Feeling Good!

I don't know why, whether it's a combo of the sunshine and new meds, and a good doctor, but I don't care. Except for the constant fatigue, I haven't felt this good in a long, long time. I wish for the same for all my fibro friends. big hugs, Charlie :)

Sunshine! Woo hoo!

I know that the sunshine affects all of us that live in th northern states. My dr has me double up on vitamin D in the winter. I have been feeling pretty good too and trying to exercise more. I have found that a late afternoon nap for 30 min no more! relieves my general muscle aches and fatique allowing me to enjoy the evening more. Late afternoon is the time I get into trouble by snacking. I am trying to loose 42 more pounds to get to my ideal weight. you can’t eat when you are napping and once I get up it s time to fix a healthy dinner.

Hi Charlie , yup sunshine has a huge impact on our oner all well being !!! I’m so glad your having a good day, yesterday was good for me, but now today my body feels like its been hit by a semi … Ugh
Can I ask… What new meds ??
Enjoy your good day !!
Hugs & blessings

I am rejoicing for you if you're feeling better!! Be sure to put this in your memory bank so that when you have a bad day you can retrieve the memory of your good days and remind yourself that good days can and do happen.

I believe the sunshine has a positive effect on us.

Thanks for sharing.

Love and gentle hugs


I'm so glad for you, Charlie! Hope it lasts forever!

Charlie I am getting to get a new doc and I have been on many many meds and still doing do u mine telling what med they put u on maybe it’s something I haven’t tried thanks…so gald u are having some great days

Stay well charlie , hope its forever for you xx enjoy the sunshine x

Woot! Charlie, good for you. Whatever is working, keep it up!

That's great Charlie! What new meds are you on??

Good for you Charlie...it is nice to hear some good news for a change

So great to hear! It must feel like a dream come true! : ) Go Charlie!
Love Lisa XXOO

Glad to hear some good news! Keep it up!

I sure hope that happiness and sunshine comes to all of us. We've got lots of rain falling on top of about 10 inches of snow. So anxious for spring and warm weather - definitely will help the winter blues. It's so great to hear some good news!

Thank you, Charlie! I actually did have one of those days last week, oddly enough when I was off work due to my knee pain.

I'm really glad to hear that you feel better and I hope it stays that way! Sunshine, new meds and a good doc can definitely make a day seem much brighter.

great, enjoy every moment. What new meds are you on?? barb

So happy to hear you're feeling better! Sunshine has such a healing effect. Hope you enjoyed every minute of the day!

good for you :)

It funny because I live in Arizona, and the heat was no different to me than the winter time. Maybe it just be but being in or out of the sunshine hasn't changed. I've been exercising and walking the dog further away from home and still having my bad days more so than good ones. I do my vitamins, take my meds, and still having troubles sleeping and just feeling some comfort

I’ve just lost 5 kilos really easy by not eating on 2 seaparate days each week. This is week 5 for me.Of course it is still warm here in OZ so I don’t have to worry about the increased pain associated with the cold. I intend to continue for another 4 or 5 weeks if I can, but this is the easiest diet I have ever been on.

I do the same as you and rest for a short while after lunch and it does help my pain for the rest of the day, mind you I do all the active jobs in the morning and rest from lunch time onward, read, watch tv, write, IPad and so on. Cheers Barb