What pain medication do you take?

Ahh I had neurontin before. Gave me the real bad munchies though with the amitryptiline too. It was a while ago and I can't remember why I stopped taking it (other than putting on 20 pounds).I've never heard of most of the medications on here so I will do my research to see that they're available in this country. I'm so lucky I don't have to pay for my pills and doctors appointment. I really don't know how you all manage it.

Jo, as bad as this sounds, my rheumy said first thing when I met him was that no pains really cut it for fibro. They may take some of the edge off but they just don't seem to kill it.

I'm on Lyrica. It helps some but not nearly as much as I'd like. Haven't found anything else, other than Ibuprofin, that helps me.

Then I guess we all were nasty pharmacists, Michelle, or else girls in stores who spouted off to someone like Mike.

Yeah, I totally get you on the compassion angle. I love that part of this board. We have so much compassion for each other because there is no room for sniping here - life's too short and we're in too much pain.

And Jo, right you are about humor. I get such a kick reading your replies, Every time I smile, I feel better. Felt like shizz before I found a good anti-depressant and the world seemed a nastier place, including the pain.

Hi Jo, I take savella 100mg for my fibro but however it is not working and I have been in a flair for months now. I take Vicodin 500 for the pain when it gets really bad but it is a narcotic and addictive. I try really hard not to take it and my doc has even told me before that I should use it more often than I do. I also use a heating pad and my rice bag. I also like to take hot baths but they only help till I get out of the tub. Hope you can get some relief soon.

Pet, the best non narcotic med I have found, and believe me I have tried MANY, for the SI and tail bone pain is Oxiprozin, generic for Daypro. I take a 600 mg 3x day. Always eat at least a cracker with it, keeps you from getting a stomach ulcer.

Lyrica will ONLY help nerve pain.


Thanks Petunia,

I know what you mean. It's a pain in the backside (literally) but taking the edge off would be really good for me because I am getting no relief at all. I don't take the tramadol anymore because they don't help and make me feel really sick.

And the severe insomnia makes it worse too doesn't it which makes your pain worse again, so its just a downward spiral. My doc gave me a few sleeping pills to take so it should break up the cycle for a few days (then start all over again).

I've heard of lyrica, and will mention it to the doctor. Thanks again!

When I have to I use the Tramadol. I noticed that if you take it steady, it stops working. I go long periods without it, so when I take it, it still works. I hate it anyway, kills my stomach and puts me in an even deeper fog zone. They all do that to me. No getting away from it, your body just builds up a tolerance to them and then you're back at sqaure one. No easy fix for the pain problem. I wanted to try biofeedback but insurance didn't cover that so, forget it, don't have that kind of money.

So like others, I use heat, ice, epsom salt baths with vinegar, hot showers, relaxation, prayer, mild exercise or stretching, you name it, whatever seems to help a little. Ya get desperate sometimes. I'm wondering about trying the tart cherry juice. A nurse in the hospital said it cured his gout. Anybody try that??

Sorry, I can't be more helpful. I hope you stumble on something that works for you to take the edge off at least.


Hi Jo, I take Lyrica75mg twice a day with the option to take a third dose on my bad days, because I take acouple of really potent antidepressents this gives wonderful relief. My pain med dr. also gives me flexiril 10 mg. at bedtime again with the option to take a second pill during the day on really bad days. I am also on a cpap machine which not only stops my sleep apnea but gives me a deeper more restful sleep. Other than that I can only take tylenol for pain as I am allergic to all pain meds and most antibiotics.

I have also found that a hot epsom salts bath with a scent added eases the pain and I use ice packs. I have had fibrl/chronic fatigue syndrome x30 years but have only found dr.s to treat it in the last 3 years. I hope you are able to find a dr. who not only acknowledges that fibro exists but is wise in the ways to ease the symptoms. Oh she also uses trigger point injections and accupuncture and massages.

Hi Jo–I have been taking Savella for two years now and it has helped me a lot. However, I also started taking Protandim about a year ago, and have been improving all the time. I actually don’t have much pain anymore,except if I come down with a virus or flu–then I get some nasty pain. But other than that, I have way more energy and my pain is almost gone. I can’t give Savella all the credit because I always still had pain on Savella, just less. And I was still so tired all the time. When I started Protandim (not RX, can buy it online) I noticed much more energy. Now I almost never take naps.

I don’t have any other health problems however–just Fibromyalgia. A little arthritis but nothing too bad yet. I am 54. Savella is the only drug for Fibromyalgia that doesn’t cause weight gain, so consider that too.

Shizz. lol. Adding that to my book of vocabulary (mostly containing swear words - some tamed down) Maybe I did have a foul mouth in a previous life like the nasty shizz that upset Mike. Shame we don't know if its true. I'd give myself a whoop-ass if I was like that.

This is a good board isn't it Petunia. I'm so privileged to "meet" the nicest people I've ever known.

I'm surprised this works for you. An anti-inflamatory usually doesn't because, unlike arthritis, Fibro isn't caused by inflamation. I'm happy for you and I hope you continue to do well with it.

I've found that Soma or another muscle relaxer will sometimes help me sleep. It's a little better than taking a perscribed sleeping pill.

Did you say you have health insurance ? If not, Lyrica is mighty expensive because there is no generic. The Big Pharma company that makes it does have a program that will help you pay is you qualify, but you pretty much need to hand over your first born child to them. ( actually, all information about you that they share with who knows who, because they won't tell you )

I also have Psoriatic Arthritis, and Petunia might also have arthritis, so the joint and bone pain of arthritis cannot be helped with just Lyrica.

My Rheum. considers fibro a condition caused by chronic pain, my chronic pain comes from an autoimmune arthritis. Took long enough to get to that dx, believe me.

My fibro dx came by way of an 'Overlap Syndrome' determination, and as a 'trash diagnosis' came the word fibro, but I have all of the classic hot spots and musculoskeletal pain of FMS.

That's the problem Rebecca. Pain is harder to get rid of then it is to keep at bay with the Vicodin. But people have been so conditioned by the social taboo of narcodics that they live in pain before they take it. Having said that, I myself am not happy with having to use narcodic pain meds but I will not let some political point of view dictate the quality of my life. And that's more of what it is - a stand for politicians to take on the "war on drugs!" Doctors will tell you that, medically, taking these meds will not, in the long term, have a MEDICAL determent. However, mentally and socially it will work against you.

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you know I forgot to add gentle yoga and stretches help alot.

Thats fine. Thank you! It all helps doesn't it. I've not heard of tart cherry juice though. That sounds a bit yummy. And good for you too. I will mention it to my dad too because he has gout.

I think I don’t take it often enou because I am always worried I won’t be able to get more (even though I don’t take it that often) I also have a new doc and am worried he won’t prescribe it to me like my old one.

Wow thats a long time. And how long?! 27 years with no help?! Did you spend any of that time in prison for throttling a few GP's?

It's good to hear that some of us a "getting the hang of it" now but it takes a long time to get the right balance of medication and lifestyle.

I will mention those to the doctor too and see what we can come up with. I can't take a lot of pain meds either especially the anti-inflammatories and basic codeine etc, which is a real pain in the derriere.

The doctor just scratches his head with a glazed-over look. (A bit like me with the fibro fog and severe pain lol. Maybe the doctor needs my help for a change?)

Thanks Kathy,

Oh right. I will do a search on Protandim. I know we have to be careful with stuff online but "I'll try anything once" (within reason lol) especially if it will improve my quality of life.

Oh goody! A drug that doesn't put weight on. (More room for cake. Yay!!)

I'm so please with all the info on here. Bless all your cotton socks! lol x

and thank you for your empathy. ( unlike what I got from the flipping Phamacist) LOL