
I was wondering if any of you have tried this medication or know anything about it. They say it helps with Fibro pain so I thought I would check with this group and see if anyone knows anything about it. Any info would be helpful.

Thank you.


Hi Jackie. A quick look at the website suggested to me that it would most likely act as an expensive placebo. Happy to be proven wrong, as always.

I looked up complaints, their billing practices are scary and very misleading. Refunds are very complicated. Check out the ripoff report website. I don’t think they are a very reputable company and are preying on our desperation. Personally I won’t do business with them.

I just ordered the free two week trail of it just had to pay for shipping will be here by Thursday pretty excited to try it. Going through this stomach issue trying to find a lot of all natural stuff will post how it is melissa

Thanks so much for your reply. I think you are probably correct in your thinking. Just out of curiosity I sent for the free bottle and I do not see anything about Fibro on the bottle. Should have run it by this group before sending for free bottle. Oh well, live and learn! I am not usually taken in by ads like this but as JsMom said in her reply, they are preying on our desperation!

I totally agree with you. As I said I sent for the free bottle and I don't see anything on the bottle about Fibro. I may try to send it back but not sure it is worth the hassle. I should have checked with this group first. Next time I will know! Thanks for your input on this. I appreciate every ones thoughts.


That's what I got was free trial. Let me know what you think. The ad was all about Fibro but then when you get the bottle in the mail, there is nothing about Fibro on the bottle.

Will be looking forward to hearing what you think.



At Amazon, it says it is for the stomach and intestional tract. It is expensive. Too much for not being regulated.