Hi Kas ,
I have tried sevella and I can’t take it. : (
it made me super angry which is not
In my character at all.
They tried cymbalta also but it had the same response.
My sister was on lyrics and truly almost died
From it so I WILL NOT try that one.
I don’t remember sweating a lot or having trouble breathing.
Please call your Dr. And let them know ASAP ! It might
Be a indication that you can’t be on this med and could be
Dangerous !
Sorry I meant lyrica… Not lyrics… : /
i don't like the sound of these side effects (for me!) since i take a variety of other meds...am afraid to add one more to the mix. cannot even tell if my two tablets of ultram do any good at all. i decreased neurontin because of weight gain, but my pain level lately is high. i spend a lot of time in bed...or rather on my bed.'
be careful everyone as i worry about drug interactions. the docs don't know too much about this...i'd check with my pharmacist. Some doctors study drug interactions, but for most, the drug rep comes in and gives them his/her sales pitch, and so it goes. they are just too busy seeing patients to know that much about meds...i was married to two of them...) :
anyway, good luck with the savella PB and others who are trying it. i will pray about it...hugs, annie
Savella was the very first one they put me on, I felt it worked well in terms of pain reduction, and mobility in terms of side effects, I had major fatigue with fibromyalgia so with savella I began losing days just waking long enough to use the facilitites force myself to eat and to take my meds which was about 4-6 hours a day, I didnt have sweating but I had sudden attacks of just freezing cold, my house temperature was at 80 and I would wear sweats and a sweatshirt and blanket i was always cold. It also heightened my sensitivities to light, touch, sound ect. lastly I gained enough weight where i took issue with it. Still working on getting that off.
I was on Savella for about 2 years and experienced sweating more. It did help a little with the pain. Good luck!
I’ve been on Savella for the last 2 years and I have no side effects. It helps control my pain along with tramadol and zanaflex. I have been off narcotics for 2 years, and feel better since I did. Good luck to you!!!
I’ve been on Savella for about 4 years now and after the first 6 months we had to add wellbutrin to it because it gave me mood swings I do get night sweats but that’s the worst of my side effects and I’ve been really happy with the results thus far.
Okay, thanks
Yes, you have a right to be scared, this drug is poison, I ended up in the ER, it gives a false sense of well being, but can increase your seratonin levels and cause Seratonin Syndrome which may be fatal. Use extreme caution with this drug, especially if you are on any other drugs that are neuro transmitters ie: anti-depressants, cymbalta, gabapentin, tramadol. I had a horrific experience with this drug and am checking to see if there is a class action suit against its manufacturer. I do not encorage you to stop taking the drug, however, maybe cut back on dosage, get to your DR ASAP! Good Luck.
Im with you on this one. Savella turned me into a monster!
Glori, anyone can have a severe drug reaction to any drug at anytime. This drug sounds like it was not a good fit for you, but that does NOT make it poison. I had a antiflatic side effect to Motrin and it is not poison either. This forum is for helping not scarring others with fibro.
Sorry if I offended anyone, my intent was not to frighten anyone, perhaps I should have re-worded my comment, that Savella was poison to me. My Bad.
Sorry if I offended anyone, my intent was not to frighten anyone, perhaps I should have re-worded my comment, that Savella was poison to me. My Bad.
There is so much for us to learn about these drugs. And no one knows for sure how they are going to work on you until you take them. That is why we need to find out just what we are putting into our bodies. I've looked up many of the drugs I've heard about through this site. But I only looked up what the advertisers are putting out to market the drugs. I didn't realize how many different drugs are out there for fm/cfs and others illnesses. I'm praying that what ever I start works the first time and helps me feel better.
I myself was on savella, I thought I was doing fine I got to 25mg, and that all I c an take when I did I became delirious, dry mouth, my heart feel like it was pounding, in little words I lost my job n my mind. Emotional wreck my memory was gone couldn’t drive, in ot has other word I got my ssid in 3 month. Now I stop it been 6 month and I feel better emotionally. But it got the point that nothing I couldn’t ignore, thoughts in my head were distraught, realty was scary…just pay attention to yr health issue you are yr own advocate with fibro, we have issues with serotonin and this drug over loaded me…out of control.
Yes me too, stomach ache and vomiting sweating with savella. I’m on welbrutan, now for six month and I’m loading to much weight and nausea ugh
thank you for that input, but i am sooo sorry you had to go through that. i wasn't feeling good about trying it. you have convinced me to stay away from savella.
i do know some people who do well with wellbutrin. it all depends on the person and other drugs we are taking.
hugs, annie
i have found a low dose of Celexa very helpful with NO side effects!! annie
Kas I haven't read all the responses but felt I needed to tell you what I read about Savella this morning. I looked it up on Medlineplus.com and both of your side effects are listed under side effects to call doctor about.
I use this site to look up all medications:
I hope this helps,
Dottie S.
I've been on Savella since February. When I started the titration pack everything was fine until I got to the 50mg twice a day dose. My body could NOT handle the full 100mg/day dosage! I had the heartbeat of a hummingbird that just tried to run it's first marathon, I sweated profusely in my bed even with the A/C on, just LOOKING at food made my stomach turn. I told my Rheumatologist and she dropped me down to 50mg/day (1 25mg twice a day) and that seemed to be the magic dose for me for a time. It tremendously helped with my fibromyalgia pain. I still have some pain due to my other neurological disorders, but now that the fibro pain has decreased they've become a lot more manageable. I still have other side effects with Savella like:
- weight loss (lost 5lbs unintentionally)
- high resting heart rate - in the low 100s
- higher cholesterol level. Still ok range, but high for me
- higher blood pressure. Again, still in the normal range, but high for me
- another kooky side effect? At least for me (and listed in on drugs.com's breakdown of savella) bleeding gums! When I went to my dentist two weeks ago my gums were outrageously inflammed! I also noticed that when I cut myself (rushing in the morning and being a klutz) I bleed WAY more than normal.
I told my rheumatologist and we mapped out a cycle off plan for me. Since warm months seem to be my ideal season I'm going to cycle off for spring/summer then cycle back on for fall/winter and see how that works for me.
Bottom line is, please take notes on all your changes and keep in continuous contact with your dr (or doctors, like in my case) about your side effects!