3 and my fibro has come back in full force. I loved being prego and would have more kids if I didn’t have issues with the pregnancies, my first was 9 weeks early and my second I was on bed rest for 3 months and was high risk the whole time. I wish you luck in whatever choice you make.
Hugs becca

Wow. That's a heck of an interesting concept. I know that I've heard that people with (other) autoimmune illnesses sometimes have temporary reprieves from their illnesses during pregnancy but I don't recall it lasting.

I can't answer your question because my fibro started long after my son was born. But as others have stated, everyone's body is different. Fibro hits us in unique ways. In fact, no two days with fibro are alike for me.

It's weird and fascinating that your grandmom experienced something similar. Don't you wish that your ancestors had left behind some sort of journal telling of details like this? I think it's cool, though, that you know this about your grandmother because believe it or not it's had to find out medical stuff about people in the past. They did NOT talk about medical illnesses like we do today. Evan as recently as the 1970's cancer was a huge no-no to mention. In fact, I'll bet that women with fibro were either stuck in a bedroom, away from prying eyes all of the time, or else sent to a sanatorium to stay. If only we knew!

Good luck on your quest, Spidermom! I do VERY MUCH hope, that for your sake you're done or nearly done with fibro.

NOTE: I edited my original post. Sorry for any confusion.

I'm really terribly sorry to hear this, Angel. There is no right "advice" to give you on this because that would be glib and your situation is real. I truly feel for you on this topic. All I can say is to rethink it and factor in everything. I know I've done this myself recently and because of my age and fibro, finally reluctantly gave up the dream of another one. I'm not advising on this at all, just saying my own decision.

I do understand how precious babies - and our desire for them - are. Bless all of you who are in this situation.

Gentle hugs,


You're welcome. I'm just extremely sorry. I can only imagine how you must feel. It's unfair that fibro gets us and affects our energy and makes us feel miserable. UNFAIR!!!!

Take care,



Yes I think your on the money there, because there seems to be a connection between the endocrine system( hormones including estrogen and progesterone and of course thyroid and others) as well as neurotransmitters,( neurotransmitters carry messages from peripheral nerves to muscles) they work hand in hand, almost indistinguishable, so quite possible that there may be a connection. There is so much unknown about this condition, but I think at this moment in time most researchers see an endocrinological /neurotransmitter connection. Good luck I wish you continued remission. Barb