Working and need suggestions

I had to go back to work after 19 years . I am in my second week . I work in a large department store and I am on the go and it's physically demanding . I cherish my breaks and by the time I get off I am in so much pain . I realize my body has to get used to the extra moving and the change in my life's routine , But how do I deal with the fibro and the arthritis swelling ? I am going to second shift in two weeks which will be less busy and it is the shift my husband works for his job . Those hours are my hours before working . I need ideas on all aspects of this . i have today off then I work three in a row . I am swollen in certain joints , my muscles are sore to the touch and I am fatigued .

Hi Suzanne,

You could try using over the counter products. Some of the good ones are: SalonPas patches, Ben Gay, Tiger Balm, icy patches, etc. The truth is that they will only do so much for you.

Have you seen your doctor about the fibro? Are you on meds to help to cope with the pain (usually Savella, Cymbalta or L:yrica)? These meds help some of us to feel less fatigued and sore with fibro. But I'm not a doctor and can't do any kind of medical stuff, alas.

You might also want to consider looking into Disability. There are two types available, that for people who worked a good portion of their life or that for people who haven't but have a low income. I strongly suggest this, as well as going to a lawyer who deals only with SSDI cases.

The reason I say this is that fibro seldom improves and usually seems to either stay the same for a few of us, and get worse for the others. I think it would be hard to impossible to work a job like you describe while suffering with fibro. But I wish you so much luck with it. I know how it is to WANT to do it but the body doesn't want to do it!

Gentle hugs,


Until recently I had gone with out insurance and only went to my doctor for refills . I am on cymbalta and klonapin . I am now searching for a new doctor who is covered under my insurance . i have an appointment with one next Tuesday . My fibro and arthritis have changed over the years and i need everything newly checked . i have arthritis in my back and other spinal problems and my arthritis attacks areas . I did try to get Disability with a lawyer and was turned down all the way to the appeal , my doctor put Fibro down first on the list of medical problems .

So that said i have to work and there has to be a way to adjust how I do things at work just as i have had to adjust in my everyday life . I am facing a 3 day straight shift and I am a mess tonight . I am scrambling to get my pain down and to try and come up with a plan . i wish I could get tot the doctor sooner but that was the soonest appointment for a new patient .

BIO-FREEZE... I just bought some from my Rhumy... but my Chiropractor has it for sale in his office as well... I also just bought a 4 lead TENS unit...EPSOM salt after a long day soak your body and relax... but only every other day... read the bag it will tell you how often. Icy hot is now selling a tens type might want to check into that... I paid right at 70.00 for my tens unit and had a prescription... they say they are not covered under ins. anymore. They just need a prescription to sell them... go figure!!

Take your time and pace yourself... I myself am preparing to return to work so I am gathering my arsenal to combat the pain. My Dr. also prescribed something for when I rotate shifts... I work 2 weeks days then 2 weeks nights...I am starting water therapy to build my strength. My Dr. also urged me to do my stretches...So I will be doing just that.

Hi Suzanne

You have recieved some great suggestions. Pet told me about the SalonPas patches when i was working and I would put it on before work and it helped. I hope you can find a routine that works for you. Is their anyway you could work part time for a few weeks to become more used to the job?

Hey there, Suzanne,

My understanding of the disability system is that you can re-apply under another disability. Maybe the arthritis? And I'm not sure why you were turned down. Maybe the doctor didn't put enough information but I'm surprised the lawyers didn't get it for you. Whatever the reason, I am so sorry that you have to work while suffering with fibro and arthritis. Both are horrible.

Yes, sure, you do need to see a doctor after being without one for so long, and you're right, your illnesses have no doubt changed for the worse over the years. I hope you can get some relief from your doctor's visit. Maybe a pain management center could also help you with the arthritis? That's where I go for mine. It's hard to believe how much the arthritis hurts until you get something done to make it quieter. I had no idea that osteo could be painful.

I am wondering if a different attorney might be able to help you with renewing the disability process? Like I said, you can apply for different disabilities. Heck, if you have post traumatic stress disorder from the fibro or elsewhere, you might be able to use that. It's worth asking an attorney about.

I hope you feel a bit better, Suzanne. I know it's tough to work when you're sick.

Sending my thoughts and prayers your way,


Thank you everyone for all the suggestions . I do have Salon Pas patches that I forgot about so I will put one on in the morning before I leave . Bio freeze has become a must at night before bed , I put that on my back and I want to just cover my self in it lol. As for the arthritis I am doing what ever i can from soaking in the tub to ice and or heating pad . I am lucky in the fact that when I get home my husband is at work and I can just sit and relax and take care of just me .

bio-freeze works well for me too. doesn't get rid of pain, but makes it more tolerable. hope things go well for you.