Water Therapy has anyone tried this?

I was thinking of trying water therapy for my pain. Has anyone tried this? I remember some time back that this might have helped but I am not sure.

I go to my local swimming pool centre 3 x a week, they have a heated hydro pool which I find helps a lot with the muscle aches and pains, and because your weightless in water there’s no straining or pressure.

I want to, but there is only one group in my area that is a preferred provider for my insurance company, and it’s difficult to get in and make it work with my schedule. However, at my gym there is a heated therapy pool. I looked up some exercises on YouTube, shared them with my rheumatologist, got the okay from him, and started doing them. It’s soooo nice to move in the warm water. I just started, so I’m not feeling a whole lot of lasting relief yet, but it does feel good while I am doing it. I also use the sauna there, and it feels great too. I say, go for it! Keep me filled in on how it works for you?

I had wonderful results with water therapy and plan on starting it again soon.

I Love the water. It's the best non-impact form of exercise in my opinion. I haven't done water therapy but my sister has a pool and my daughter lives in it in the summertime. She also has a hot tub but the chemicals seem to be so much stronger in the tub than they are in the pool. My daughter started synchronized swimming this past fall and I always stay and watch her. But I always leave with a severe headache which makes me think i must have developed a sensitivity to chlorine. It's a shame.I still go because for me to watch her,it's worth the headache. My sister is thinking of switching to a salt water system for her pool...that would be the bomb! Looking forward to spending time in the pool this summer.

Welcome, Wanda! My advice is a reserved go for it!

I've been doing water exercise for over 4 years since I was diagnosed with Fibro, and a good 10 years before that.

The major changes - 1) I dropped out of the regular Water Aerobics class (it left me in pain for days after) and switched to an officially sanctioned Arthritis Association Aqua class. Look it up on their site. Teachers who know how to deal with arthritis know how to deal with Fibromyalgia and other chronic pain issues, and they go through a very rigorous training program. If you ever get a teacher who wants you to 'feel the burn' or who chides you for not going as fast or pushing your limits, LEAVE and never go back.

2) I found a YMCA that teaches the arthritis water class every morning, and therefore keeps its swimming pool warmer than most (even though the lap swimmers complain). I tried the class in a cold pool once and had a week-long flare. My Y also has non-water classes for arthritis forms of Tai Chi, Yoga, and Chi Gong.

3) My Rheumatologist insisted that I never do the class 2 days in a row, because my muscles need more time to recover. Boy, is she ever righT!!

If you're like me and barely moved let alone exercised for some time, start with one day a week, and plan nothing the next day - you'll need the rest. It took me over 6 months to get to 2 days a week. I try now to do 3, but life happens.

Good luck to you.

yes Wanda, I use to do water therapy @ the YMCA with a group, but my allergies to the chlorine in the water brought that to a halt. I really enjoyed the interaction with the group, we had fun. For now I just jump in my jacuzzi & do epsom salt soaks. Water's good!


me too TinaWi, water feels good, but I dare not get in tub w/o someone here. I fall too much! Hope ur doing ok. I better go eat,,,just trying to catch up on answering everyone. Take gentle care
