What pain medication do you take?

Because of the political pressures that are now being put on the doctors. I don't know where you live Rebecca, but they've put doctors in jail in the state of Florida, so they have a lot of pressure on them to not even perscribe pain meds.

I just read about Protandim on the net because I had not heard about this. If it can do what their web site says - it sounds promising and maybe something finally useful for Fibro. I wish I wasn't so jaded when it comes to BIG PHARM in this country. But I'm going to keep following the progress on this and keep my fingers crossed that it's what every Fibro sufferer has prayed for !

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I'm going to look for a good quality one since some may be watered down. It's not cheap. It supposed to help with pain, gout and sleep disorders. I'm trying it. If nothing else, it's healthy and will taste good. ya never know what might ring your body's bell, right? :")

OOPS - look what I just found about Protandim. Now you know why I'm jaded on big pharm.


Mine does MBP-P

I live in England and don't need to pay for prescriptions, so it's not a problem. I don't have any children to give away either so thats a plus too. Just getting the doctor to put pen to paper is the problem.

Muscle relaxers are good because it helps keep you asleep whereas sleeping pills can only get you to sleep, if you get a half decent dose. My doc "spoiled me rotten" with one 10mg of valium a week (yes a whole week!) a few years back. Problem is you need two to actually feel the difference so he was "treating me" to a half decent sleep once a fortnight. Whats the point!

What a mess!

We don't really know how we manage it either here in the US! For my husband and myself, I pay $2500 A MONTH for health insurance. Then, office copays, drug copays, test copays..... basically, my husband ONLY works to cover the healthcare bill and the mortgage. Nothing left after that. It's really awful here in the States, so many people don't have any coverage, and don't go to doctors when needed.

Neurontin has helped me quite a bit, not totally, but some relief -- but a quick 20 lbs came with it too !

Thanks Becca!

I've heard of vicodin and they sound like can help a lot. If you need the painkillers, you need them. I could do with getting a heating pad too. Heat is really good for our pain. We have stick on ones here too that last about 4 or 5 hours at a time. They are really helpful if you have to go out in winter too.


Same thing in NY michelle, all of the doctors who were generous in the past have stopped writing narcotics cold turkey. Notes all over their offices "No pain meds, you must go to pain management". Too many of their colleagues have been in the paper for writing too many prescriptions. They are terrified for their licenses too.

The hospitals have posters everywhere, and make you sign a form that states you understand that you are entitled to full and proper pain management while there...

Why can't the gov't afford us the same respect?

Unfortunately during that time besides the unexplainable pain I had migraines, I could only take pain med injections as I was allergic to all of the pills. My reputation was a druggie, even though my pain was real. I finally moved from that small town and small town dr. who was very sympathetic so I always got the shot but after moving here I was on disability and had access to different specialists and they discovered what I had. I hope you have the same luck in you search.

Hi, I have had fibro since 1996 and also have nerve damage in my lower back from 2 surgeries, I take Cymbalta,Opana ER

20 mg and Flexeril 10mg. I have tried various meds over the years and opana is probably one of the best and it is a narcortic but, I couldn't get up and walk if I didn't take it.Find a doctor that cares about you. I have had my doc for over ten years now and I am lucky to have him, he is very compassionate.So just hang in there and take one day at a time.

I must be on a wimp drug because no one else has mentioned it. I take 300mg. of lyrica...400 when I have alot of pain. I have several other problems that are just as bad as fibro. about 17 years ago I was struck by lightning and now I fight more than I want to type because it is making my fingers hurt. I was taking 3200mg. neuronton for several years before a pain specialist took me off of it and put me on lyrica. For me It works fairly well, but I also take a fist full of other drugs. I am surprised no one else has mentioned it. The down sides to it are it is expensive, so if you do not have insurance it might be pricey, my wife has good insurance and we only pay $25.00 a month, and also I gained about 25 pounds after the switch.

Hi Jo,

What a lot of good info. I just saw a new pain doc who suggested Nucynta ER. It is a long acting narcotic. I take lyrica for the burning fibro muscle pain but it is causing me to be forgetful. His plan is to decrease the lyrica and see if this helps with the cognition and use a long acting narcotic for my fibro and rheumatoid instead of popping vocodin here and there.

Lets hope we all find an adequate program

Because the "government" needs to appear that they're doing their job so they can justify the amount on the pay check, the FREE health care they get on our dime, and the retirement they get at FULL pay. And none of them want to step forward and say ENOUGH even when they start picking on the wrong people because then they look like they're soft on the "War on drugs." Which is a war that is costing a lot of money and is not stoping the criminals - it's now only stopping people who need these meds from getting them, and doctors from writing them. And BIG PHARM has many of these politicians in the back pocket. Big pharm would rather see people put on these "new" meds that they can charge big $ for ( Lyrica ) instead of the old stand bys that work, but have been around a long time so they're cheap. I know I sound very political ( because I am ? LOL) but health care has become that way. Why can't we always be "ENTITLED TO FULL AND PROPER PAIN MANAGEMENT" instead of having to be hospitalized to get it ? Good question.

Hi Rancher John. I take Lyrica too. Only on 100-200 mg a day, and was only on 75-150 before that. Just had it upped because the low dose wasn't doing much.

Wow, struck by lightening! Did your fibro start after the lightening strike? Just curious if one started the other. Also, my grandfather was struck by lightening on 2 sep. occasions. Sure is an odd occurrence!

If you can't afford Lyrica, the company will send it for free for several months. I don't know long-term. But it's worth knowing in case you ever need to access it this way.

Yeah, the weight gain is a drag. But it beats the pain.

I also have been put on a slow release narcotic and a quick release when there's break through pain. I also take the quick release before I get out of bed because otherwise I wouldn't be able to get out of bed. I agree the slow release is the way to go so that your not having to take something so often and they are effective. Lyrica was expensive and it made me want to jump out of my skin.

Yes, it is,awful pain in your face, head, eye, jaw, ear area. It originates from a nerve behind your ear. Truly awful and no pain meds touch it. Fortunately, I don’t get it too often.

I'm sorry but I don't know what you mean Petunia ? "Spouted off to someone like Mike" ? Did I do that ?

this is annie ~ in addition to four tramadol i take up to 12 tabs of neurontin (usually 8) and 1/2 of a 5 mg methadone pills daily in divided doses so it doesn't wear off and result in a panic attach...so 1/4 AM and 1/4 PM. that is more for shoulder and back pain than the fibro. Diclofenac helps a lot!! that is an anti-inflammatory...i also add ACETOMINAPHEN to the ultrram...that makes it work!! please try that. i believe that the pain is a lot of nerve pain so the neuontin is the drug that i feel helps my fibro the most along with diclofenac. God bless you, and i hope this helps!! annie