This is the best support group

i have joined groups on fb for my ic and vulva. but never do i check or chat with ppl like i do here. everyone on here is so great patunia girl sk and lori have been so helpful as i am still trying to get reality that this is not my imagination. Thank you so much for the support and it really makes me sad to see how many golde hearted people have to suffer while so many take there health for granted and feeling of others. Thank you again big gentle hugs and prayes for better days for all of you guys on here suffering.

Thank you Victoria for your lovely thoughts. This is a great place to be. barb

Victoria- This too has been my go to place daily since I joined in July. Everyone has stories to tell and past medical history that helps me better understand so many things. We all know what we go through day after day, but not everything works for all of us. Getting ideas and being infirm gives us the advantage when going to see doctors. My therapist said yesterday that she would have given up a long time ago in finding a doctor - I attribute it to the strength I get and the knowledge from members on this site. Such great advice to become my own advocate! I thank everyone - my friends, my mentors, my patient advocates and therapists - and especially my friends : ) hugs~ Sandi


Just by your post.. it makes me want to cry with enjoyment... u know when, you get your first car, boyfriend, lol... it warms my heart to come here everyday and see how everyone is doing.. i post - suggestions, triumphs and tragedies.. whatever the case may be.. and to know there is someone here for me... makes all the difference in the world...

Thank you for making today better..... hugggs back....

Back at ya, Victoria! This is the kind of thing that requires support and understanding, and unfortunately not everyone is able to give those things. We've always got your back! :)

Incredibly kind words by you. The Volunteer Moderators make all of this happen.

If you like the group, spread the word about Ben's Friends (

Hi, a couple of days ago i posted a message asking if anyone has ever lived in the Tuscon, Arizona area. The weather here in the midwest is so detremental to how I feel. Thought Id throw this out there for some feedback. Would appreciate any. Sue

Hi Sue, we have so very many members from Arizona, I just cannot recall who they are or exactly where they are from, because there are now so many of us! Plus the 'fog', you know!

I am surprised to hear this about the weather! I'm arthritic, and have understood that Arizona was an actual 'haven' for people with my ills!

Hope you can get some good feed back.

I think this is a fantastic group! It has done so much for me!


Please tell my husband we have to move to Arizona.. lol

Victoria, I feel the same way. This place is an amazing refuge from everything that goes on around us. I am so happy to have found this spot. So happy you found it too..

L Kitty

My husband and I will go with you! lol

Hi Victoria,

We're more than happy to help you, as we all know too well the awful reality that hits us when first confronted with the fibro diagnosis. Before that, we knew SOMETHING was wrong, yet feared it really was all in our heads, as we've been told, although the pain was super real! Those first dark days when we have no no support, no one who believes us. Oh man, we do understand and we're here to help. We want you to know that you're not alone in this, and your feelings about it are perfectly normal. It's hard to imagine that such an ugly illness could exist. The good news is that it supposedly does no damage to our bodies and isn't deadly. Those are two huge things that are a relief to us.

Please feel free to ask away with your questions and read some of the back threads, if you like. There's a lot of good discussions in these pages.

I hope you continue right along on the road to acceptance of your illness. You're really humming along.

And thanks so much for the nice call out! I'm so glad to be able to help you feel even a bit better. Success!



Not to butt in but I think that Sue Duncan was saying that she's in the Midwest, not Arizona, and the weather there is awful. She's also wondering if Arizona would be a good place for a fibro sufferer to go. Good topic for a thread.

It’s rather funny sometimes when I read something off here to my manfriend, and he’ll say is that from your group?

I love it. Thanks for reminding me.

Victoria I agree with you about healthy people taking their health for granted. I was diagnosed over 20 years ago with fibromyalgia and it just stinks. I will continue to believe we all will have better days more than bad and that there will be a cure for fibromyalgia. This website is a godsend for me. I finally have people who really understand me.


We may all suffer from fibromyalgia, but the wonderful thing I have found here is that we not only make friends and share information, but that we also share hope. Despite the suffering, we also find joy. I also find this to be a remarkable group of people, and I am glad you are a part of our group!


Susan (Scribelle)