Over the past few months, my tailbone has been hurting SO BAD lately.
I can’t sit for very long because it hurts too bad, when I get up…ohhh OUCH!
Even laying down for 8 hours doesn’t rest it enough. I haven’t fallen on my bum lately so I don’t think I’ve damaged it.
It just hurts! Hurts so bad that right now, it’s my biggest complaint.
Anyone else have this?
Oh Tina,
My heart aches for you, this is one of the worst pains I have ever known. A Myelogram, that I had years ago, revealed spinal stenosis of the tailbone. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinal_canal_stenosis My Rheumatologist wants another look and luckily I will avoid being harpooned with a dye gun again and gladly settle for lying flat and still for a MRI. The cause of mine is Psoriatic Arthritis. It is my primary autoimmune disease.
I certainly hope that this is NOT the cause of your pain, mine is a terrible pressure pain, as the spinal cord is closing, crushing the nerve network. I do recommend that you ask for an MRI to see what is happening. It is the only way to know for sure.
Sending love and understanding,
I have the same going on as I write. There is no position to get in that helps and yes, it is horrible! I put on a Salonpas patch on my back right above the tailbone. I have also found putting an ice pack there helps. I guess it is so cold it numbs it. I have heard getting a donut, the one ppl use after hemmorhoid surgery, is helpful when sitting down. I haven't personally found one yet, but I am about to go on amazon.com to see if I can find one.
I hope everyone with fibro can find some relief!
HUGS! :)
Yes, indeed! This was my first area of pain with fibro, along with the SI joint. Agonizing pain! And like you, I can't sit or stand comfortably and even lying down is painful.
Try Salon Pas patches. They stick right on to the offending area and do help with pain. I also just got something called BioFreeze (off the internet, as many others here had suggested it.) It does help to numb the pain, which is fine. I'm not sure how long the tube will last, as it seems to go fast and is $8 or so per tube. But it's a nice second alternative.
Also, I had radio frequency abulation, which in English translates to burning some nerves in your back, and it did help somewhat for a while. For about 8 months? Pain started returning at times by month 4. I will warn you that it was horribly painful for about 3 weeks after the torture...oops, I mean treatment.
Have you had tests done to rule out psoriatic arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis? Do you have a blown disk? Fibro loves blown disks and makes their pain much, much worse.
That's all I've got. I wish I had a fantastic suggestion for you to relieve you long-term of this pain but nope. However some of the things listed here will help you some, so you get some temporary relief.
Good luck!
Oh geez, SK, being harpooned with a dye gun, now that's quite a brilliantly bright picture you've painted. I'm glad you don't have to go through it again too! Mon dieu.
Funny, my back pain feels just like yours did. MRI of a few years ago only showed a ruptured disk. How slowly does this illness move? Wow, I really feel for you. But I'm GLAD!!! they did rule out Schleroderma!!!
Ice packs are wonderful for that spot! Your body actually feels like it's sucking up the ice and coldness in order to ease the pain. Glad you finally found some Salon Pas. Sometimes if you put another one right next to the horror spot(s) they help a lot more. Also, I just got Biofeeze and it works pretty well to temporarily numb the area. See? We're not drug seekers! We just want to numb the bad areas, not our minds.