Another FIbro Connection?

HI everyone - I was surprised by an article I read - which unfortunately I didn't save - that said Fibro causes weight gain. The metabolism of Fibros slows down to as much as 25%! Has anyone heard about this? I don't have this problem - yet!! I am discovering that Fibro is the cause of so much that goes on with us. It's really stunning to me. Love, Laurie

I haven't herd anything about this but it could be why i am having a hard time getting past the weight i'm stuck on now! i'll have to look into this further. Thanks for the tip! :)

Hi Heather - let me know if you find any answers to the metobolism - I am curious. Laurie

I sure will i'm going to look it up tomorrow see what i can find i'm off to bed for now goodnight :)

Sure enough the first site i pulled up says we can have trouble loosing weight! here's what part of it says

The hormones affected by fibromyalgia are serotonin, thyroid, insulin and cortisol. These hormones become imbalanced with fibromyalgia and can lead to a slowing of metabolism. The weight that is gained is often the result of a slowed metabolism, according to
The metabolic changes in the body result in an average weight gain of 32 pounds. These imbalances and metabolic changes make it very difficult for a patient with fibromyalgia to lose weight.

I also found a site which help guide us on how to eat to maximize weight loss and help us have more energy!
I would of never thought this has something to do with the fibro! thanks for bringing this up such a great thing to look into!

Hi Laurie, I don't have this problem. I lose weight during a flare. I'm sick to my stomach alot, when I'm in pain and sometimes it seems there's no reason at all. After being overweight most of my life, it's a big change. Too bad it's not a pleasant way to lose weight. Sometimes when I'm feeling better I gain a little back, only to lose it again. I have to buy new jeans again, the ones I wore to the docs yesterday were falling down. Either that or suspenders, LOL. All that aside I have read here about alot who have problems with weight gain. It appears some gain from the meds. Maybe that's true in your case?

Have a good day! Charlie :)

Hi Charlie - I am like you, I am normally 120 pounds - but I do lose some when I am in a flare or sick. I can't afford to lose either. Now that I have read the article about the metabolism slowing down with Fibro - I am more inclined to think that this may be the reason for the weight gain that some people go through. We all have enough to contend with and we certainly don't need any more problems!! Laurie

Though I haven't heard this before it doesn't surprise me.