JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2024-02-05 Monday


  • LDN (5th- 1.5mg): :white_check_mark: = more restorative sleep and stomach after reducing (and stopping ezetimibe again): Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 30’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Gotta watch the small amount of sleep, everything early today.
  • Triggers: Strain: Writing article & Harley not eating. Food: 40g Soy raspberry yogurt OK, so increase.
  • As indicated yesterday, I still think the 4x0.6g GABA may have not been in my pill box 1-3 days, added for the next days from Monday evening on, hope that’s not too much. Annoying - but it happens.
  • Cheer: Good for wife she’s away, and I’ll find my own rhythm.
(V)LDN: Feb 5th- 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. Feb 5th- 1.5mg (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 70%/3 ❌, music 15' ➔ 70%/3 ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT 3:0 just about, cos mostly in the dusk (moving 30%, talking 20%, counting 40%) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 6h05 restorative, but earlier tonight ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium to slow, with "6h rest", 0h very slow, 4h slow, 6h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 6h05, up 4x (20'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 0:35-7:00 4x5’, Sum: 7h00-h35-(4x5’=)20’ = 6h25-20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: Soy raspberry yogurt 50g (✅), so increase. No tasty apples (✅), now LDN is down I could test one every 2 days. Strain: Harley not eating (❌). Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain from Harley eating losing appetite and weight.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Seizure Feb 3rd praps from naltrexone, or normal frequency (1/m) or GABA. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Gotta keep a handle on self-discipline now wife’s away, but I think it may be easier to keep to schedule.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Looking at them thru the binoculars more to spare the meadow and not disturb the woodpigeons group in the cherry.
b) Birds: ba) Loud bird song at 7! bb) It’s our cherry that’s the preferred by the woodpigeons.
c) Animals: 2 squirrels chasing each other in the cherry, browner than the pair the other day.
e) Human life: TT laughter playing in dusk :white_check_mark:. Wife: away.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: Grouping my 6-fold underlays I sit on in the cellar entrance to the garden in 2x3 to bring them out and in is now simple.
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.) better than

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-06 Tuesday


  • LDN (5th: 1.5mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, shop 20’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: Work project :white_check_mark:. Food: 50g soy raspberry jogurt (:white_check_mark:) - tongue burn.
  • Cheer: Heard geese, no cranes yet. Squirrels! Swift nesting box advice!
(V)LDN: Feb 5th- 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again, no nausea, no insomnia. However my digital scales say I've lost at least another 1kg in a couple of days, whilst my analog ones say it's not that bad (+3kg), confusing 🧐. Cleaned the digital ones and took batteries out and back in: lo and behold +2kg I think I'll stick with good ol' analog. ⚖️ Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 70%/3 ❌, music 15' ➔ 70%/3 ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT: mate#2 ill, moving ➔ 80%/3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h37 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: more medium than slow, with "5h rest", 0h very slow, 3h slow, 8h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h37, up 3x (15'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:00-7:52, 3x5’ Sum: 8h52+h-(=)15’ = h-’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Too tasty apples: (✅). Strain: ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Seizure Feb 3rd could just be the normal frequency (1/m), not from naltrexone or GABA. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Almost cried cos of Harley running around between loads of delicious guinea pig food looking for something he can eat - and not finding anything. Not sure why he only likes 1 kind of mush, but it’s out, ordered new, hope it comes soon. He did after a while decide to eat other mush in the evening, hope that’ll work tomorrow, too. Hardly ever see him eating anything harder, and he’s chewing the mush much longer, so praps his jaw has got worse (but praps it’s better he’s chewing rather than just gulping). I wonder if slightly reducing his pain killer is part of the problem the past few days and am putting him back on full dose, now diluted in fennel tea, so he doesn’t hate it so much. Reminds me of my first few months of full flare fibro where first one guinea pig girl died, then the other, and me feeding them even at night “cos I couldn’t sleep anyway” - but that may have contributed. Now I’d say I’m much more stable, but still difficult. So I can recover after the last meal, I need to fix the times at 7:30, 12:00, 16:30 and 21:00, every 4.5h. Even if he seems to be eating in the cage, he apparently isn’t, at least not gaining weight.
In the morning he took tiny portions of his fave easy-to-chews: basil, red pepper, fennel green, oat flakes, pear, apple.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: One of 3 crocus buds didn’t make the storm, so now on kitchen table.
b) Birds: Gonna get swift nestboxes.
c) Animals:
ca) I’ve developed a way to put Harley back in the cage such that he can still sit partly on my hand and decide where he wants to go himself: Sweet moment where he then started to greet his mate.
cb) Squirrel pair, the redder one stood on my same coloured root sculpture and in feeding box scratched under the arm with arm up for 1 minute, like someone soaping themselves, me in full view, but immovable.
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Away, both enjoying it, but keen to be back.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: Optimizing feeding and other things continually.
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-07 Wednesday


  • LDN (5th: 1.5mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 30’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: Main? Food: 2 walnuts just about OK (max.), 50g soy raspberry yogurt also (max.). (Tastier apples OK for stomach now LDN is down.)
  • Cheer: More squirrels, more snowdrops, more sprouts!
(V)LDN: Feb 5th- 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 3x10' + 1x20' ➔ 80%/3 (❌) Talking with plumber for short periods OK, music 15' ➔ 70%/3 ❌ - getting increasingly nauseous from listening to good music I enjoyed (for 15'), white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT available, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 9h10 ✅ (last hour deep doze, slightly nauseous after B-supps) ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: more medium than slow, with "4h rest", 0h very slow, 3h slow, 9h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 9h10, up 3x (15'), slightly nauseous after B-supps, all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 22:45-8:10 3x5’ 1h deep doze. Sum: 1h15+8h10-(=)15’ = 9h25-15’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: Burnt left tongue after soy raspberry yogurt also, small amount of 50g seems tolerable (✅). Too tasty apples: (✅). Strain: ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Sore right thigh for 2 days seems gone today without doing anything about it. Seizure Feb 3rd could just be the normal frequency (1/m), not from naltrexone or GABA. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Keeping up self-discipline.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: More early bloomer sprouts, and it’s at least 300 snowdrop blooms it’ll be, I can see/count.
c) Animals: New squirrel pair, at least one of them: a reddish dark-ash-grey one, the other one a browner red, so we have at least 5 different colourings, I assume it’s 7 or more altogether, unless they change partners.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Back home, nice!
f) Environment: (Outdoors a lot cos better time management / self-discipline :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy seems more usable with less LDN :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: New simplified habits
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-08 Thursday


  • LDN (8th: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: - but getting more usable, esp. Friday, walking / cycling 30’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: Nausea fro listening to webinar (:x:). Food: few risks :white_check_mark:.
  • Cheer: 3 new squirrels romping around like crazy making me laugh a lot.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌) - tried to listen to a webinar about wild gardens: only managed with many breaks and lots of nausea and dizziness altho the first minutes were OK and me raring to go, later there were some patches again where it was better, not sure why, and was wondering if there's anything I can do about the nausea. Music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT available, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "4h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 10h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h53, up 4x (50'), 30'-1h deep doze after sleep break. , all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:00-7:43: 35+3x5’, Sum: 1h+7h43-(35+3x5’=)50’ = 8h43-50’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: walnuts, "half-sized" slices of hard cheese, left soy milk (✅). Too tasty apples ✅. Strain: webinar caused nausea (✅). Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg, e.g. Feb 9th, 8:45 113/83-67 after moving a lot. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): I'll order cocculus and acidum nitricum sometime, for now I'll get out nux vomica again and see if that improves nausea from music/talk. Seizure Feb 3rd was the normal (lowest) frequency (1/m), not from naltrexone or GABA. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Research’ today: Homoeopathy someone reminded me of.
I admit after trying rhus toxicodendron for pain unsuccessfully and the teas for sleep, I didn’t bother looking for “my” more specific homoeopathic remedy.
Remedies for different kinds of bad dreams to nightmares or for worries seem predominant, but I have neither.
Interesting: zincum metallicum might be good for someone with restless legs.
I see acidum nitricum might be good for someone waking up every half an hour (well in my case every 1-1.5h).
Cocculus may also be interesting for those of us like me who always did/do too much, esp. for others.
And I see nux vomica (which I already have) can help sleep as well as nausea and bladder, so I’ll now try that properly.
I used 2 German links.

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: a) Able to do more now with less LDN.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Alls sprouts and buds growing.
c) Animals: 3 squirrels at once, red and 2 black-ish, on speed, made me laugh again and again at their antics, one running right up to me (2m). That’ll be new ones, I think 10 around isn’t overestimated.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Nice she’s back.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-09 Friday: wow, back to ‘normal’, 3mg LDN seems to have been too much


  • LDN (5th: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy USABLE 30% :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 30’ (:white_check_mark:). A LOT better now the dose is down again, and it wasn’t the apples, it wasn’t screen time, it wasn’t sleep length (today <8h)…
  • Triggers: Main: None. Food: walnuts and tastier apples OK :white_check_mark:.
  • Cheer: Cranes! Nimble! Homoeopathy?!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT 3:0, moving 40%, talking 30%, counting 50%) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h30 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h30, up 25', all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:25-8:20 5x5’, deep doze. Sum: h35+8h20-(5x5’=)’ = 8h55-25’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: avoided the soy raspberry yogurt again, which is daft, cos it's aging, but woke up with slightly nauseous sinus headache, I don't think 8h30 was too long, so histamine? But what? Praps the cheese slices, altho that was Thursday, I can't remember Friday? (✅). Tasty apples no problem now, brilliant, what an increase in quality of life! (Possibly cos they've aged and lost some acidity, which I don't mind at all, but would be something to check.) ✅. Strain: The webinar Thursday evening started 5' late, so it was actually only 5' I could tolerate ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Seizure Feb 3rd was the normal (lowest) frequency (1/m), not from naltrexone or GABA. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants:
aa) Even more budding!
ab) A geranium twig is blooming in the kitchen altho I haven’t put water in the bowl it’s in for a week or so now…
ac) Some new early bloomers sprouting in an unexpected place, so I’ve no idea yet what they might be. A place I’d walked over too much last year where I’d planted tulip bulbs, and thought I’d put those somewhere else.
b) Birds: 30 cranes!
c) Animals:
ca) Both guinea pigs enjoying my new feeding techniques.
cb) Earthworms under a plastic bag.
cc) Found 2 earthworms making love at night.
cd) Loads of small slugs, I hope they’re the good sort…
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Off again for 1-2 days.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.) Nimble! Tolerating tasty apples!
Simplified: We decided it’s no problem the guinea pigs eating from the same syringes, saucers, spoons, like in the cage anyway, cos now I just prepare them 4-5 types of mush and they get the rest on a saucer in a corner of the cage: much easier!
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-10 Saturday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, walking 90’!!+ :white_check_mark:!
  • Triggers: Main? Food:? Pee need every 20’ during walk, I think from too much GABA last night 5x0.3 instead of 4? Or too much fennel tea?
  • Cheer: Lovely long walk without energy or pain problems! Unusual goose pair! Kingfisher! Woodpecker!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT available, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h17, up 5x (1h17), cos wide awake at 6 due to trialling screen time till bedtime = LDN & everything else alone isn't enough ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h17, up 5x (1h17), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:20-5:42, 6:35-8:55 4x5’+53’, deep doze 30’. Sum: h40+8h55-(4x5+53’=)1h17 = 9h35-1h17 =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: 30g soy raspberry yogurt (✅). Too tasty apples ✅. Strain: hardly ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Trying my nux vomica D12 again from tomorrow on for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder. Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 92% (past few days too, from decreasing LDN)

Lessons in self-care: Gotta relax my jaw more again, keeps hurting a little for a short time, from tension.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants/Fungi:
aa) Found a bright neon orange “Yellow Brain Fungus” on a broken small oak, what a sight, and pic! Trying to find out what it is I was beginning to doubt it was a fungus at all.
ab) Moss around the snowdrops beautiful.
ac) Cornel cherry nice yellow bloom all over, hoping sun soon will get the bees a-buzzing.
b) Birds:
ba) On our walk we saw a grey goose (probably the solitary one from 2023) and a Canada goose as a pair, let’s see how their goslings look!
bb) Saw the bright electric blue streak of a Kingfisher for the first time again since on holiday about 10 years ago, but now 1km from our home! (My wife has seen 3 since then, but I was never quick enough.)
bc) Heard green woodpecker twice there.
bd) Heard bullfinch in garden.
be) Walk at 6am (cos wide awake) to listen to robins (8) and blackbirds (2).
bf) Whilst our new woodpigeon, Greenie, was chasing away another one, Blackbird unimpressed slipped in to start on the sunflower seeds.
bg) Quite a to-do of woodpigeons for a while, never sure if they’re battling or courting or both - they’re only human, after all…
bh) Think I heard some cranes for a moment, but too short to be sure.
bi) Magpie, carrion crows.
c) Animals:
ca) Harley and esp. Stuey eating well, antics.
cb) Red Squirrel.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Nice.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.) Lovely long walk without energy or pain problems!
Simplified: Remembered my maxim for simplification of procedures in the flat (esp. the guinea pig stuff)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-11 Sunday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (still all usable!), walking quickly 30’ :white_check_mark:.
  • Triggers: Main: talking/listening a strain and nauseating (wife needing to talk a lot after being away). Food: Soy raspberry yogurt OK. Back ache the last weeks despite exercises, cos of feeding Harley and not able to twist stretch as well.
  • Cheer: Herring gull cry 4x?! (Silbermöwe)
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌) - nauseous even talking to my wife, music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT available, moving = walk, garden ➔ 80%/2(-3) ✅, SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h20 ✅, however cold shower at 6 cos of shallow sleep make me feel too cold after getting up, slight sore throat ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h20, up 5x (40'), cold shower, all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:00-8:00 4x5’+20’, deep doze. Sum: h+h-(x5’=)’ = 9h-40’ =
4:47 Something squirrel sized scurrying over the cobblestone street. Coughing a lot. 5:15 first robin song. 5:17-36 cold shower.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: 30g Soy raspberry yogurt ✅. Strain: no (✅). Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?).

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): nux vomica D12 again for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder. Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
a) If cold shower at 6 cos of shallow sleep make me feel too cold after getting up then it’s something to be avoided now in the winter, meaning screen curfew has to become even stricter.
b) A bit of back ache a lot of the day the last weeks despite exercises ‘every morning’, cos of feeding Harley and not able to twist stretch as well. So have to watch posture better whilst typing.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: 2nd and 3rd of 3 crocus blossoms dropped, now blooming full blast on kitchen table.
b) Birds:
ba) Herring gull cry 4x?! (Silbermöwe)
bb) Woodpigeons and blackbirds battling.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-12 Monday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (usable!), cycling 50’ (:white_check_mark:). Seemed a bit worse today, my wife thought cos of white lips, but I think it was using all energy, and probably not from the fast walks the past 2 days.
  • Triggers: Main: Bit cold from cold showering Sunday night. Food: rest 50g soy raspberry yogurt after 5 days…
  • Cheer: Fully identified Yellow Brain Fungus at our local sea. Bank vole a-scurrying. Jay mimicking, or sparrowhawk himself, no alarm calls, blackbirds singing in dusk during TT.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 80-100% ❌, TT 3:0, moving 40%, talking 30%, counting 50%) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h28, up 47' cos of lower back unrest ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h28, up 4x (47' cos of lower back unrest), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 22:30-7:45 5+0:08-0:40=32’+5+5 (lower back unrest (WHY??). Sore muscles stomach from jackknives, shoulder dunno) x5’, deep doze. Sum: 1h30+7h45-(32+3x5’=)47’ = 9h15-47’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?).

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): nux vomica D12 again for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder. Lower back unrest at night, but WHY??. Sore muscles stomach from jackknives, shoulder probably garden work. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Gotta watch my back and try to keep up the jackknives.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants/Fungi: Fully identified Yellow Brain Fungus at our local sea.
b) Birds:
ba) Two blackbirds singing at dusk at the same time, for the first time, strangely robins hardly.
bb) Heard “sparrowhawk”, but likely jay mimicking again.
bc) Blackbird lands near me, no fear.
c) Animals:
ca) Bank vole scurrying around my feet while pruning. Has been in the bird food bag, making themselves comfy in there with anything like raffia, and coffee filter with dregs I collect as fertiliser.
cb) Squirrel near too, just once didn’t see, so scarpered, but back soon.
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife:
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-13 Tuesday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (usable!), walking / cycling 50’ (:white_check_mark:), TT 3:0. But sleep difficult.
  • Triggers: Main? Food: Hard cheese, apples OK.
  • Cheer: TT laughter, good talking, not too much.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT 3:0, moving 40%, talking 30%, counting 50%) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 6h45, 1h of that deep doze (✅) - not that easy, awake early which isn't good cos of ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 6h45, up 5x (25'), 1h deep doze (✅), everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:15-6:55 5x5’, 1h deep doze. Sum: h15+6h55-(5x5’=)25’ = 7h10-25’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?).

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): nux vomica D12 again for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder. Helping for music nausea, but not for the strain of music or for sleep, not sure about bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Try to avoid cold shower at night for back pain and sleep, but back needs to improve.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Growing.
b) Birds: Blackbird feeding near no problem altho we were talking about and to him.
c) Animals: Squirrel several times.
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-14 Wednesday


  • Focal seizure at 14:30, praps too little GABA?
  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (usable!), TT 2:1, cycling 50’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: OK, nervous about the dentist.
  • Cheer: Table tennis laughter cos of playing in the rain.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 70%/3 (nauseous) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT 2:1 (cos of puddles on the table, and darkness, (moving 50%, talking 30%, counting 40% - correctly, but seldom out loud) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h55, "cold" symptoms from FCS before bed (praps a bit long?), so hot water bottle next time. Dizzy at 3:35. Vivid dreams. 3x5' breaks mean less GABA, gotta make up for that. ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, with "2h rest", 0h very slow, 2h slow, 11h medium, 1h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h55, up 3x (15'), "cold" symptoms from FCS before bed (praps a bit long?), so hot water bottle next time. Dizzy at 3:35. Vivid dreams. Few breaks mean less GABA, gotta make up for that, all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep after FCS 23:15-8:25 3x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h45+8h25-(3x5’=)15’ = 9h10-15’ =
2:00 nose slightly stuffy, slight sore throat from FCS OK 3:35 up cos of lower back unrest, slightly dizzy and unbalanced. 6:55 Not dizzy anymore, but still nose/headache and sore throat like from a cold, from FCS, dreams: buzzard landed on a bar, then fell over, then hid where I hid, later woke up from a bike curb crash speeding down a steep road slope.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: bits of hard cheese - tasty! (✅). Strain: OK ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap, nervous! Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?).

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): focal seizure at 14:30, talking to shop assistant, I think I didn't have enough GABA yesterday, possibly missed 0.3g at 8:00 and 12:00. Nux vomica D12 again for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder, sleep better more from cold shower, but nausea is better. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Reasons to be cheerful:
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:, esp. cos playing in the dark in the rain puddles. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-15 Thursday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (usable till dentist), walking / cycling only just about - 50’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: Dentist 1h! - but much better than expected, despite anaesthesia. Food: cheese :white_check_mark:.
  • Cheer: Blackbird song in the afternoon! 200 Cranes! 3 bats! Bat attic?! Swift nestboxes! Having cooked!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/2 (no longer nauseous due to nux vomica) (✅), white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT cos of dentist, but moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅) (considering), SO post exertional malaise ✅ (considering), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅ (made sure I stretched all limbs all the time in every break the dentist gave me), stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 7h45 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow - cos of dentist, with "8h rest", 3h very slow, 2h slow, 3h medium (before dentist, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h45 up 4x (20'), 10' deep doze ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:25-7:30 3x5’, deep doze. Sum: 8h05-(4x5’=)20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: Dentist! 1h, but worked out better than after the tooth cleaning, despite tension beforehand, I think a) cos I could stretch all limbs a lot in between treatment bits, then b) hardly any tooth pain afterwards, only body hurt, c) citocalin(?) as better toleratable anaesthetic (e.g. histamine intolerance) didn't trigger an additional flare over night (slight numby headache). Food: cheese ✅. Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist went well!

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizure Feb 14th (1). nux vomica D12 again for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 14th Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th(?) (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
a) Being very careful with myself cos of the dentist - and that’s worked out well.
b) Excellent decision to ask my dentist if we can split up the various things that need to be done, to reduce the load.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants:
b) Birds:
ba) Blackbird song in the afternoon for the first time (not dawn or dusk).
bb) 200 Cranes in the course of one hour!
bc) Working on the swift nestboxes.
c) Animals:
ca) 3 bats at dusk!
cb) working on the bat attic and bat nextbox.
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife:
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: Having cooked cabbages/carrots/pastinak and quinoa and fried eggs yesterday again is good help for eating more, esp. after dentist.
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.) I’d just written something on my laptop and then couldn’t find it for half an hour, grinning all the time about the absurdity of it. This time my 1st maxim “where you think it is, just slightly displaced” didn’t work, then started tidying up, didn’t work, looking thru each room didn’t work, finally outside the flat door, now why would I put it outside instead of putting it on my tray to take everything down?!? :question: :fog: :brain:

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-16 Friday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (not that usable), TT 2:0 despite keeping energy down. walking / cycling 20’ (:white_check_mark:).
  • Triggers: Yesterday’s dentist still, then crunched the temp cap off :x:, morning worse altho it’s now 2 days ago. Hot water bottle improved ‘cold’ (from dentist), but caused nausea and headache for a bit in the morning (:x:). To test my energy I tried, but only managed 3x20’’ workout and started getting feverish ill (:x:).
  • Cheer: Blackbirds! Sparrows doing back exercises with windows open in the mornings! Another white bit in my mouth turned out to be part of a hazelnut, phew!
  • Masterjohn on reducing vitamin C to 400mg/d
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg! ✅, Feb 5th-7th 1.5mg cos of slightly worse sleep as well as GI, better again. Jan 16th- 3mg increasing energy to 30%. (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (not so nauseous) (✅), cos of nux vomica, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT 2:0, despite keeping energy down cos of slight dentist flare (moving 40%, talking 30%, counting 50%) ✅, moving ➔ 80%/2-3 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 8h07 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: medium, but slower, with "4h rest", 0h very slow, 4h slow, 8h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h07, up 3x (15'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:05-7:27 3x5’. Sum: h55+7h27-(3x5’=)15’ = 8h22’-15’ =
21:00 Fright cos temporary cap fell off when eating nuts and fruits.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: hard cheese (✅). Strain: Yesterday's dentist still, then crunched the temp cap off, really shocked me, even cried, night OK, but morning worse altho it's now 2 days ago. Hot water bottle improved feeling 'cold' (from dentist), but caused nausea and headache for a bit in the morning. To test my energy I tried, but only managed 3x20'' workout and started getting feverish ill, stopping helped fairly quickly (✅) Next: 2 dentist Feb 15th and 29th for 3 tiny fillings and cap. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well!

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): analogue weight with bedclothes 75kg (❌). Seizure Feb 14th (1). Still drinking 2-2.5L/d. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, praps sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 14th Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Reading research’ today
Masterjohn on reducing vitamin C to 400mg/d perhaps being better for copper, oxidation, oxalate and CoQ10 if there is no specific reason

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Daffodils budding.,
b) Birds:
ba) Blackbirds!
bb) Sparrows doing back exercises with windows open in the mornings!
bc) Robin subsinging me.
c) Animals: Bank vole pulled coffee dreg filter and seeds into the bird food bag again, so sweet!
e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: Nice cos of dentist.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
ga) Another white bit in my mouth turned out to be part of a hazelnut, phew!
gb) Is this it, no particular flare? (Answer: No, see Saturday…)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-17 Saturday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy “30%” :white_check_mark: (but hardly usable! :x:), TT not manageable, walking / cycling 10’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Really bad from dentist, difficult moving, despite energy. Food: 125mg vanilla yogurt burdening stomach & gut.
  • Cheer: 1 bat, obviously home here! Early bloomers - purple crocus!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better again than the 3mg before! ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/3-4 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) (❌), white lips 90-100% ❌, TT not manageable, moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 9h05 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile (actually used/usable): slow to medium, with "2h rest", 2h very slow, 6h slow, 6h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 9h05, up 4x (20'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:05-8.30: 4x5’. Sum: h55+8h30-(4x5’=)20’ = 9h25-20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: vanilla yogurt (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare on 17th.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Whoops, forgot to note the seizure on Feb 14th (1) here, nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, praps sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 14th Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants:
aa) Discovered where the purple crocus is, and
ab) a second grape hyacinth,
ac) more daffodils budding,
ad) so many tulips everywhere.
b) Birds: Robin song delighting me every day, morning, day and evening. And sparrow chatter out front.
c) Animals:
ca) 1 bat only in our garden, so I’m even more sure it’s their home.
cb) On Thurday, Harley’s jaw was cleaned out again, first making eating harder, today easier again.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: 2x) Wife: Good.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-18 Sunday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (not usable!), walking / cycling 10’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Dentist/tooth. Food: 2x30g vanilla yogurt :white_check_mark:. Cheese 10g-20g :white_check_mark:.
  • Cheer: Two banded snails at night in the rain, beautiful as always, always good to look at/for plants and animals at night!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better again than the 3mg before! ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, no TT moving ➔ 70%/3 ( ❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (❌), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 7h40 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow to medium, with "2h rest", 2h very slow, 6h slow, 6h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h40, up 4x (20'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:30-7:30 4x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h30+7h30-(4x5’=)20’ = 8h-20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare on 17th & 18th.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizure Feb 14th (1). Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, praps sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 14th Feb 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: My wife is saying I shouldn’t chide myself at the moment for not being that self-disciplined. And it’s true, I’ve concentrated on getting the nature garden newsletter article finished, and have, now I can get back to #1.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Always exciting to look at things in the night time as well as the daytime.
b) Birds:
ba) Robin song.
bb) Blackbird song.
bc) Different GreatTit call from usual.
bd) Flock of 20 unknown birds heading to the moors like the geese and cranes makes me curious.
c) Animals:
ca) Found two beautiful banded snails on the composter in the rain at night, I think both white-lipped, not brown lipped.
cb) “Exciting” to discover ~10 baby slugs sitting on the tip of many daffodil leaves in the rain at night, if they were Spanish ones, they’d be invasive, but since it’s hard to distinguish them when they’re little, I’m definitely leaving them and watching how much they need to eat.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark:.) Wife: nice.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:, even if not usable)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-19 Monday


  • Thursday’s cap prep is causing a mid-term exhaustibility flare which seems still to be worsening, altho I can feel energy under that and a certain kind of nimbleness in some situations.
  • Difficult decision when to get the temporary cap put back on despite flare, but better than if the tooth breaks off (like dentist fears), so got it done early Tuesday, went OK, but fell off again, so she had to do it twice.
  • Another focal seizure with seizure-ishness the hours before - what does that tell me? I’ve been taking my 4g/d of GABA, I think.
  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (unusable :x:!), TT impossible :x:, nor walking / cycling :x:.
  • Triggers: Thursday’s dentist. Food: Vanilla yogurt.
  • Cheer: Harley sometimes caprioles like a foal!
    SYML-chorus: “Walk on with your burden - I will walk with you”.
    Bought some new paintings! 2 robins singing at 4am!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better again than the 3mg before! ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain), white lips 70-100% ❌, TT not possible, moving only slow ➔ 70-60%/3-4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%"(usability: 90%) ✅ and sleep ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: usable very slow, with "8h rest", 4h very slow, h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h, up 3x (15'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:15-7:30 3x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h45+7h30-(3x5’=)’ = 8h15-15’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, fell off Friday, temp cap back on on Tuesday morning. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizure Feb 19th (1 23:05, 2x seizure-ish before), Feb 14th (1). Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, praps sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th 14th 3rd, Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Shoots growing… (I’ve been saying ‘sprouts’ instead.)
b) Birds:
ba) Song: (Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbird :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark:) First woodpigeon mating sound.
bb) Sighting: Geese in the morning :white_check_mark:, cranes 2x in the evening :white_check_mark:, unknown in between :white_check_mark:.
bc) 3:55 2 robins singing! And at 5, as always.
c) Animals: (Harley gaining weight :white_check_mark:) Bank vole :white_check_mark:.
Harley sometimes caprioles like a foal, so cute!
e) Human life: (TT laughter? :white_check_mark: Skip-Bo? :white_check_mark: Wife? :white_check_mark:)
Music: https://syml.bandcamp.com/track/the-walker: “Walk on with your burden - I will walk with you”.
Art: Bought some new paintings - only had 15’ energy to do so, but “last day” and “bargains”, some that mean something to me.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-20 Tuesday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark: (unusable! but very slightly better), TT impossible, walking / cycling 10’ :x:).
  • Silly to look into laptop even for 5’ at night, esp. last hour.
  • Nausea at 9:30, better after taking C-supps and eating.
  • Triggers: Dentist. Food: vanilla yogurt & cheese.
  • Cheer: 2 robins AND blackbird singing >3h before sunrise!
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better again than the 3mg before! ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) ❌, white lips 70-100% ❌, TT not possible, moving slowly ➔ 80%/3-4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (✅), "post postural ache", "PPA" ✅, stiffness ✅, exhaustibility "70%" ✅ and sleep 7h55, but last hour deep doze/20' NSDR, cos of looking into laptop for a moment (✅) ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "6h rest", 4h very slow, 6h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h55, up 4x (20'), but last hour deep doze/20' NSDR, cos of looking into laptop for a moment (✅), everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:30-7:45 4x5’, last hour deep doze/20’ NSDR, cos of looking into laptop for a moment. Sum: h30+7h45-(4x5’=)20’ = 8h15-20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods vanilla yogurt (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, with temp cap off 16th, 20th: put back on. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg ✅ - postponing further trials. Ezetimibe Feb 3rd 3mg ❌, so 4th- 0mg, then 1mg once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizure Feb 19th (1) & 14th (1), that's too close, possibly from forgetting GABA. Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, praps sleep and bladder. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Research’ today
Cort Johnson points to interesting ME/CFS related studies here regarding cell metabolism:

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
b) Birds: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbird :white_check_mark: singing 3.5h before sunrise!?! Where’s that gonna go when it gets lighter earlier?
c) Animals: (Harley :white_check_mark:?)
Bats :white_check_mark:? Snails :white_check_mark:? Bank vole :white_check_mark:?
e) Human life: (TT laughter? :white_check_mark: Skip-Bo? :white_check_mark: Wife? :white_check_mark:)

f) Environment: (Outdoors (:x:) - not enough.)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-21 Wednesday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, but usually unusable = “12%”, with energy profile averaging in “very slow” mode, TT impossible, walking / cycling 10’ :x:.
  • Triggers: Tooth treatment on 15th. Food: 40g vanilla yogurt.
  • Symptoms: Nauseous and “dizzy” balance problems upon getting up. 12’ vacuuming caused slight sort of vertigo, without dizziness, for 3 seconds I lost my sense of where “up” is. Happened about 6x later, but much slighter.
  • Cheer: Blackbird eating berries. Woodpigeon sitting next to blackbird. Cleaned the feeding boxes & bowls with washing soda. Found great pics I’d forgotten in an art book of mine. Not caught wife’s cold up to now.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg. ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) ❌, white lips 80-100% ❌, TT impossible, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility "70%/88%" ✅ and sleep 8h35 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: very slow, with "8h rest", 3h very slow, 4h slow, 1h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 8h35, up 4x (20'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:00-7:55 4x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: 1h+7h55-(4x5’=)20’ = 8h55-20’ = 8h35, up 4x (20’)

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, with temp cap off 16th, 20th: put back on. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Good sleep, but soon nauseous and "dizzy" balance problems upon getting up, slightly better with something in my belly. 12' vacuuming caused slight sort of vertigo, without dizziness, for 3 seconds I lost my sense of where "up" is. Happened about 6x later, but much slighter. Heating wasn't on properly in my bedroom, I'd noticed I was a bit cold, but didn't get any symptoms. Seizure Feb 19th (1) & 14th (1). Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Ordered new LDN for Mar 11th on Feb 21st. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: 5 new white crocuses, unexpectedly.
b) Birds:
ba) Song: (Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbird :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark:)
bb) Sighting: Blackbird in firethorn eating berries.
bc) Woodpigeons trying to make love (yesterday I heard it’d happened).
bd) Loads suddenly appearing, woodpigeon sitting next to blackbird.
be) Managed to clean the bird feeding boxes and bowls properly with washing soda at last, put boards in and they accepted it.
c) Animals: Squirrel. Banded snail in composter.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo. Wife nice despite cold.) Opened an art book of mine that had caught my attention and found great pics I’d forgotten.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.) Not got wife’s cold up to now.
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-22 Thursday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, but unusable! = 12% :x:, energy profile “very slow”, TT impossible, walking / cycling 10’ :x:.
  • Triggers: Tooth treatment. Food: vanilla yogurt.
  • Cheer: 10th crocus. Robin and even Blackbird came up 1m close, tree creeper for a few minutes. Bank vole has eaten 1 whole fat ball in the last few weeks, and pulled more raffia and coffee dregs into the bird food bag, so cute, makes me laugh, like the 2 mice “cleaning up garage” videos.
  • Self-care: I need to harness my aggression that I’m indoors too much for better self-discipline to get out quick.
  • Thoughts : Fibromyalgia isn’t just a diagnosis of exclusion.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg. ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) ❌, white lips 90-100% ❌❌, TT impossible, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility "70%/88%" ✅/❌ and sleep 7h45 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: very slow, with "8h rest", 3h very slow, 4h slow, 1h medium (at 20:30 to shop), 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h45, up 3x (15), 1h deep doze, all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:30-7:30 3x5’. Sum: h30+7h30-(3x5’=)15’ = 8h-15’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: 40g vanilla yogurt (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, with temp cap off 16th, 20th: put back on. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP ✅, despite only ~1mg. Click for details...)

CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizure Feb 19th (1) & 14th (1). Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Ordered new LDN for Mar 11th on Feb 21st. Supp costs ~400€.)
1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

Thoughts based on ‘research’ today: Fibromyalgia is a diagnosis of examination, of exclusion, of jnclusion and of a certain set of symptoms - just saying it is a diagnosis of exclusion devalues our condition.

The opinion that fibromyalgia is still a diagnosis of or by exclusion comes up fairly often,

altho it was like the tender points test debunked by the ACR criteria in 2010.

It is a diagnosis of exclusion, inclusion and checking the amount of pain and 6 other symptoms.

It’s true that many doctors, probably the majority are diagnosing with outdated criteria.

Allowing for that, more correct may be “should no longer be a diagnosis of exclusion”.

According to the 2010/11 and 2016 ACR criteria", the best determined and ‘proven’ ones so far (or the ‘least bad’).

They are the ones that debunked the tender points test.

And if it were right to say it is a diagnosis of exclusion then it would also be right to say diagnosis is based on the tender points test, just because many doctors still use it (like mine did). Which it isn’t.

So an article called “Fibromyalgia: A Diagnosis of Exclusion No Longer” could already appear 2013, but continues to be confirmed, like in the review “Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia: Critical Review and Future Perspectives” from 2020, both based on the ACR criteria by Wolfe et al.

The mayoclinic’s 2022 take on it in “Fibromyalgia: A diagnosis of exclusion?” puts things simply, and - rightly - says exclusion is part of the diagnostic process. (Unfortunately also seemingly referring to the tender points test, that bit again outdated.)

So It’s true that other conditions need sorted - excluded and included. This does not have to be done first, though, as co-morbidities are (should be) accepted. So it’s possible to diagnose fibro, and still diagnose something else afterwards, like the criteria say.

If we keep up the outdated phrase of “diagnosis of exclusion”, we are overemphasising the exclusion, denying similar co-morbidities and increasing the difficulties of help. Saying it implies that exclusion is the main or even only part of the diagnosis process - like only if you have nothing else that can explain such widespread pain, then it’s fibro, but if you did, it’s not. It is definitely necessary to exclude or examine in case it’s also something else - that’s also part of the ACR criteria. And it would be right to call it a diagnostic process of examination.


1: In my case much more than 20 diagnoses were excluded, like ankylosing spondylitis, MS and Sjögren’s. If I had one of these, but still had fibro symptoms, according to the ACR I’d still have fibro, and I still think that is right.

2: Now I know I’ve probably always had MCAS and as part of that I’ve got the Post Vac Syndrome form of Long Covid. MCAS experts say “fibro” symptoms could be explained as part of MCAS. If fibro were a diagnosis of exclusion, people could say I don’t have fibro, cos I have MCAS.

3. In hospital cos of my severe vertigo attack in August they spent a week excluding many things. Goes without saying that every diagnostic process includes exclusion, so makes no sense to use it unless we were saying it is only that.

So it is much more accurate to say it isn’t a diagnosis of exclusion than that it is. I don’t think it should ever be used.

And best is like the ACR criteria to say: all possible other conditions should be excluded, but the diagnosis is mainly based on a clear, definite set of symptoms and their severity. We are devaluing our condition if we don’t.

Quality of life: 90% (yeah, if I take care to hardly move)

Lessons in self-care: I’m getting narked/aggro by Harley apparently not wanting to go back into his cage after feeding in my room. When I want to take him out of his cardboard hut, he escapes. Today that bound me to my room for an hour after feeding, so I don’t feel free to go out. My wife soothes me by saying how much ‘he’ loves me for saving his life (made me cry), and that I shouldn’t go over my limits, but should then just take him (which I can do well, actually, just I’ve been trying to support his inclinations). So I’ll now interpret it as him wanting to ‘stay with me’, but also be short with him after a certain time limit. As I’m bad with back exercises, also parly cos I’m putting him first, I can combine that: When he wants to stay, I’ll do back exercises first. I need to harness that aggression for better self-discipline to get out quick.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: The unexpected 6 white crocuses growing. Last year 3, this year 9 so far, plus 1 purple.
b) Birds:
ba) Song: (Robins :white_check_mark: - incl. subsong, Blackbird :white_check_mark: - incl. subsong, on walk sparrows from near, and afar with open window :white_check_mark:). Bullfinch.
bb) Sighting: Robin very close again, but when I wanted to take a photo, he whizzed off. I shouldn’t get carried away with forever, instead savour the moment.
bc) My new bird watching place is 1m next to my new feeding place under a tree at the back of the garden. Robin and even Blackbird came up that close. Then a short-toed tree creeper hopping up the tree for a few minutes.
c) Animals: Bank vole has eaten 1 whole fat ball in the last few weeks, and pulled more raffia and coffee dregs into the bird food bag, so cute, makes me laugh :white_check_mark:, like the 2 mice cleaning up garage videos.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark: - not enough, but…)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark: - theoretically.)
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.) I spose losing sense of balance is a bit of fog.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-23 Friday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, but unusable! = 12% :x:, energy profile “very slow”, TT impossible, walking / cycling 10’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Tooth treatment.
  • Cheer: Another sparrowhawk close encounter! But Robin survived the attack, came 40cm close to my feet later and subsang with and for me! Cranes.
  • New habit: Back exercises as soon as Harley goes into his cardboard hut: worked out, did double that way.
  • Self-care: Weird me.
  • Research: ME-CFS fatigue caused by brain motor cortex dysfunction.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg. ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5' ➔ 60%/4 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain, Saturday morning incredible, really made me grow very irritated, despite knowing the track quite well) ❌❌, white lips 80-100% ❌❌, TT impossible ❌, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "88%" ❌ and sleep 7h15 ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: very slow, with "8h rest", 3h very slow, 4h slow, 1h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 7h15, up 4x (20'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 23:55-7:30 4x5’, bit of deep doze. Sum: h05+7h30-(4x5’=)20’ = 7h35-20’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: 30g vanilla yogurt (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, with temp cap off 16th, 20th: put back on. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for latest (Feb 2nd) details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Feb 4th) & next changes, and details...)

Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): seizures Feb 19th (1), 14th (1) & 3rd (1). Click for latest (Feb 17th) & next changes:

Latest: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Ordered new LDN for Mar 11th on Feb 21st. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Research’ today

Makes it seem the fatigue of stamina (hand grip in this case) is due to motor cortex dysfunction in ME/CFS. That doesn’t fit to my symptoms where I could push thru, but it makes me sick - visibly (face colour) and with nausea and feverishness. But I don’t think they’re wrong, I think “I am”.

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Talked with wife about how weird cos complicated I am, due the natural garden newsletter article I’m writing being hard for people that don’t know me to understand. Story of my life, illustrated by this blog.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: Found new shoots while reducing invasive cherry laurel.
b) Birds:
ba) Song: (Robins incl. subsinging 1-2m away from me :white_check_mark: Blackbird incl. subsinging :white_check_mark:)
bb) Sighting: Cranes: 30. Sparrowhawk attacked robin 3m in front of me, but it went wrong, probably too nervous with me nearby. Robin came 40cm close to my feet.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife nice :white_check_mark:) Table tennis mate #1 back from holidays. Now I just have to get fit again…
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: I’d taken a shoe off and realized I needed to go downstairs again, first I wanted to put it on again, but then broke the spell of the trodden path and instead put on an ‘outside slipper’.
Foggies: Often throw things around and down out of the fridge. Often totally wrong words come out, like ant for mask, really weird.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-02-24 Saturday


  • LDN (Feb 8th-: 2.25mg): :white_check_mark:: Energy 30% :white_check_mark:, but unusable! = 12%-8% :x::x:, energy profile “very slow”, TT impossible, walking 5’ / cycling very slowly next to my wife 30’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Tooth treatment. Food: 30g vanilla yogurt. Everything 1h (2h) too late meant awake too early, not enough melatonin.
  • Cheer: The 1500th post on this blog! (but 1361 of mine.) Woodpigeon Duey visited me like last year, and a new small squirrel (both 2m). Magpie and small squirrel visited my new bird house together. First time I’ve seen magpie down here longer. Pity the bird house is harder to see, but new clients is great.
  • Dry mouth / thirst increasing, no idea why. Weight probably decreasing, as I had to punch a new hole in my belt.
(V)LDN: Feb 8th- 2.25mg better than 3mg. ✅ (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg. Click for effects/dosage...)

Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly
and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 15' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea better from nux vomica, but still strain) (❌) - I was able to listen to 10' of new fast hard stuff by a group I've been to a concert too (and would have gone to one today if I could move 7 or 8x as much) ✅, white lips 70-95-100% ❌❌, TT impossible, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "88%" ❌ and sleep 6h50, up 5x (38') ✅ ("PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: very slow, with "8h rest", 3h very slow, 4h slow, 1h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Stably better from LDN since Oct 1st at 20%+, but improvement only if I stop atorvastatin for a few days.... Up before from new circadian rhythm, but kept going down to 10% (TT 0-2 games) from monthly triggers, see #2 Triggers.
SLEEP (click for details): 6h50, up 5x (38'), all deep ✅, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control), 80%/2, ➔ getting up: 80%/2 ✅. Click for details...

Sleep 0:10-7:38 4x5+18’, deep doze with 30’ NSDR didn’t get me drifting off, so cold shower 6:52-7:10 FCS + HWB dry mouth. Sum: 7h38-h10-(4x5+18’=)38’ = 7h28-38’ =

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Histamine foods: (✅). Strain: dentist#1 on 15th (✅)-❌, with temp cap off 16th, 20th: put back on. Next: dentist#2 on 29th for fitting cap, then #3 for 3 tiny fillings. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from Harley eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on.

(3) DOCS:Click for latest (Feb 2nd) details.)

CARDIO (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next April 26th with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
Oct 21st (see 20th) pee frequency better now, drinking ~2.6L/d, Jan 10th: 1.75L/d. Nov 8th: URO: IPP/PD self-massage first, maybe shockwave therapy later. (Upon the very painful uro bladder exam Aug 7th followed the vertigo attack on the on 9th - connected?

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Feb 4th) & next changes, and details...)

Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Dry mouth / thirst increasing, no idea why. Weight probably decreasing, as I had to punch a new hole in my belt. Seizures Feb 19th (1), 14th (1) & 3rd (1). Click for latest (Feb 17th) & next changes:

Latest: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Ordered new LDN for Mar 11th on Feb 21st. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCK Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today
Compare articain with the other anaesthestic suggestions…

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: Gotta take care cos too little sleep recently.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: About 10 small daffodils blooming, another 20 budding, about 65 early bloomers budding apart from daffodils.
b) Birds:
ba) Song: (Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbird :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark:) Heard & recorded some cranes.
bb) Woodpigeon Duey visited me like last year.
bc) Magpie visited my new bird house together with the new small squirrel. First time I’ve seen magpie down here longer.
bd) Pity the bird house is harder to see, but new clients is great.
c) Animals: (Harley :white_check_mark:) New small squirrel came near (2m) and visited my new bird house together.
e) Human life: (Skip-Bo 2x :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark:) The 1500th post on this blog! (but 1361 of mine.)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (Energy :white_check_mark:.)
Simplified: Every time Harley needs a feeding break I’m doing back exercises - a good time, cos I sit a bit buckled up.
Foggies: (Body :white_check_mark:. Brain :white_check_mark:.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023