Rosacea...any connection?

Good morning. I went to my GP yesterday for yet another ingrown toenail that needed to be removed. While I was there, I asked her about these red splotches that itch a little on my nose. She immediately said it is rosacea. One more thing to add to the ever growing list. My rheumatologist says in addition to Fibro, I have Inflammatory Arthritis. This, however, is just an umbrella term for any number of autoimmune diseases. My question is, could rosacea be connected to an autoimmune disease in some way? This last visit (like 2wks ago) I told my rheumy i'd been experiencing hives(on my legs) when I'm outside in the heat and humidity and get overheated myself. Once I cool down, the hives go away without a trace. His next question was if I had a rash at all. At the time, I didn't. Now this. I wonder if I should call and tell him about the Rosace. My next apt with him isn't til Nov. Any input? Thanks

I also have Rosacea but I don't know if there is a link between it and Fibro. I have had it since I was a teen, the Rosacea. Hugs.

i didnt even know i had rosacea till i had a check up with the dermatologist. She gave me some cream to use. She also said to use a good sunscreen when going outdoors. I do not know if there is any connection to fibro. I have very fair and dry skin that is often itchy. i try to use moisturizers and in the bath soap as well. She recommended Dove.



Thank you. I'm sure there isn't a connection between Rosacea and Fibro, but I wasn't sure if its connected somehow to autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis. Oh, well. Thanks for your well wishes

I do believe you should call and make them aware of the rosacea. I have it too. but mine is just red all over my face no bumps or itch. I have it in my eyes as well... now that does bother me to no end. I developed all this in the last 5 years. I myself have wondered if their was a connection. With Fibro we never can tell what is related.

Huggs, Belinda