Studying... But what next?

I am currently at college and studying performing arts because it is what I love to do, however it causes me so much pain and fatigue I know I wont be able to pursue a career in it and fibro has robbed me of this, however I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has taken apprenticeships with fibro or works part-time or full time and have any tips?
This is my first post and I dont know if i’m doing it right, I am new here and just looking for a way to connect with others who will understand me :slight_smile:
Joy :unicorn:

Don’t let fibro rob you of what you love (easy to say, hard to do, I know). Based on posts I have read here and my own experience, I know you can work with fibro, but it’s a matter of what and how. I have worked with fibro and continue to do so (my first symptoms developed at 16, so for working, it’s all I’ve known). I am lucky enough to hold down a full time job, teaching Kindergarten. I have a wonderful team behind me, helping to manage the condition (psychologist, physiotherapist, wholistic therapist, doctor). That isn’t to say it’s easy. I can work, but in term time I do very little other than my work. You have to learn to listen to your body, work out which signals you can ignore and push through, and which ones you have to listen to because attempting to push through them makes things worse. Learn how to say no, to prioritise rest and don’t feel bad about it (if you work out how to do this please let me know, as I haven’t yet). Hopefully when you do decide what job you want, you will find a work place that is supportive. Be honest and upfront about what you have to deal with and find those people in your workplace who understand and will help when you need it.
Good luck and keep dreaming- that is something you cannot afford to lose, regardless of the extra challenges that come with fibro. It really is easier to push through for something you love!

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Thank you so much, that is really helpful, I guess IM just very overwhelmed with all the pressure I have from college to know what I am doing next if that makes sense but knowing that some people do work full time is cool to know and keeps me hopeful, thank you !!

Joy :unicorn: