Tumbled on ice

All I did was have a tumble on the ice and my fibro has kicked up a notch.

I didn't even break anything, but the area I fell on feels like h-e-double hockey sticks!

And the rest of my body feels like it also took the tumble. Argh, Fibro! Has this happened to any of you?

Sorry lovelies I just felt like complaining.


Oh my gosh I hope your feeling better now. I tumbled over some toys last weekend and really jarred myself… And yep instant flare… Pain every where. The next two days after were really bad too. I totally know what your feeling. Try a heating pad, rotate it all over your body, not more than 30 mins at a time is recommended. Hope this helps, and be careful please!!

Thanks, ladies. I had no idea a fall could trigger a full-on flare. I am ok just sore and little shocked. And most importantly I am very thankful for no breaks!

Hi Laurie and welcome back! It's so good to see you again!

Yup, falls do make us feel even worse. And sometimes it's the fibro that made us fall in the first place! Ice scares the heck out of me, to be honest, so I've spent an entire winter away from the Northeast. For those in it, I would strongly recommend getting cleats for ice. You'll be less likely to take a tumble while using them!

It sounds like you'll need a lot of rest, for one thing. if you can get Salon-Pas at your local drugstore, i'd suggest getting them and put them on the sore areas. Or maybe a bath with epsom salts? Hot tea might be soothing too. Lavendar is also used as a scent to calm people so that might also help you.

I'm really glad you didn't break anything! Hopefully you'll get to feeling better in a day or two.

Hi Petunia my fellow New Englander. Thank you. I have missed you all.
I am gonna invest in cleats next Boston winter for sure.
I’ll try the patches for the soreness.