Something weird

I was asleep in my bed and I sat straight up and when I tried to open my eyes the room was spinning and I couldn't keep my eyes open and it felt like my brain was shaking? I feel really off today. Having muscle spasms in my feet and nauseated with slight headache. Any ideas?

I would go back to bed and try to sleep it away

Thanks I think I will. Just upset me. Hate feeling weird all the time and then add more weird on top of that...

Have you ever had seizures? You need to call your dr.

Call the doctor let us no what happens

Thanks everyone. It hasn't happened again. I still have a headache. If not better on Monday going to see my Dr. Thanks for all the support.

hi Jac. the room spinning and nausea sounds like vertigo to me but do please check this out with your doctor. take care and i send you lots of love


Yes, GO TO THE DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!! Please? Just to rule out anything dangerous or life-threatening.

That being said, once I accidentally took an extra dose of one of my night-time sleep type meds and fell asleep almost immediately. Before i did, though, I had these horrible zaps going through my brain. I could even hear them! It was very scary because I realized at that point that I'd made the dosage mistake and was afraid that I wouldn't wake up, but the sleepiness was overwhelming, so I conked out.

I'm sure that i had the zapping noise before though, so I'm not sure why. Does this sound like what you experienced?

Thanks everyone. I may have taken extra meds. Nurses do that sometimes. I was taking compazine for nausea for the 2 days prior to this episode. I have a follow up with my Dr. Scheduled. Thanks for all your understanding

Good, glad to hear that you're going! I think that you and i need to use those pill dispenser thingies because it could be possible to overdose. And if you overdose then fall asleep...very bad.

Let us know how you make out, Jackie. I'm really curious.

OMG, I know, right, Lovett? I always wait too, as long as I realize I'm messed up on when I took the pills. That time that I overdosed and then fell asleep told me all I needed to know about taking too many pills accidentally! When i read about Hollywood people taking all kinds of pills and then booze too, I freak. Who would be so stupid as to purposely take all of that?