What pain medication do you take?

$2500 a month?! Thats another house payment, and a really posh one too. Corrr blimey! Thats really bad for your country to be like that. So only people with the right amount of money MAY get the right treatment. Did I hear on the news recently that you will be getting "some" free health care in 2013? You guys really need it. That is shocking.

Thats sad how people can judge a genuinely suffering person when there's heroine addicts here that have their bums wiped for them and drain this country's resources.

I'm glad that you are given all the help you need, and fingers crossed I will get the point across to my doctor and specialists too.

Thanks again

Thats a good doctor you have there. I will mention these medications to mine because I think that he has much more to learn about fibro but very open to listen. Maybe he will understand how much help we need when I feedback my research, so that others here can get the benefit too.

Thanks so much for your help and info!

Oh my goodness! I couldn't even begin to imagine being struck by lighting, and appreciate the effort and pain you've been through, just to type this message to help me. That is so kind. How did it affect you? Does it affect your heart now or your nervous system? No more questions Jo or he'll have to type even more. Lol.

I have heard lyrica many times John, and think that it is one medication that is definitely available here. You're a life saver! Bless you!

Hi Jo. I've only tried two medications - Cymbalta and Lyrica together. I don't think they are working but convince myself they are because I really don't want to get on the merry go round of trying a lot of different medications. I have never even heard of all the medications others are taking! It may because I am in Canada? I think you are in the UK, right? So it might be different there, too.

Oh, I take 50mg of Amitriptyline at night and sleep all through the night. My doctor first gave it to me because of the pain in my neck, back and shoulders and it really works. Since taking it, I only have pain in my lower body and hands.

Experimenting with all the known fibro medications that doctors give scares me because I don't like the side effect and the risks of stroke, heart attack, depression, etc. I don't think doctors know what to give us anymore and what works for one may not work for another and I am happy for those who can get some relief from experimenting. I feel like we are guinea pigs for the medical world.

I actually don't think of my two medications and all the others prescribed by doctors as pain medicine. I think doctors give them out just to keep us fibros quiet and satisfied for a while. I take Percocettes which is real pain medication and for me it is not as dangerous, but can become addictive if you are not careful. But it works wonderfully. The low dose I take takes away all pain completely for about 5 hours.

Best wishes. JoJo

Thanks Fibrokitty,

Your pharmacies sound like sweet shops over there. I bet if you could get a load of the different types of drugs available there for fibro, it woud be a huge bag of m and m's or smarites! I've only seen a few small mints in comparison but they dont give you fresh breath, they tast like poop!

I am so going to take such a long list to my "team" they are going to need to work saturday mornings to make up for it. Lol. Still wouldn't amount to the time they have left me (well, us) crying in pain or staring at the walls instead of sleeping.

Thanks Kitty!!

You flipping go for it!! You definitely speak on all our behalf and if we need to kick off at the government and corrupt companies, we will send you out first. You will bite them all to death and spit em out again (You will need a few shots first though no doubt). Couple that with the perfect monthly timing, they have NO chance whatsoever! lmao. Let me know when you're ready and I'll cover your back. I hate these bullies and criminals and useless pieces of doo doo!!

Ouch that sounds awful. As if having fibro isn't bad enough. I hope you can find something to make it better really soon and prevent it coming back if possible.

I have taken all the meds anyone could have tried and did drug trials.I am now on morphine and thatā€™s itā€¦it works like a charm and is pure and simpleā€¦yes I still ha e pain but its manageable ā€¦I still have flare ups. I still wake up in pain. I still go to the hospital for a pain shot of torodol. When I get leg pain and canā€™t walk or sleep.

Thanks Annie!

I will jot that down too and see what I can drag out the doctors. (Ps the panic attacks are just horrible aren't they?!)

Bless you too!

Thanks Jo

Yes I am in the UK so I'm wondering which ones will be available. I'm sure most of them probably are but I have a doctor who likes to play dumb, so I will be doing my homework before I see him again. If all else fails, I'll just tell him I know where he lives. lol. If they wanna play dumb, I'm gonna play dirty! I wouldn't really but it would get his head out his a** quicker than I can eat cake (and that is record breaking fast!)

It does seem like we are guinea pigs at times, and they just drip feed the medication little by little to keep us quiet and out the office.

Take care and have a good day!

Awww that sounds bad Sky Fish, not being able to walk, but then sometimes I wonder because of the amount of pain I get just in one step, is it worth getting off my a**? It's so debilitating, the fibro, isn't it. What pees me off the most with this illness is the crappy sleep we get, if and when we get it. I used to love bedtime and sleeping, but it's the worst part of the day for me now. They will NEVER take my chocolate away though!! (Please don't give me diabetes as well now...)

I take 3200 of neurontin and canā€™t tell it helps that much. My muscle relaxer is Robaxin 3200mg a day. Maybe if I stopped taking it, I could tell. I have 10mg Valium a day for my anxiety. I have mentioned all my other meds previously, but I do take 120mg Cymbalta not 60. I was allergic to Lyrica.

I didn't realize your in the UK Jo. I guess that's why you didn't reply to any of the bitching I was doing about the pharmacists or meds being so expensive. So I have a few questions. Do you have the same problems getting pain meds there ? Is all of this free through your health care system ? How do you feel about your "socialist" health system ? ( I use the word "socialist" because that's how it's described in this counrty and that has become a bad word, but that's not my word. )

I too am 55 years old and don't look sick when I'm out. Maybe we should just go out when we look our worst??? At least to pick up our RX's? Nobody should be judging anyone, especially healthcare workers! I was a nurse for 32 years and sometimes the sickest patients looked the best! We all need to be compassionate. When we are ill our self esteem is so low then the depression sets in. This is a good site to help lift each other up! I wish you the best Michelle91556 and Jo!! xo

I'm a fan of Deepak myself. Thank you - and yes please do let us know how much relief you get from this. Good luck.

Sorry Jillian, but I'll continue to follow and let you know if someone comes along with a miracle cure - you know, just- in- case. LOL

What's the scoop on Deepak? Can you fill me in? : )

He's a spiritual.... philosopher I guess you could say. If your interested in meditation or things of that nature look him up on the net.

For me, I found I needed to seek a power greater than myself to help me get through the days. I think all peolpe who go through an illness, especially something chronic such as Fibro, go through a period of...grief maybe ? I starting to curse God and ask why me. Then, I started doing research on the net, going to the library and looking into life on the other side, hoping to find an answer to what lessons I was being taught by fighting chronic pain 24/7. Jury's still out by the way -( LOL ) I'm not sure I've found the answer to that question, but I have found, and I've come to believe, that it will one day be revealed to me. I needed to know there is a REASON for the things that happen here on this Earth.
