So I am kinda scared to ask this question because I am sort of psychosomatic but here I go…
I just started Savella and in just 3 days I have noticed a reduction in my overall body aches and pains. Further, I am starting to walk normal again instead of like a snail. These are HUGE changes. However, I am sweating profusely and have shortness of breath. I am wondering if anyone else has tried this medication and experienced similar side effects.
Hi Kas You can call the pharmacy where you had it filled or go to the web site and see the side effects. I had profuse sweating with one of my meds for a couple of weeks then it went away. but the shortness of breath worries me. Your doctors office should also be able to give you info. I hope someone comes along soon.
I took savella for awhile and it helped my pain initially but I also had shortness of breath and sweating due to an increased heart rate. I also got very constipated due to the tachycardia and sick to my stomach a lot. This didn't go away with time and so I had to go back down to a dose that did not cause this side effect and stay on it for a month before increasing by 12.5 mg each month until I could be at the full dose without having tachycardia. Monitor your heart rate and if it is high make sure and talk to your doctor about it because it will end up making you feel really sick after awhile. Savella eventually stopped working for me also so I quick taking it. I hope you have much better luck with it than I did!
I have been on Savella since June and the main reason my doctor put me on it was for fatigue and pain and yes within just a few days I could tell a difference. The side effects are kinda rough but the good outweighs the bad for sure.
I use Savella…works really good for me, but I too get the sweats for me it is worth putting up with that side effect. I can’t say about the shortness of breath as I am asmatic as well.
I have been on Savella for over a year- love it- use it with Lyrica- I am taking 50 mg lyrica in the am with 50 mg Savella- then one 50 mg Savella in the evening- I really don't feel I have fibro anymore.
Please look up the drug combo on the web- it has excellent results-
Yes, to your concerns- I do get a little hot- not sure what to say about the shortness of breath- just take the smallest amount that is effective. I feel great- fabulous - energetic- I was near suicide, bed ridden and depressed. I am 60 and have had fibro for about 3-4 years before diagnosis- the Savella alone was good but the lyrica made all the difference in the world
I took Savella for a short time. It was the only medication that almost totally got rid of all my symptoms from Fibromyalgia. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven, the relief was that good. And for about 6 months, I had a “normal” life. However, after that amount of time, I could not keep the medication “down”. No matter what size of dosage about 30 minutes after taking it, it would come right back up. At the time, I was in the process of going through menopause. So I had sweating, shortness of breath, turning red from the décolletage up, etc. already. I do not know if Savella contributed to this or not.
I wish you luck in being able to take this drug. Nothing I’ve taken before, or since, has had the positive impact on my symptoms that Savella had.
I’ve been taking savella since dx about 3 yrs now I too had relief right away & have had no side effects I had a rapid heart rate before starting the med but didn’t have any increases after taking it . It allows me to continue to work .
Like you I noticed less pain and fatigue a little better after 3 or 4 days. But when I got to full dose sweating, blood pressure and heart pounding started. Dr told me to wean back down While doing so I found an article a lady wrote saying same happened to her and her pharmacist hubby suggested lower dose. I asked my Dr and we tried it. I take 25mg morn and 25mg eve. I still have some flushing and I am on BP med I tried to wean off and pain was rediculous. So I stay at the 25mg twice a day and it still really helps. So, there is an option if you have problems.
Thank you for asking this question. I think savella is something I would like to start taking right now. I have not heard of it before. I'm going to ask my doctor about it. It sounds better than other medications and it may be life threatening if I mix it with some other drugs but sounds like I could be willing to put up with the side effects.
are you getting savella from Canada? if so how or what web site do you use to get it? and do you need to do anything special to be able to purchase drugs out of the country? I'm planning on asking my doctor about taking this drug.