JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2023-09-25 Monday - recovery? No way, just small variances on a low level. RR/supp changes? Quite good, now I need to check even more often again to make sure.

What … worked / went wrong … today:
“Feverish feeling time” seems to be 18:00 to 20:00 every evening. That would be similar to the tiredness feverishness I’ve had, but this feels “sicker”.
Right rib cage has added, so quickly treating that in all 4-5 ways, pressing, stretching, massager, arnica & praps heat.

Habit encouragement… :
Time (= stress) management:
Keep blog time up: :white_check_mark:
Keep forum time down: :white_check_mark: (only once at night)
Jump out of hamster wheels: :white_check_mark:
Wall sits: :white_check_mark: - short to keep backlash down.
Balance exercises: :white_check_mark:
Prepare supps by 15:00: :x: 19:45 (:x:)
Back exercises by 16:00: :x: - slowly with many breaks at 21:30, but completely (:x:)
Encapsulating by 17:00: :x:, 19:10-25 (:white_check_mark:)
:new: White/blue lip massage / puckering: :white_check_mark:, FWIW
:new: Jaw tendons: massage, arnica, whatever… :white_check_mark:

How was I today?: Feeling 75-85%-ish (:white_check_mark:), energy today (:x:), sleep Sunday night :white_check_mark:/(:white_check_mark:), sleep Monday night :white_check_mark:, 1-2 bites (:white_check_mark:).

Today working mainly on … time management, self-treatments, RR, energy, new symptoms.

Yeah, working on energy: Dosing activity lower. And considering going to my wife’s doc instead of mine. General time/stress management improving, self-treatment time management is lax, but I get it all done just in time, new small symptoms (jaw, cough,

RR: HIGH BP PERIODS: 10th-12th ✅, 13th ❌, 14th ❌✅, 15th ✅✅, 16th ✅ night ✅, but headache, 17th: ✅(✅), 18th (✅)(✅), 19th ?✅, 20th ❌❌. 21st (✅)(✅), 22nd (✅)(✅), 23rd ✅✅, 24th ✅(✅), 25th ✅(✅)✅ - need to keep a closer eye on the evenings, though, before 20:00 was slightly high. Or everything: I may be missing something if I only check when I think it's high. Today I measured at 13:00, 14:00, 20:00 and 22:00-8:00.

|13:50:00|150|95|64|after garden pics pain 5 and loo|
|22:19:00|148|88|62|after moving and undressing|
|23:53:00|130|80|62|before and…|
|00:46:00|118|85|61|…after moving, 6, plants|
|03:59:00|99|76|67|<100 3-5?|
|06:21:00|123|78|66|headache, altho not that low? (Or is it just higher from moving)|
|07:36:00|127|73|66|headache for an hour|

1) Since Aug 9th BALANCING PEM VS. PPA: post exertional malaise (✅) vs. post postural ache ✅. Stiffness ✅. TT only 5', winning to :0 (moving 20%, talking 20%, counting 0%) ➔ 80%/5-6 (❌❌), 20' gardening/moving ➔ 80%/5 (❌), talking 5' ➔ 80%/3 ❌, music 1' ➔ 60%/5 ❌. White lips60-80% (❌). Exhaustibility "90%" ❌ and sleep ✅, click for details:
EXHAUSTIBILITY today: “90%". Changed on Aug 23rd: Energy was up to 18-20(-24)% (TT 5:1, workout possible) since June 21st 2023 (and new symptoms better) from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #3 Triggers. Today's ENERGY profile moderately slow, with "14h rest"), 2h very slow, 0h slow, 0h medium/quick
SLEEP (click for details): 7h55, up 4x (1h15), all deep. One long break, not sure why that seemed necessary, but it worked out well. Ah, I've remembered: What I did was probably good for the UTI. Headache starting 2:25 till 8, don't know why, unless it's that the BP had dipped more than the measurements show. ✅, everything else OK ✅ ➔ getting up: 75-80%/3 ✅.

Sleep 22:20-7:30
23:45- pee RR 6 plants -0:45. 2:25 balance 30%, headache 10%.
Sum: 1h40+7h30-(1h+5+5+5=)1h15 = 9h10-1h15 =

2) Watching "monthly" TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Excitement (= stress) ✅?: Click for list...."

(1) JAB#3 (on Nov 7th 2022) caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
(2) Jan: TCM recommendations for a few weeks
(3) Feb: ~3% of levothyroxine pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(4) Mar: inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(5) Apr: cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(6) May 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
June 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(7) July 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(8) July 31st-Aug 6th uro exam and methylene blue trial.
(9) Aug 9th… severe vertigo, checking, back to minimal blood meds.
Sep 12th: These have been stable for quite a time: Histamine/MCAS symptoms: Nauseous sinus burning headache: 0% :white_check_mark:, tongue burning: 10% day, 20% night :white_check_mark:. Watching “monthly” TRIGGERS (updated Aug 23rd 2023) that have brought up additional symptoms at least once a month and are continually bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.

3) DOCS: Last update 24th: New opinion/appt? Sep 12th: VERTIGO/BP: Reduce BP spikes. ONCO/URO: No uro cancer. Click for details.

Still no other explanation for the “B symptoms” Feb/March (Mar 29th: night sweats, cough plus appetite & weight loss) so back to T4 + CoV. feedback from onco appt. Apr 24th is STILL pending.

Esophagus block at 15:15 with a bit of sweet potato, but felt I should wait for it to go thru, even if it takes a time.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅) - GI with feverishness will be a bug):
1) GI, pee, local pains, weather, dry mouth well under control: Details...

except GI: stools loose0% :white_check_mark:, appetite :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 0p1-2 :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:. Jaw: 2 new fillings June 23rd were enough, solved for the time being, but keep spaces free. Weather: SUN / WIND :white_check_mark:, dry mouth (day and) at night at least not hurting/sticky (:x:).

2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), Increase to 2-weekly in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA, before that monthly. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKS: Sep 16th! 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th.

Last focal seizures: Sep 19th?? or so. Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Generally, mindfulness to be extremely careful and stop eating, spread supps & meal (length up to 2h), whenever there’s the slightest pressure. Sep 16th seemed scary. Sep 11th: unusually eating a peach, which I thought’d be easy, wasn’t tho. Aug 31st supps again. Aug 26th: drinking supps with buttermilk instead of almond milk, Aug 8th: carrot, then chocolate. July 23rd cos distracted by the Kami stress. July 16th I was concentrating on testing if hazelnuts increase my nicotinic acid flush with my 3rd meal, and disregarded a slight throat pressure, which went totally wrong, was the last straw for an esophagus block, so had to get it out, lots came out, incl. supps, and needed to wait quite a bit afterwards. (June 6th narrowly avoided.) May 31st, argument made me forget to concentrate on a small carrot. Apr 4th: Carrot, got it out quick. Mar 26th just the supps. Mar 23rd: Tiny bit of parsnip I think it was, had to get it out, had no patience to massage longer than 5-6’. Mar 13th (roughly) same as: Feb 26th: midday: block not waiting long enough with muesli after supps. Feb 20th eve: block from I think carrots resolved with massager. Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary - NEW Sep 11th (started around 8th): Stopped eleuthero and reduced ginkgo to 2. Still NADH sometimes, lots of Ω3 (cos not enough from olive oil), plus passiflora, magnolia & 0.3g GABA at daytime instead of night. Aug 6th: 40 supps, 435€/m +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Next: LDN!
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Next: jaw-joint?
Supps Aug 6th: 40 supps (was 42), costs 435€/m (was 470) +20€/m cps. Sep 11th (started around 8th): Stopping eleuthero and reducing ginkgo to 2 is reducing BP. Sep 1st: NADH, passiflora, magnolia and more GABA to daytime. Last changes see before Aug 22nd next: theanine divided up into 2x0.1g, maybe LDN, probably not creatine, colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 85%, “Feeling well”: 70-80%.

Lessons in self-care:
a) Made sure I tried to move a bit in between, cos once I’ve rested I feel “OK”, but then that OK dissolves inside of minutes.
b) Thursday morning feeling really bad after guinea and finishing off 2 work mails, but then better after eating, shouldn’t underestimate that, and that might be a reason to stop the Time Reduced Eating by delaying the 1st meal.
c) Not sure if I’m up to phoning the doc’s office today, but I’ve looked up the number. It’s my wife’s, who immediately sent me to hospital when I had my vertigo attack on Aug 9th, and seemed very caring.
d) Need to start doing more for my jaw tendonitis. But Monday night, Tuesday morning it’s my right rib cage that needs focusing.
e) My hands have started to hurt and be dry again the past few days. I just realized that’s cos I was by mistake using the wrong soap, instead of the “citrus & olive” I need. :roll_eyes: Maybe I should chuck the other one away. Well at least write something on it!
F) 2 major thoughts about why all the small observations about the birds, the bees, the flowers (like the following) are so important to me: As I hardly anything else, this is my way to make my new world my new home. Like when I used to cycle thru all roads in a new town I’d moved to, to know where things are, find nice parts, and feel at home there quickly. And…
G) These small observations are the kind of “excitement” that now can fuel and satisfy my curiosity and wish for progress. Same way as being pleased about small bits of progress with my symptoms are important.
They are parts of my conscious efforts to cope with and form my environment.
Reasons to be cheerful: Mainly bird stuff
a) A seemingly new Pigeon, Starry Left, visited me, small white spots, and only sometimes a black wing stripe visible, so I believe female - but was confident enough to come up fairly close and get the rest of the sunseeds that Duey’s wife had left this morning. It just came to me I think I called Duey’s wife Bobby cos the white spots were like a bob haircut. But Starry Left’s right side is sort of Bobby, not sure yet if it is praps Bobby, just confusing cos asymmetrical. It would explain why the black stripe isn’t visible (now), the white around the pupil is big and she’s confident to come near (the wife of the other pair never ever came this near). The 2nd from bottom of the 4 white stripes on the right side is sometimes shorter, sometimes it’s exactly a precisely cut bob, depending how she holds her neck. Seeing her again Tuesday morning, I’m now pretty sure Starry (left) is Bobby (right).
b) Squirrels playing up and down the cherry and cornel cherry again. All these exciting ? are keeping me from eating!
c) Subadult Blackbird was on the right Feeding Place for a long time (cos I was hidden), ate and dreamt, until neighbour disturbed.
d) Just saw 2 great tits fly in and out of shed hole, I’d never thought they’d go in that. I heard a different call this morning, my wife said it’s a great tit, and sure enough it was, haven’t heard that call for ages tho.
e) 2 dunnocks playfully sped past me, the older subadult-male blackbird is in the firethorn again - so shy, don’t look! Just listen to flurries or praps watch from the cellar again. One of the 2? younger subadult ones is near the water, now 2. Great and blue tits speeding around, now looking for insects in the buxus, hope they can keep it cleaner. I just realized seeing a blue from near that they have much less black on the wings as well as breast, explaining why we call a great tit “coal” tit.
f) Duey is on his way towards me, cos after his look from afar I put out some oat flakes for him. Gotta be careful not to move my hand to my nose too quickly, when it’s itching. Oh dear, the other pair have to watch out now, one just tried, but got chased away immediately. Duey is definitely much bigger than BobStar, and has the pronounced black stripe, but I think the white of his eyes is just as big as hers. Another one comes down further away, Duey doesn’t react, so it’s BobStar, and sure enough they come close. Ooh, a 3rd one is going to the food, who is it? Duey and BobStar are in the grass, not reacting. Female from the lesser white neck, but with a visible black stripe as opposed to BobStar.
g) Lovely wispy clouds today.
h) Nice to see the birds using my sculpture as a landing place, also using a (sort of?) metal bird table with water in to get at the firethorn berries.
i) Baby pigeons squabbling in full sight in a nest in a climbing plant next door.
Simplified: Watching esp. Blackbirds thru the cellar window allows them more privacy. I do understand that being looked at for longer signals danger for them.
Foggies: -

Development: Look before Aug 22nd for more details. Click for links to "biggest successes" (after June 18th 2023), "summary" (on June 14th 2023), jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

Entry changes (after June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (after June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023