What pain medication do you take?

Good for you. I will check him out! Anything that feeds your soul is good medicine!

May we all find some peace.

Hahaha. "when something smells fishy it's usually a fish"... I've never heard that one before. I've read a Deepak Chopra book I think. Does he write books on spirituality? I didn't know he sold supplements as well. Sounds very interesting. I will do my home work here too. Thanks again Jillian!

Thats ok Michelle,

Oh no, I'm always up for bitching!! But yeah I can't really comment in detail about your meds being expensive because someone will tell me to shut the hell up and stop being ungrateful.

All our health care here is free apart from prescriptions if you're on a decent income. It is a really good system. We all worry about you guys in America because you are not given medical attention unless you have a lot of money. We don't know how you manage it. If we break a leg we just go straight to hospital, but a lot of people over there have to suffer with it because they can't afford the treatment.

Sorry but that is disgusting how someone can run a country like that and just let people die because they can't afford (or even get) the insurance. Especially when they spend billions on weapons and warfare, to injure and kill even more of its citizens!

I've never heard it be called "socialist" system, and I don't really know what it means to be honest. I'm not hot on politics in the slightest, but I know what pees me off. All of them!! I'm not upset by the word socialist in the slightest. I've (we've) been called a lot worse! lol. Theres plenty of idiots in this country so feel free to tell me what you think of them. It's probably true.

Lmao Jillian. Join the club! It's great!

Jo..do you have pain management doctors in the UK....over here it is a specialty. All they do is treat pain.


Chocolate is a cure all...i am convinced

tricky...does the robaxin make you tired? I have been on muscle relaxers that put me out!

hi jo ~ in my town there is a place called Volunteers in Medicing in which the finest doctors see people with no insurance. it is my understanding that a hospital cannot turn down a patient...i knew one man who had four open heart surgeries. he sent them $5 faithfully every month, and they finally dropped his bill!

as for the killing and wars, i am a pacifist and the whole thing makes me incredibly nauseated. i feel i must apologize for this nation...it wasn't set up to be this way. i believe that God is taking all evil down so He can establish His Kingdom on earth...No More Pain!!

Yes I know exactly who you mean now Michelle.

His books are so inspirational. I'll have to get another.

I see exactly what you mean about lessons we're here to learn in this life too, because I am a very spiritual person. A few years ago I studied numerology which helps you learn about yourself and what our life lessons are. I also learned to read the Tarot cards and met some amazing psychics and mediums too. Then I got into crystal healing too and they really help alongside traditional and natural medicine.

There's so many questions you want answers to when you get this illness and it's so frustrating when the answer is so unclear. Sometimes we cannot answer the question "why", but we can learn "how" and "what" we can do to make the most of our life changes. I hope you can find your answers soon.

Ahhh have you heard of the "Chicken soup for the soul" series of books? They are really inspirational, and true, short stories, which are especially good for bed times. There's a book "Hot chocolate for the mystical soul" as well which is great if you're spiritual too. There's stories about our spirit guides and near death experiences people have survived disasters through help from angels etc. I love them!

I am on disability and pay for a monthly drug supplement, I get Lyrica and the cost to me is around 275.00 for 90 days. I am on a really low dose the neuro who ordered it started me at 25 twice a day and gradually stopped it at 75 twice aday. The neuro moved out of the area so I was sent to a rheumie, well he decided to increase my dose to 75 3 times a day, it was too big of a jump and my mind became so foggy and confused that mom said she was ready to put me in a nursing home. I stopped the 3 rd dose and told him why and instead of changing it to a slower increase he simply dc'ed it so here I am, not at an optimal dose. I see him again in August.

I think the Effexor XR and the Lamotrigine make my Lyrica work so well, it was like day and night when I started it. I had been in really bad shape before that. I think this because my bro-in-law is on lyrica for his neuropathy in his feet and legs and he said it didn't help him all that much and his depression was still bad.

No Kitty it does not. I have been on a lot, and this one works the best. Take care hon.

Hi Jo, Sorry that you had to join this club, but if you had to join one this is the best, we all have been there and are still trying to find the answers. I was diagonised in 2004 but suffered for years before, I was taking the tramdal but was and still am taking the hydrocodon-acetaminaphen 5-500 one tablet every 6 hours had to stop the tramdal as the doctors put me on Savella and the two do not mix, also take cyclobenzaprene a muscle relaxer 10 mg 4 times day and this is not really working, when called they told me will talk about increase when I go back in office, now I already know that this means they will increase the hydrocodon to every 4 hours as they basically told me this on the last visit. For your sake I hope they can find something that will work and not have contra-indications with the other drugs and do the research as my doctors did not realize this the pharmacist did so now when i pick up medicines I ask and also pull up on line all new ones to see what is out there, never hurts to double check. I am glad you are taking notes to take back to your doctor I wish I had had help when I first was diagonised just keep on asking questions you might find out something we didn't know. Good Luck. Hugs Kisses and Prayers


Yes. I have an appt to see them on Sept 4th. Last time I went they just scratched their head like the doctors, but now I have ammunition thanks to you guys!

Aww thats a sweet story. At least you have some good over there then health service wise.

I need to apologise for this nation too because it seems we keep sticking our nose in everybody's business lol.

No more pain would be great, but I'm not holding my breath just yet

Omg that is a lot of money - 90 per month. Is that just for the lyrica? Jeeeeeeeeeez. I would want my own flipping pharmacy for that and I would still moan! Didn't realise how lucky we are here, or how unlucky you guys are. Our prescriptions are about £7 ($10) per month per drug/medicine - no matter which ones you have.

It is really hard to get the right balance of medication I bet, especially as every day is so varied. One day it's not enough and other days is too much. I guess we need a regular routine that works for us to take it steady.

Michelle91556. This is the other Jo replying and I live in Canada. I have always wondered how Americans survive with the health system you have. I am in Ontario and when we have to go to the hospital for an emergency, etc. we don't have to pay anything. This includes if we have to go to any specialist. We don't pay for x-rays or any tests that our doctors may request. And as far as having to pay a doctor, we definitely don't have to. We just go and our government pays the doctors' fees. And if you are a senior here, the government pays all but a minimal amount for prescriptions no matter the cost. I think I only pay $1.22 each for mine. Of course, those of us who have insurance through our jobs or unions are okay since that pays for any hospital stays. I can't ever remember having to dish out any cash for any medical treatment - ever. It is a wonderful feeling to not have to worry about whether you can afford to be sick! I don't understand why your government doesn't want this kind of system. Is our type of system the one Obama is trying to implement?

Of course, living in Canada is more expensive and we pay more taxes, but it is worth it to me. I live in a border town and groups of people from Michigan actually charter buses to come across the border to purchase their prescriptions because I guess they are so much cheaper - but I don't know much about that.

Best wishes,


Jo, make sure you don't eat the chocolate in the evening. I am a chocoholic and found out the hard way that the sweet chocolate keeps you from sleeping. I was knocking back a bag of M&M's every night (my comfort food for depression) and even though I was taking my prescribed Amitryptiline for sleep, I would wake up in the middle of the night. I had to stop the nightly chocolate for other reasons (it gave me the 'runs' in the morning) and that is when I realized I was sleeping through the night. So eat to your heart's content but not at night and see if it helps you sleep.

Oh, do you wonder why I didn't put my picture up as Petunia Girl suggested so that they can tell us apart? Well, I am not going to because you are prettier than me! So there.
