Thank you to all of the greetings. It’s nice to know I’m not alone in this.
Hello Coreylea,
I felt the same when I found this site, knowing I am not alone. So thank-you too! Also I absolutely agree with you about finding a Doc who is interested in this condition, and wants to learn more about it. I know so many of us don't have this. I am fortunate I have a very understanding GP.
Take care, Anne
Hi Coreylea,
You are def not alone. Greetings and welcome. If you have any questions, let us know.
Welcome, coreylea. This is the one place I never feel alone or misunderstood. We’re glad you found us!
It is such a great feeling when you realize you aren't alone. Welcome and Hugs!
hi coreylea
welcome and hello ;) it is nice to have a website to go to with like minded people on it.