Hi grandbesty,
Tell me about the bar of soap, please? It's not one familiar to me!
Hi grandbesty,
Tell me about the bar of soap, please? It's not one familiar to me!
My Mom told me years ago that she had restless legs and neuropathy and she was told, place a bar of soap in bed with you to relieve some of the symptoms. So, she always kept a bar of soap under her sheet and she said it didn't cure anything but that it did take most of the pain and jitters away. I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I agree with her, the symptoms got a little better. No one has ever explained why the soap helps, but I try anything if it will improve my symptoms!
Yes, it's an easy enough try! Thank you!
I experience this to and I can't seem to find a solution either. Any more I don't know what to do for any of it
I have found that the burning in my hands and feet go away a bit when my husband massages them. Also, my hands burn less when I wash dishes and my feet less if I have a short walk. It seems (for me at least) that additional activity or sensations over-ride the burning sensation. Last week my calves were really burning and I was sitting with my legs up on a stool. I was waiting for a fly to land to swat it with a fly-swatter - I missed of course, and smacked the side of my calf. Interestingly, the short stinging sensation seemed to short-circuit the burning for a few minutes. Needless to say, my husband was wondering what was up when I spent the next 5 minutes slapping my legs with the fly-swatter. I haven't experimented any further with this (it just seems too weird to be standing about, smacking my legs with a fly-swatter - maybe it could be made into a Tai-Chi dance or something...if I could get my husband to stop laughing long enough).
Sounds silly? You bet! Would I try it again? Yep.
On another note, if you can find something that works without meds, go for that. I am not on any at all anymore as I have had severe reactions to almost everything I have tried.
Best of luck!
(and yes, I will try the soap - any particular brand?)
Remedies such as this always intrigue me. Perhaps it is the glycerine in the soap. Soap contains: Lye, vegetable or animal fat, glycerine and various chemicals for perfume. Interesting idea!
not that I am aware of, I have Dove but have used any ole brands in the past.
I am taking Amitriptylene for this which helps most of the time.
Geranium, I'm so sorry. So many of our symptoms are very mysterious. Mine happened at night too. Try as we might to receive the answers and research we should have, we seem to be invisible. Now I remember you saying that you can't take take those meds.
You might want to give supplements or herbs a try and see if they help. As long as you talk to your doctor and they are ok for you. Dee has talked about a book, that I'm going to purchase. It's called Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 5th Edition, by Phyllis Balch. It is a reference book. You look up the problem and there are many treatment options. Do you take a good Vitamin B Complex? Not just vitamin B-12. We need the whole group of B-vitamins. Maybe some Melatonin to help you sleep would be good too.
WebMD has a page on burning feet. There is a tiny paragraph on PAD, which sounds like what your doctor must be referring to. Have you been to a neurologist to have the Nerve Conduction Study done for neuropathy? I did and my results were negative, no neuropathy either.
You have had lots of good suggestions for your discussion. I hope you can find an answer or the beast just goes away as mysteriously as it showed up.
Soft hugs,
I have burning sensations in my toes. I haven't found anything that helps. I can not take Cymbalta because it makes me like a zombie. Totally unable to function. I have osteoarthritis in my feet and I guess thats what is causing it.
Hi Geranium!
Yes, I get those same burning sensations. They usually occur for me when I put my feet up and rest in the recliner. It's as if the nerves all straighten out, muscles relax, and circulation rushes in. Unfortunately, it keeps on going, so I know that it's probably neurological and related to the fibro. My doctor put me on gabapentin, and it has eased up. I would recommend talking to your doctor.
I agree with it being fibro, Scribelle. After twenty years, I’ve also become expert at differentiating my arthritic pains from fibro pains which, as you note are really neuro in origin. If I take ibuprofen, helps the arthritis, no help with fibro. Have avoided meds for these years but it is becoming increasingly hard. I exercise seven days in hopes of boosting endorphins, etc. While I feel stronger and in better shape and it somewhat decreases pain and improves functioning for a few hours, sure is no cure.
My Dr. says it's related to the fibro...as in I don't get enough exercise/walking thus the burning is from poor circulation. Well...I don't have the energy anymore for exercise other than walking my little dog. So..lack of energy plus constant pain seems to be creating even more havoc.
Dr. has put me on Elavil sometime ago...sometimes it helps me sleep IF the burning sensations are not too bad. I've tried gabapentin but I get bad reactions from ALL the meds most other people on this board take.
I'm frustrated with the whole thing.
Thanks for the Hug and sending one back for you.
Hi Kanga...that is what I am taking also. You're right..helps most of the time but sometimes I find it doesn't work, well at least not enough for my liking.
I've now had 5 nights straight of the horrid burning and am getting downright tired & frustrated. Just about ready to put my feet in a bucket of ice water...hmph.
Hi Geranium!
Wow, we all learn from each other - although I have interference from the spinal energy, it's good info to learn that it can also be because of lack of movement. I have not been walking my two lil' dogs because of the smog, but I do have an exercise bike. Maybe I should be more diligent about using it a bit every day.
As for meds, they are so individual. What works for one person does not always work for another. For example, I can take gabapentin, but not elavil. Elavil turns me into a zombie! My "highlight" moment was when a doctor put me on Spiriva for mild COPD. I have the dubious honor of being the first one in the country to be allergic to it - hives all over!
Fibro is so frustrating. That's why I love being on this board. At least I am with people who are dealing with the same crud. I need to work on setting up a routine with 5 med times, a daytime nap, exercise, etc. One doctor appointment can mess up the whole routine, and I am just finishing a cluster of doctor appointments. Now I am working on getting my rhythm back.
What is your greatest frustration - sleep, pain, fatigue, mood, loneliness, etc?
I am wishing for you a day of pain-free joy filled with happy energy.
Hi Cabefibro!
You make a good point that we need to differentiate what pain is fibro and what might be arthritis. I am still learning to consider arthritis, as I am new to it. I now ask myself, is the pain in a joint or in a muscle/tendon. That seems to help. I have diclofenac for the arthritis, and multiple meds for the fibro. I am learning to take the diclofenac more often to reduce the inflammation, and it is reallly helping the arthritis. Now that the arthritis is under control, I need to learn what exercise works best for me.
I am impressed that you are able to exercise seven days. Wow! What form of exercise do you find the most beneficial?
As for fibro, it may be that it's time to add a med for that, but it's not the end of the world if it happens. We can be strong, yet still need a bit of help for the neuro part of fibro.
Hi- Your symptoms are very similar to mine. The calves are both burning. Today the left is worse . Just went for a walk. It actually helped. I didn’t really want to go but I forced myself and it was worth it. Will take some Tramadol soon. That does help for pain. Michael
Geez..I thought 'I' was the only one who had bad reaction to Spiriva...hives for me too plus swollen tongue and eyes. Mild COPD for me too but Dr. says that could be helped a lot by -yeah-exercise !!
Totally agree Fibro is sooooo frustrating & I'm so thankful to have found this site. For the longest time, I thought I would go nuts if I couldn't talk to someone who understood my 'ailments & distress'.
I think the endless fatigue & loneliness is the worst for me. Not to negate the pain of course but I can USUALLY tolerate some of the pain by wrapping myself in heating blanket after vap'ing some MM. Once a week with the vap's though as I don't need anything else to diminish my semi-altertness.
What is the worst for you?
Thanks for the wishes...maybe tomorrow 'it' will happen.
Hi Geranium,
I had the same burning and tingling mostly in my feet along with restless leg syndrome, I noticed it the most when at rest. A blood test revealed that my B12 and D levels were extremely low. My Dr. prescribed mega doses at first to cure the deficiency and now I take B12 and D3 vitamins with food every day. I get those vitamin levels checked every 6-12 months and I seldom get those annoying leg problems anymore.
Hoping this info might help.
The burning/freezing is bad but the pain has also gotten so intense in the bones in my feet, as well as spasms in my calves and thighs, that I have opted for an expensive intro acupuncture visit, something I’ve thought about for years as fibro has gone from being a nasty ailment to a daily impediment. I will be paying $150 for. a one hour intake, followed by a one hour treatment.
You know you’re desperate when you’re paying someone to stick needles into you, LOL.
Appt. is in two weeks, will let you all know if it helps.