
Hi all:

Have any one of you ever heard of the supplement Fibrolief? It comes from the Fibromyalgia Treatment Group. Have any one of you tried this and did it help? My father gave me the information on it and I am trying it right now, only on day 5 and have not seen much result yet but research says it may take month for it to be effective. Thoughts?

You took the words right out of my mouth, Lovett! Thank you!



Totally want to know your results so let us know :slight_smile:

I haven't heard about it, however if it's a supplement then it could take that long before you would see an improvement. In what areas is it supposed to help?

Please keep us posted about its positive effects or lack thereof. We will be interested in its help for you.

Hi ,
I am on my 5 th day of Fibrolief and wanted to know if you continued with this sublament and if so have you seen any positive results ? I am really trying to take a more natural approach to control my FM as my health insurance does not cover any meds. recommended . Any input would be appreciated.

Hi, This is BettyBoop

I wanted to check with you to see if you had any good results with the Fibrolief. I ran across it online and it led me to the Fibromyalgia Treatment Group. The trials that I have seen people have only been taking it for a short time. If you started in February then maybe you have some results by now being August. Please let me know.

I'm wondering if this post wasn't started as an attempt to advertise the product.