I am willing to try any thing to b able to sleep whether its at night or during the day. As soon as I am done with this flu I will try it I don’t want to end up upsetting my stomach worse than it is.
Thanks for letting me know I have friends who I can vent to when it seems no one around me will listen. I can’t wait to have a kitten again my last one died b 4 he was a year old.he ate shoe inserts and they ended up killing him.
I was put on the z pack for the pleurisy but just after the second dose I had a severe allergic reaction and my throat started to close. So right now I have no idea what’s going on all I know I I am ready to b done with all this chest pain. Pleurisy is usually viral but it’s only supposed to last about 2weeks not 5. I am now in my fifth week. I will check into it more when I am feeling better from this flu. Thanks for the information.
She is very special and a wonderful friend.
I am trying Jo sorry we were cut short my mom was glaring at me as we were talking. While I hate the flu with a passion it did have great timing things with my mom and I r better for now.
It still means alot that you took the time to read my discussion and let me know u care.we can’t all have the answers. That why we r on this site anyway to get and give help.
Thanks Dee. I am going to try to just do little things at a time and then my parents won’t b do upset. I am going to try not to let them stress me out. I am looking forward to living on my own even if it does get lonely.
thank u SK I am doing what I can to get the medical help I need. Its just alot harder than I thought.
Thanks u. I will let u know if I need something. I did live with my sister for awhile but it didn’t really work too well she has 3 kids and the house always needed to cleaned I would never stay clean for longer than a day. I did like living there but the kids ended up making things stressful cause it was alot of fighting and me trying to b there Aunt who loves them but also the Aunt they had to obey too.
thank you for my angel he made me smile when I thought I couldn’t. Thanks for being a great friend.
Hi EL,
I am sorry that it has been a while since I have posted to you. I have been out of town AND having terrible symptoms. I feel for you so much and wish there was something I could do to help. It is such a helpless feeling to see others suffer so. I think getting a place of your own when you can will help you immensely. Not only will you be able to sleep when you need to and be free of people criticizing and judging you, you would be able to have the comfort of a sweet little purr box.bhang in there, sweetie. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. My prayers are with you. Hugs, MB
Its ok sweetie. You just need to deal with things the way that works for you, not how things work for others. We are all different (especially me lol) and need to find our own balance. I'm glad things are better for now. There's always blessings in crappy disguises. It's true.
Love ya sister!
You will never be lonely because your sisters and brothers will always be here for you xx
I have been thinking and wonder if writing a letter to your mother as a fellow fibro sufferer would help at all. I would tell her exactly what we go through and how it's changed my life. I would also tell her that you are handling this illness remarkably well and that it is an illness that truly makes some of us consider ending things. I would sign it, and include my phone number so she could contact me if she wanted to. I'm hoping that maybe if she sees that others do suffer from it and you're not making it up, then she'll treat you better and understand it more.
I would also point out to her that she trusts your judgment about the asthma, so she knows that you are on the level with the asthma, and as such should also trust your judgment about the fibro.
I would also include some info about how fibro affects people on a genetic level and how one study showed that some people in chronic pain have a glitch in their DNA that allows too much sodium to escape, which adversely affects the pain centers in the nerves. I would also tell her that my rheumatologist stated that it's real and that the sleep study that I went to said they know it's real because they can actually SEE the pain frequencies on the sleep study, and the pain frequencies differ from the other frequencies on the sleep study.
Let me know if you are in agreement with this approach.
thanks i have noticed that u were not on but with everything going i kept forgetting to send u a message to make sure u were ok. i hope u r feeling better now. thank you for your prayers
thank you that might work. she only knows one person with fibro and she always comapars me to her. she doesnt realize that with out insurance i cant see the drs i need to and i dont have any meds right now that help. i am on cymbalta but thats it.
i would love it if u could write a letter i will give u my address. thank you
well i did finally get some sleep but i could use more. so far i am keeping everything down. all i have had is 7-up and toast. the fever doesnt want to go anywhere and my stomach is still upset.
Get well soon, Eeyorelover!!!
Hope you better soon Eeyoreluver!
PS: So sorry about leaving you hanging in the air on our chat tonight. My sister just had dental surgery and needed a ride home. I ran to get her and forgot I was online with you (duh!) So my apologies to you for that. I think you left too, due to being dizzy. Yeah, that's so much fun, isn't it? I hope it's just due to the flu, not the fibro.