JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2024-05-29 Wednesday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 16% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT n/a, jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more slow energy.
  • Triggers: Chest tick bite adding to the now very inflamed 2 belly bites.
  • Doc: allergist will help me. Nothing new (to me) for bites or MCAS / mast cells.
  • QCS (7:00)
  • Thoughts: Not easy to identify the insect photos, but it turns poor days into rich days, it intensifies these moments that I had, which get lost in my head, but the pictures are to me striking, they catch my attention in a different way to the original motif, which sort of was on the spur of the moment, was short, but the photo lengthens the moment, it feels like a treasure to know these are only some of the impressions, only the ones I manage to catch and there are loads more which weren’t possible to or didn’t want to catch. They sort of glorify my life. But not in the sense of making it better than it is, but in the sense of making it better, showing the real glory that is hidden in it. And the photos of movement are only snapshot of films (yesterday: woodpigeons, swifts), but in these I can watch what happened slower, like closer to reality, I can see reality better thru the films, like I can with the photos in a different sense.
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Singing in the rain and thunder. Earthworms mating. Weird & wonderful dreams. Buckets fuller than full.

Strawberry in a balcony pot:

Earthworms coupling. The lower one looks a bit damaged, hope not. After I saw this last year, I was very happy to find a nest with 200 baby earthworms under a mortar trough I fill with rain. Great for my garden! So I hope that can happen again:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 30' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5/20' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a (moving 15%, talking 15%, counting 20%) (✅), moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "84%" (❌) and sleep 6h43 ✅ (vQvCS: 7:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow to very slow, with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 6h43, all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:15-6:46 43+5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h45+6h46-(x5’=)48’ = 7h31-48’ = 6h43.
23:15- back
1:30-2:13 43‘ q6 sore throat, calendula? and long sleeve. Bites still inflamed, tick bite playing up a bit.
4:35 dawn chorus loud noisy, robin GreatTit blackbird
4:35 5‘ try without QCS
-06:46 a bit early…

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. 18:56 itch next to right nipple my wife identified as a tick, luckily she was home as she is an expert in getting ticks out, she always gets some, so has to search herself everytime she was in the country. A small part of the head stayed in, she said, and alcohol plus tea tree oil was hopefully enough. The 2 bites next to my navel are bright red, altho I don’t touch them. Seems under control better if I don’t do anything about them. 19:13 Bit hot’n’cold feverish, probably cos of the bites. Doc said if I don't want to do cortisone, which I don't, better just to leave them alone. Histamine foods: 20g goat cheese (✅), x specks of marmite (❌). Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Made notes for allergist for disabledness (strain to get it on a stick and get it copied). She understood that, this was the first time II remember a doc was grateful for my notes. Good day to show how bad I am. Very much in favour of helping me with applying for more disabled status. My bites impressed her, described what I’ve tried, said cortisone for my bites would be the only other thing to do. Thoughts on Mast cells after she’d been to some training were: them having identified so many substances, amongst them leukotrienes, learning to control them, 4 new meds that control mast cells coming up, her best bet was to try Tavor = lorazepam for MCAS, cos Molderings recommends it a lot, but warned it’s a benzo, so addictive. (I was skeptical cos of seizures, but actually it turns out it may improve seizures and GABA). When she asked if I have to go to bed when I’m exhausted I just explained how I feel, not what I do (how I rest). When I stumbled out slowly she asked if I have a stick, whether they should call someone to collect me, I answered no, it’ll be OK in a while, I just have to get down to my bike and then keep away from traffic. Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Last seizure May 27th (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • Lots for school and guinea pigs after doc, instead of taking a break.
  • Good for me to leave the balcony for the veranda, instead of staying indoors, and my wife then coming out to me. She complained, but it will have been good for her too.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)
b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbird :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: Nuthatches 0. Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: Chiffchaff 0. Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 12x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 0. Latest / earliest robin song: …22:05 / 4:00… (10’ later/earlier since May 16th).
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Greenfinch in neighbourhood)

  • 12:32 woodpigeons hatching swap
  • 15:31 dunnock
  • 17:41 I regularly hear the GreatTit babies here and everywhere.
  • 17:43 My Blackie, woodpigeons and the GreatTit babies are singing loudly in the rain, praps cos it’s light, not dark.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0 - actually I’ve overlooked that it hasn’t been around for quite a while, nor any others)
Bats 0. Bank voles, front and back :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
12:32 earthworms pairing in front of the veranda, hope undamaged.

e) Human life: (TT laughter 0 - whoops, TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: (whoops, left that whilst she was away, but texting & thinking of her was :white_check_mark:). Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
6:46 Weird wonderful dreams, coming out of some building and our environment had turned into some kind of liquid or mist, colours a bit like Hawaii or something, light blue. But we didn’t have a clue what it is.

f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain: +8-10 buckets of water
17:40 thundering, shower, wonderful to be outside, but dry, listening to the birds sing, they love the rain, too.

g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-05-30 Thursday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 18% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT n/a jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 20’ (:x:).
  • Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more slow energy.
  • Triggers: 2 specks of marmite. 3 bites. Head not clear, movements slow from allergist appt yesterday. Cycle walk with wife too long. If seizures come then maybe cos of too little GABA Thursday night.
  • QCS at 9:00 ➔ n/a.
  • Thoughts: Fixing the latest versions of my thoughts about the blog’s development (version 4.9, May 28th):*
    Now mainly "making the best of it“, cos I know “all” my triggers, have tried “all” treatments.
    The symptom is coping, the treatment is mindfulness, these are my strategies.
    So many reasons to be cheerful I’ve discovered on my doorstep. As I can’t get much further :grin: I’ve wanted to learn to look and live closer and deeper rather than superficially everywhere and nowhere. To zoom in. Illustrated by my close-ups making unremarkable seeming things remarkable.
    In the garden I can actively change Bad to Good by finding out what Creation needs. Our country is so full, wildlife only has a chance if we change & wild up our gardens. Apparently mainly with native plants, many of which grow almost by themselves, but I’m still comparing research on that.
    Can hardly find any short times / events where I’m not cheerful, to target and reduce. so “Lord, Thank You for overflowing cheer and happiness, turning Bad to Good.”
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Birds singing long and late. Still keep getting the tooth guinea pig up to weight.
    If I don’t have good pics to share on a day, I could talk a bit generally why a certain thing
    (e.g. bird) is important to me, with a focus on it.
  • New fibro study focusing on fatigue and its biomarkers.

OK, so Alba are cultivars, only the purplish blue ones are “wild”, but both lovely. Now I’ve let them grow it does seem as if they were planted symmetrically, just they’d been mowed down boorishly in the past:

This is the strange fruit again, washed and closer. It’s hard, and I’m wondering if it’s something like an avocado pit/stone. It was under cherry, deutzia, elderberry, nothing but squirrels to explain its presence:

Our bigger guinea pig is a Little Buddha (…of the weightier tradition…), the soul of Gandhi:

Iberian slugs may be invasive, but I love their colours, like this brown one, that measured I think 15cm like one of the 2 leopard slugs yesterday:

Maybe the snail alone isn’t as pretty as white/brown-lipped banded snails (see tomorrow), but what a contrast to the rain barrel!:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/4 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "78%" (❌) and sleep 9h08 ✅ (vQvCS: 9:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow to very slow, with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 9h08, all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 22:45-8:22 x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: 1h15+8h22-(8+5+8+8’=)29’ = 9h37-29’ = 9h08.
22:45- bed
1:34 8‘ scratched navel bite in sleep, which is setting them all off, so put oils, actually just a ) and hoping they’ll calm down, fed guinea pigs 3-4‘, try without QCS 8‘?
2:56 5‘ deep sleep, sore throat
3:02 8‘ had to make GABA capsules, stools, so 8‘
5:27 8‘ 2 specks of marmite caused a slightly burning tongue and a bit of frontal headache, made guinea pigs some new mush, cos they’d finished, now with ear plugs, q6 or QCS unnec.
8:26 up, long, sore throat, bites should be in template again, sinusey headache a bit, from the marmite I think. Thoughts of work waking me up, greeted by the swifts as I got up and opened the windows.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. 22:28 My wife thinks my navel bites are better and my tick bite hasn’t gone bad either, so maybe they won’t insomnify. 1:34 8‘ scratched navel bite in sleep, which is setting them all off, so put oils, actually just a ) and hoping they’ll calm down, fed guinea pigs 3-4‘, try without QCS 8‘? Histamine foods: 20g goat cheese (✅), 2x specks of marmite - 5:27 8‘ 2 specks of marmite caused a slightly burning tongue and a bit of frontal headache, 8:26 sinusey headache a bit ❌. Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 19:48 cycle walk with my wife was too long, at the end it started pouring, so got wet cos I didn’t have my usual protection with me, had to change clothes, recover, couldn’t get a real handle on it/me, so back of garden listening to birds, rain, watching bank vole to and fro, burt not managing to do muh, note transfer doesn’t work well at the back of the garden, praps cos WiFi doesn’t reach that far. Forgot my 20‘ pills till 19:50. but still OK. Cos I wasn’t up much Thursday night, I didn’t take 2 of the 4x0.3 GABA, decided to leave them, see what happens to seizure-ishness, which is actually OK today and Friday. Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Research’ today

New machine learning research study about fibro having fatigue as key symptom (who’d’ve thought ;P) and various biomarkers. Only glutamine rings a bell, which makes me wonder if I could change the dose.
Not sure about the study, whether well constructed and if these first ML studies can find something important out. They were looking for fatigue and found it… not surprising…
Can’t really be bothered to read all of it, can’t get my head around it anyway.

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
17:04 did manage to do a bit this morning, but realize I’m not able to continue with the work mail I started yesterday, my head isn’t clear enough. I did manage a simpler one, wrote a lot and then shortened most of it down, cos not relevant.

Reasons to be cheerful:

a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 11:54 bit disappointed I heard in a webinar that the white fairy bellflowers I have everywhere are only a cultivar, called ‚Alba‘, and as such may be less important to insects. But I’ll watch that. Good for the vase it says here.
  • 17:03 Nothing really new in the garden, nipplewort is growing everywhere, and blossoming, and willowherb in the pot area, managing to cut thru the celandine.

b) Birds:
*(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff 0) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 12x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 2x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:30 / ?4:00… sunset 21:36 sunrise Friday 5:12 - * 21:38 neighbour robin singing all evening, our robin too, alternately, atm neighbour robin and both blackbirds, jacks on antenna again. 22:16 so my Blackie sung till just a minute ago, almost a kind of subsong, altho fairly loud, and then just a short scolding, then a break, then neighbour robin started. Last robin I heard was 22:30.
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Raven(s)

  • Dunnock 8:28 squeak-singing all morning 11:54 stopped, but pretty loud and long.
  • Robin 18:03 robin singing loudly from the balcony above ours and then bathing near me.
  • 18:20 Raven in the neighbourhood between our house and the nearby small park
  • 8:26 swifts

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 8:28 guinea pig I’ve managed to get quite heavy, before his next operation today, cos he hasn’t been able to eat much by himself, so I’ve been finding various way to get him to keep the food in his mouth, bit tricky, had to learn, and adapt, but it’s working well, weight increasing all the time. Without that, he’d starve.
  • 11:54 lots of flies around today
  • 11:54 quite a few slugs, a snail.
  • 17:54 bank vole under the cherry, to and fro.
  • 17:54 don’t seem to have seen squirrel for quite a while… (but back tomorrow, Friday…)
  • 22:16 quite a few insects and bats around

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
SYML: Oblivion Oblivion | SYML (dramatic and cathartic, folky)

f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain: a bit.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) Everything needs deliberation today.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-05-31 Friday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT : (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more slow energy.
  • Triggers: Bites (:x::x:) 21:10 past few days 20g of cow cheese, today 0 marmite, sometimes 10-20g of goat fresh cheese
  • Balance: 21:50 just fell over again cos I couldn’t sense where up is. Difficult at night too, have to move very carefully.
  • QCS at 9:40 ➔ n/a
  • As less GABA didn’t cause problems I might reduce from 5 to 4g again.
  • Thoughts: - (Detailing better what happens when I’ve overdone it, for the docs.)
  • Feelings: Getting carried away with identifying insects, so overdoing that and not self-caring enough, or rather putting mind & soul self-care above body self-care and reason. But that’s OK if it doesn’t take over. Was the reason for delaying this entry.
  • Cheer: Learnt to zoom in on insects properly with my phone. Insect counting and identifying day, cos I’m using a new app and discovered the function on my laptop too. Taped shimmering GreatTit call. Beautiful moth, goslings,

Guinea pig puts straw in front of hut, wants peace and quiet after pain killers knocked him out a bit:

Cornel cherry trunk with great tit nesting box - that one I think without dwellers:

Is that really a rambler rose of our neighbour’s, as she says? Or sempervirens?:

Love those redder geranium leaves (like redder evening primrose leaves and others):

I just love these tiny pink willowherb flowers…:

This is the discovery of the day. Am I turning into one of those weird old guys with funny hats and a net in the hand…? (Just the thought of charging around the countryside makes me happy that I’m only stumbling thru my garden and can try to stop any time.) This is a “small magpie”, a moth:

We all know typical fruits and blossoms when they’re fully there. But how beautiful and interesting they can be before… here blackberries…:

Fairy bellflowers are nothing special in my garden, but each something special all the same, can’t help uploading repeats of them:

So many flies that I can’t identify, and interesting scenes, I’ll keep the rest to myself tho…:

This snail has such an intricate pattern:

and this one isn’t the usual banded one either - both in the Scotch broom…:

And the little, ehrm: big! goslings at our local lake!:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 30' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5/20' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌) - 18:57 tried to keep our evening walk down, cycled back home alone, left wife to carry on, balance - 21:50 just fell over again cos I couldn’t sense where up is (❌), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep ✅ (vQvCS: ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "5h rest", 3h very slow, 8h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): , all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:45-7:52 4x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h15+7h52-(4x5’=)20’ = 8h07-20’ = 7h47.
23:45 back exercise done
1:36 sore throat → calendula.
3:17 my notes for the docs I could now add what exactly I do when I’m exhausted and when my sense of balance goes wonky.
4:53 in between I heard Blackie singing already, don’t know what time it was, too tired to get up (once before already)
5:01 mush for piggies and back to bed, without a QCS cos of sore throat, seem tired enough anyway.
7:52 up, sore throat and feeling my socks are too cold. Might still be from the tick bite. Sleeping very deeply and druggy and heavy
7:55 misty-dark this morning, so not woke by sun, praps not by birds, feel cold, so got to watch out with QCS, don’t really feel like it.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites (❌❌). Histamine foods: 21:10 past few days 20g of cow cheese, today 0 marmite, sometimes 10-20g of goat fresh cheese, not 20g goat cheese (✅), 0 specks of marmite. Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Allergist asked what happens when I’m overloaded. Well, the appt. with her, 20-25’ showed that the first symptoms are that I’m overstrained, my muscles and brain, I can hardly move, only slowly, need a break, not in bed, but retire, for myself, move very slowly, gentle movement, lots of half sitting half lying, so sort of on the floor, and same 2 days later, that, plus I feel overwhelmed by anything where I have to think a bit, to communicate, where I have the feeling I just want to be alone, “just leave me alone, let me be”. That’s including online stuff now, too, don’t feel like forums, mails, answering anyone, doing anything people have asked me. This morning I tried to think about the work subject, that was far too much, that made it worse, so I’m now keeping away from any such stressors. For the notes for the docs I could now add what exactly I do when I’m exhausted and when my sense of balance goes wonky. Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 8:29: cos I wasn’t up much Thursday night, I didn’t take 2x0.3 GABA, and decided to try not taking them, see what happens with my seizures then (Answer on Sunday: no seizure-ishness! So reduce GABA a bit!) 10:54 liquid stools suddenly, after OK first thing, no idea why, something must’ve been off. (Sunday: still don’t know what it was.) Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • 8:39 my wife illustrated perfectly what worry does to us, she was worrying so much about our guinea pig tonight, that she slept badly, and wasn’t able to care for him in the morning, so I had to take over her part. So: no worrying! I need my energy to get them done. Reason she’s worrying cos she took him to get his jaw operated again and he’s not eating better – but I replied he’s not eating worse either, maybe it’ll improve.
  • 11:11 stressing a little about a work mail questioning how effective one of things I’d been organising was or not. Instead I should have asked back and not researched it myself.
  • 23:44 got caught up like all day with insect identifying which wasn’t as good as I hoped.
  • 1:36 If @Freedom says it’d take 30 days to read the whole blog, I’m wondering how long it’s taken to write. Well at least 1h/d seems to come out with 55 days, or discounting the nights: 100…

Reasons to be cheerful:

  • Great to have found out how to focus my phone camera properly by zooming. I’ve long thought I have to move close to the subject, but actually I need to stay further away and zoom in, then “macro” comes up for details. Still got to practice, but getting better all the time.
  • Also great to have learnt I can record birdsong per voice notes and at the same time take photos.

a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)
b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great(&Blue)Tits :white_check_mark: Jacks :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff 0) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 18x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 2x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:25 / ?4:00… (10’ later/earlier since May 16th).
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Raven(s) Crow(s))

  • 10:39 blackcap first time today
  • 11:46 searching for insects 2m behind me Blaxie bathing, up to the pavilion to dry herself, no worry, even from taking pictures (which I partly did backwards, tho)
  • 12:08 taped flurrying shimmering GreatTit call
  • 12:37 blackcap singing a lot and directly near me, so could tape a lot. Blackbird too.
  • 12:39 magpie around quite a bit this morning, but I’m often near the woodpigeon.
  • 13:02 taped the robin, but also magpie, jacks, and a small bird which I still haven’t identified yet.
  • 13:40 back out after a long time this morning, taking pics of insects and stuff, feeding guinea pig after woke up, still dazed from too much pain killer tho.
  • 18:57 4 duck, 1 grey goose and 1 moorhen family, taped most of them, blackcaps 3x
  • 21:19 antenna was full of jacks, 7, so Blackie sang under the antenna, and only stopped when more came. 4 jacks sat really comfy and small on the antenna, can’t be young ones I think, and they’d be same size anyway.
  • 22:11 Neighbour robin was singing up to now, now our robin started, Blackie finished at about 22:00
  • 22:17 Robin finished praps

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 9:25 guinea pig closed his hut with a door of straw, to say I’ve had enough to eat and need some sleep – but 10:19 also cos of the pain killer I gave him, unfortunately seems too strong.
  • 11:16 after having wondered where squirrel’s been: he was here just now.
  • 11:34 1-2 white-tailed bumblebees on the celandine and bellflowers.
  • 12:37 best photo is of a small butterfly under a farn leaf, hard to detect
  • 13:40 laughing cos guinea pig is squeaking around gleefully, despite not being able to eat the zucchini he was keen on alone
  • 13:42 to see what he can eat – a few things better than before, others I’d’ve expected he can’t
  • 18:57 earthworms I found pairing on the road, damaged, put them aside, don’t know whether they can recover, I somehow think I’ve learnt they can.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain?
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)
21:10 repeated an idea I had before, putting long sticks of veggies in a glass for the guinea pig for the taking more easily himself. That didn’t work before, but in the cage now it did. Same as the other day he understood he could take syringes in the cage too, the first time I did that he did a displacement activity.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

Hi JayCS! Where did I go? I have no idea! :rofl: you got bitten by a tick? I’m assuming you’ve been tested for Lyme disease in the past? I know a person can get very sick from a tick bite, especially if they are unable to remove the head. I’m not going to write much more. I have over 30 days of reading to do to find out what kind of trouble you’ve been getting yourself into. :sweat_smile: :joy: :grin:

1 Like

Here are my comments in pieces. Love the photos. We have Asian Ladybird Beatles in Minnesota. They are not native to this area. Now they have become invasive. What is the photo of liquid silver? I planted pink Geraniums this year. Is the “ unknown” fruit possibly a fig? I’m surprised by all the large creatures ( snail, slugs etc. ) in Germany because the winters are cold. I thought the winters in Germany were similar to those in Michigan in the U.S.? Lot’s of snow.

1 Like

Main thing is you keep coming back! :hugs:
Yeah, tick bites is normal here, my wife gets them all the time, testing for Lyme is a matter of course. I had some funny symptoms today, not sure if from the bite. But head seems out, thankfully. Playing up a bit at night, but I think surviving it.

Yeah Asian ladybirds will be invasive everywhere, here too. Originally imported to keep aphids etc. down, but they became “too good”.
“Liquid silver” = 1000L of rain water… :grin:
Are your Geraniums a bit more pink than mine, then?
We don’t have that cold winters any more, only once a bit of snow this winter.
And the main reason for tons of molluscs everywhere here now is it’s been raining so much… :roll_eyes: - good for me and my liquid silver :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Thanks for checking in! :smiley:

2024-06-01 Saturday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow to very slow”, TT n/a, jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • I think I can stop putting “Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy.” up here, cos it has a small positive effect, no sfx, but less than the LDN, might be trying creatine malate next, and then NAC or aNAC.
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on May 29th. 3 bites improving (:x:) 21:32 2x20g cow cheese again.
  • QCS some time after getting up, cos…
  • …cold at night: 2nd warm (“winter”) duvet.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: Insect identifying is a bit as addictive at first as my first bird identifying and the forum, that and this blog is atm displacing the other forums, health and otherwise. Always had phases like that in my life. And addiction does make me overdo things, but is also a distraction, and this one will only be addictive short-term, till I’ve got used to it. Also overdoing it helps find out what something is good for, and in this case many insects still can’t be identified and I will definitely NOT be searching pics for hours on end if the 2 apps can’t, then I’ll just identify them by their appearance and make up my own names, like I do with all my beloved moss types.
  • Cheer and pic(k)s of the day: Insect day! 200 pics + 7 films! Yesterday I hadn’t even managed to look thru the films). Small dusty wave (moth) from the 29th! Insect day cos of new identifying as well as better zooming possibilities! (But made me self-careless.) Great woodpecker, blackbirds singing a lot, high up on the antennae. Big fat raindrops.

Pic(k)s of the Day

The flimmering chirp of a GreatTit, my favourite sound of their many variations, one of my favouritest of all… :Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

Small dusty wave (moth). Correctly identified by my laptop… In reality greyer than on the pic, but I find pretty both ways.
(Nerd stuff: Here I hadn’t managed to get it quite sharp, cos it was so small and I’m still practicing. So the German name is very telling: grey dwarf “spanner”. Spanner in English being “Geometer moth”, cos their larvae/inchworms move by appearing to measure (meter) the earth (geo).)

Yellow moth, no ID as yet:

Big fat raindrops - this is really what it looked like!:

My veggie buffet for tooth guinea pig (only worked whilst I was there, but at least it worked):

Trailing bellflower, a reason for my wife to be cheerful:

Trailing bellflower blossom close-up:

White-tailed bumblebee near alumroot blossom (don’t think it was of interest) between celandine leaves:

So what’s so good about flies and other insects than butterflies and bees?
Well, All things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small: https://youtu.be/VgqKfGRT0PM. And I really do find them all beautiful, their striking often metallic colours shimmering, when the wings are half or fully closed they are like a sheer skirt, that allow their miraculous ways of moving…
So here come 6 of today’s flies, and 1 bug

Marmalade hoverfly on smooth sowthistle blossom:

and Marmalade hoverfly close-up:

Black soldierfly on potting table decorated with old leaves (and 2 ants on the right it seems):

Stubby little brown fly, no ID yet:

Blue bottle type fly, no ID yet:

Fly, yellow lower thorax, next to burning hole in leaf, no ID yet:

Probably leafhopper or froghopper, no ID yet:

Green aphid, no full ID yet:
green aphid

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 30' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/s, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), balance (✅/(❌), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 7h55 ✅ (vQvCS: after sleep ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow to very slow, with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 7h55, all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:05-7:10 4x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h55+7h11-(4x5’=)20’ = 8h06-11’ = 7h55.
23:05 after back exercises
0:37 A3 meds, I’d forgotten before
2:01 spray on bites, 1st white and brown pill, dry throat, but not sore, sense of balance wonky, like the past nights
3:35 2nd white & brown, no birds yet.
5:18 3rd white & brown, cold, but sleepy enough to manage without QCS, throat I think is dry, but calendula just in case.
-7:10 up at, nice and overheated from a 2nd thicker duvet instead of the thinner one, but slight headache (top of head), slightly nauseous

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites improving (❌). Histamine foods: 2x20g cow cheese again (✅), 0 specks of marmite. Strain: Allergist appt. on 29th. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • On the one hand I’m very excited about the new possibilites on my mac, on the other it’s making me look for insects over my limits, so I’ve had to sit down and not do much
  • I’ve had a pretty useless day, but my wife still loves me! (And tries to comfort me feeling a loser, unless she’s worrying herself.)
  • Reason I wasn’t at bed at 10 was cos my wife was lazy, needed a break, needed me to sit with her, then play skip-bo till 10, then had to feed the guinea pig, so enough good reasons not to make it by 10.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • Nice that the 3rd bellflower at the back in the row is a blue one.
  • My wife likes how the poscharskyana, the trailing bellflower, is spreading all over the flowerbed and around (of course I do too, altho it’s NOT NATIVE… :grin:I looked up the difference to portenschlagiana, Dalmatian bellflower, which blossoms longer (and has more interesting leaves), but loses its leaves in winter. We have a small one on the balcony and a larger one directly under it on the ground, that seems to have dropped.
  • Pelargonia blossoms on the balcony increasing.
  • Everything getting more colourful. Not that it wasn’t beautiful before, just different and the variation, the contrast :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: makes it even nicer.

b) Birds:
*(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (migrated) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff in neighbourhood :white_check_mark:) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 12x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:20 / ?4:00… *
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Crow(s)

  • 15:28 heard a great woodpecker
  • 21:25 chaffinch, loads of jacks, about 100 in one big flock.
  • 21:25 my Blackie singing for half an hour straight again, neighbour hasn’t started yet.
  • 21:25 swifts were 15-20, but now aren’t deep down any more
  • 21:37 now next door blackbird loud and clear.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • Insect day again!
  • Flabbergasted: I was thinking about asking on a forum about the moth from the 29th that I’m posting now. Then I inadvertently found my laptop with right click offering to identify an insect, which I accepted and got exactly the right answer! And I could click fúrther on “similar pics” without having to do my own web search. Wanting to know if that uses go.ogle or a different image search, I found “Image analysis occurs locally and results in an object identifier, akin to the ‘neural hash’ proposed for CSAM scanning, being looked up in a remote database. Unlike other forms of image recognition such as Google Images, the image itself remains local and isn’t sent to a server for analysis or recognition.” here Is Apple scanning the images on my Mac? – The Eclectic Light Company, so I’m relieved. And this is such a brilliant function!
  • So after having learnt to zoom in I’ve now found a very quick way of identifying things (or not, if it can’t), which is progress and a time-saver.
  • Insects apart from those I’ve already taken photos of: There was a little yellow ladybird, probably Asian, flies, probably houseflies, 2-3 different kinds of bees, not just white-tailed bumblebees, so many are too fast for me.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain: Only a very short very heavy shower with big fast raindrops, see photo, but no yield. So am slowly using the stored water, mainly to save toilet water, actually.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-02 Sunday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow” to “very slow”, TT n/a, jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites better (:x:). 20g of cow cheese + mustard :white_check_mark:.
  • QCS at 6:40 ➔ 2.5h deep sleep :white_check_mark:.
  • Reduced GABA, balance wonky at night, heart thumping quite often again today.
  • Simplified when I wear which shoes to reduce dirt, and ordered a sweeper.
  • Self-care: Need to get blog back to the mornings.
  • Research: New study found higher heart rate in the night before pain days, recommends CBT and implicitly vagus/vagal exercises after such a night.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Ducklings, goslings and song thrush at local lakes. Robin near me at lot again.

Orchard grass closer and closer up:

Single yellow rose blossom no. 2:

Ducklings - Like mother like sons and daughters:

Goslings speeding to the lady who always brings the bird food (altho forbidden…):

Goslings back down to the lake:

Robin girl now often fluttering and hopping around me - us:

Bronze back fly:

Fly also with bronze thorax and tail tip, slim, 5 black stripes, long legs, forelegs white ‘wristbands’, rounded eyes:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5/10' ➔ 80%/3 (less nausea, but strain) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), balance (✅/❌), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 7h53 ✅ (vQvCS: 6:40 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow to very slow, with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 7h53, all deep ✅, QCS at 6:40 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:50-8:21 3x5’+23’, +10 doze. Sum: h10+8h21-(x5’=)38’ = 8h31-38’ = 7h53.
23:50 got carried away again with the blog, but did want to do back exercises properly, and again answering forum posts
0:59 balance wonky again 1:01 A3 GABA now, cos forgot.
2:44 2x0.3g = 0.6g GABA & 2nd brown pill
4:35 several blackbirds, several robins, not sure if I should take a 3rd GABA or not, praps 0.3g
6:23 8’ felt awake, opened the blinds, but realised no one’s up outside, so must be too early (no clock in the room), made the guinea pigs some mush, and trying without QCS
6:37 still can’t sleep properly so QCS, altho probably too late and will wake me up
6:46 OK, that’s after QCS, I feel tired, maybe it’ll work
8:21 QCS did work, up and greeted by swifts flying low directly in front of my window, between the houses to the street and between street and garden too.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites (❌❌). Histamine foods: 14:10 20g of cow cheese + mustard, no goat cheese. No reactions. (✅), 0 specks of marmite. Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 19:04 heart thumping quite often today, like some past days. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

I read the new study I mentioned on May 29th Machine learning identifies fatigue as a key symptom of fibromyalgia reflected in tyrosine, purine, pyrimidine, and glutaminergic metabolism - PMC that found higher heart rate in the night before pain days, and it recommends CBT and implicitly vagus/vagal exercises after such a night.
I thought a bit more about myself having a low pulse and my local pains under control. However I forgot that I fly under the radar of my systemic pain by pacing activities and even every single movement, getting up, sitting or lying down, so that pain can’t get to me. So my movements are often half or quarter or even a tenth as quick as they used to be. Then I don’t get much pain, otherwise I do. Sure I flinch once in a while, but I lete that quickly pass too, by quickly distancing myself from it and relaxing.

Lessons in self-care:
Did guinea pig till 9:30 off and on (and talked with wife a bit, cos home), then garden stuff, then forums instead of the blog first thing.
23:50: got carried away again with the blog, but did want to do back exercises properly, and again answering forum posts:
Need to get blog back to the mornings.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 11:28 nice to see the blue bellflowers contrasting with the white ones in front of the wood corner
  • 11:28 and to see the trailing bellflowers blossoming in the slipshod stone area which is getting to look better.
  • 11:28 giant boxwood needs treating cos the boxwood moth has now done more damage than at first. Or leave it to the birds? August is the next time to put B. thuringiensis on it again.
  • 11:28 Phone camera managed to portray a newly found blossoming grass “realistically”, which it didn’t with an orange fungus on the pine stump next to the deadwood palace.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: (Dunnocks 0) Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff on walk) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:25 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Great Woodpecker Raven(s) Crow(s))

  • 11:28 collared dove cooing both types
  • 11:28 woodpigeon still on nest
  • 11:28 BlueTit bathing
  • 16:42 at our local lake several duckling families, lastly the gosling family, chiffchaff and bullfinch, 16:52 grey heron flew low in front of us over the surface and landed at one end, but gone when we got there.
  • 17:03 song thrush above us at the nearer small lake, really loud (I wanted to stop and tape, but my wife was too far ahead and I didn’t have the energy to call her, and also wanted to be home.)
  • 18:22 a robin with a white wing stripe all around me, unusual behaviour, very near, even 30cm. I thought praps a baby, but my wife corrected me it wouldn’t have a red breast yet. White stripe would mean not our male, but the female.
  • 19:56 house sparrow finding insects in the boxwood, praps the boxwood moth

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain?
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

  • Can’t find my secateurs. Next chance I’ll buy 2 new ones just in case.
  • So to try to get it straight in my dulled brain :exploding_head:: I now use 1) various (“barefoot”) shoes for the garden, a) one comfy if it’s dry, but with small holes, b) several without if it’s wet :grin:, 2) open slippers for cellar, staircase and guinea pig room, the other rooms too if it’s hot, 3) a) nice old shoes for all those and all rooms if it’s temperate, b) woolen slippers if it’s(/I’m colder. All without heels cos of my back, barefoot or heelless, or the slippers I cut the soles out. Wow, harder than I thought.


  • For the straw etc. the guinea pigs bring into my room every evening, I ordered a sweeper spontaneously, after spending quite some time whether those things even still exist, and what they’re called in English and German. That way I can get it tidier with less effort than with vacuuming.
  • Looked out for more comfy shoes to wear in the guinea pig room, but decided to just use good old shoes that I can’t wear outside well any more (zipper bust).
  • I’ve also simplified dirt and comfort by using slippers to go to the cellar and leaving “garden shoes” down there. Never worked before, but now it does, I think I just didn’t choose the right combination. Just takes some getting used to. But I make sure if I forget, I retrace my steps to reprogramme my brain, see Foggies.
Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-03 Monday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow” to “very slow”, TT n/a, jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 20’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites better, but still need spray (:x:). Stomach ache at night cos of eating veggies that were off. 4 pain areas, treating them all the time. Wife’s worrying, took me to a big store, cared.
  • QCS in the morning ➔ n/a.
    Self-care: Mind screws all the time. Bed late, no real excuses. Need to keep laptop in cellar in the evening.
  • Thoughts/Feelings: Not coping “properly”, but I spose “procrastinating” is just more fun than self-care!
  • Cheer: Swifts close to my window. Cornflower. Birds sound so cheerful. Great woodpecker around a lot. Guinea pigs squeaking with joy. Like a fashion photographer I’m making lots of pictures of one thing, from 1 to 10, cos I never know which moment I’ll capture, many aren’t that good, some I’ll still keep, and only on the bigger screen can I see the best quality properly.

Pic(k)s of the Day

Robin girl now often fluttering and hopping around me - us


the purplest fairy bellflower

Big stinging nettles - raucous jaggedness and deep green as opposed to the other type, “little” stinging nettles.

Again, flowers coming, I hope to understand their flower types too, when they’re there.

Asian ladybird morphing part 1 I think

Asian ladybird morphing part 2 I think

Orchard grass again:

fly with perpendicularly striped thorax, no ID:

box bug (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)

box bug closer (Gonocerus acuteangulatus)

Bellflowers and rose campion - pretty maids all in a row facing the front, in front of the wood corner (with ferns, hedge maids and suchlike) at the back of the garden:

swift video snips:

VID 2024-06-03 swift closer 2 smaller

More swift video snips, closer and closer!:

VID_20240603_084234 2'25'' swift close snip

VID_20240603_084234 2'30''-2 swift close snip
VID_20240603_084234 3'08'' swift close snip

VID_20240603_084234 4'44'' swift close sky diving snip
VID_20240603_084234 4'48'' swift closest 1 snip

Not quite sure if that’s the wing tip of a swift, cos the wing isn’t usually spread out that much…:

VID_20240603_084234 5'02'' swift closest wing tip 1 snip

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/3 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3-4 (no nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 8h32 ✅ (vQvCS: morning ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "5h rest", 3h very slow, 8h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h32, all deep ✅, QCS morning, QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:40-8:42 5+5+15’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h15+8h42-(x5’=)25’ = 8h57-25’ = 8h32.
23:40- too late
1:26 stomach pang, taking A3 meds, late, but sleeping well.
4:22 woken up by street blackbird loud, 2 blackbirds and robins well audible, 1x0.3 GABA
6:04 15’ cos fed guinea pig, preparing a veggie buffet on their fodder rack, see if that works. Was longer. Feel a bit sick, not well, helmety headache, ear plugs otherwise I listen to the birdsong too much instead of sleeping.
-8:42! So did sleep well, despite thoughts of everything I want to do at 6:00.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites annoying, spray (❌). Histamine foods: 20g cow cheese (✅), 0 specks of marmite. Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: 8:42 140/85-55a 2x, 132/89-65, straining to get the gadget working and beforehand, so definitely not at rest, so I think very much OK. Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 14:17 4 local pain areas hurting today, starting with left clavicle at the left shoulder end, so pressing them alll day as usual is getting them better, already. 21:03 veggies were off and ate some of them before I realised, belly ache at 1:26. 9:44 so I didn’t take 1 quercetin, 1 passiflora 1 0.3 GABA at night, and also leaving the small day GABA, and not feeling worse for it at the moment. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • 9:26 when she got up my wife was worrying about my symptoms, I think it’s the balance that’s worse for her, so she’s happy I’m going to my sleep lab psychiatrist’ assistant again on Friday, the one who’s taken over is a doctor I’m told, so praps a neurologist, I hope she’s as good as the last ones, maybe with just one single small idea, or just support for getting higher disability. But what my wife keeps forgetting is that a senior neurologist has checked me for absolutely everything he could think of in August, and severe vertigo was the major symptom then. So worrying is senseless, there’s nothing to be gained. I realised that she does forget and needs and wants to be reminded of all the things I’ve done already, like the Centre for Rare Diseases.
  • 14:17 went to 2 shops with my wife, overwhelming loud peopled big electronic one cos she wants to get me – or me to get – a proper camera and a stand for my phone and that, cos I’m often shaky. We took it bit by bit and she took care not to overstrain me, which is a challenge…
  • 14:32 regular brain overloads, like mind screws, from talking, moving, thinking.
  • 14:48 a mind screw (my polite variant on mind / brain fuck) is actually exactly what I get a lot day now from simplest tasks, events, activities, anything that counters my mono-path, esp. when seizure-ish, cos that of course is a mind screw par excellence.
  • 22:37 Fed guinea pig and finished blog pics, forgot A2 supps with the last meal, so taking at 22:30, latest ever, all askew, forgot myo-inositol, too little GABA today.
  • 23:35 Excuses for late bed: None really – blog & web. Too late.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 14:34 first cornflower on the balcony, which I’d sowed, and
  • I brought 2 of the 3 alumroots up to the balcony, cos their pretty leaves are better stand-alone there than In my pot area wildness, where they blend in too much. The 3rd has those pretty light red flowers (see photo above somewhere) as a contrast to deep red, so they glow everywhere.
  • 15:50 deadheading bellflowers, cos the purplest one I definitely to keep going, altho I also want to get that one to seed, so do both deadheading and leaving the last flowers to seed.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins!! :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0.) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff 0.) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 12x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 2x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:30 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Great Woodpecker Raven(s) Crow(s))

  • Swifts flying all around my window in the morning, just haven’t found the nesting boxes yeet, tho.
  • 10:48 scolding GreatTits seem to have been cos of the squirrel around, don’t think anyone’s hurt themselves.
  • 14:34 great how cheerful many of the birds sound, like blackcap (can see him right now!), robin, the Great&BlueTits and jacks (not woodpigeon, magpie, raven or crow, they have other qualities, like placid or raucous).
  • 15:46 taping Blackie, along came blackcap, saw great woodpecker flying to the cornel cherry and there pecking away at one of the thin trunks, with his “pick” call in the background all the time, then over to neighbour.
  • 15:46 collared dove, blackcap several times, robin several times, a jack or two, magpie once, siesta lunchtime recital.
  • 17:01 taping blackcap again cos he’s swelling up and down, and the great woodpecker came again on that recording. Pic didn’t work out. In the cherry.
  • 17:19 Robin girl visited me again, 20-30cm away, even with my voice notes on, with her white wing stripe and black spot under left eye.
  • 17:21 Woodpecker just sped above with with his “pick”.
  • 17:21 Woodpigeons battling as ever.
  • 17:21 GreatTit in rose, boxwood (great!), Scotch brooms pavilion & bathing
  • 21:03 My Blackie I just taped under the antenna, cos the jacks were above, when they flew off, he went up, then another came, so he was off.
  • 22:37 Taped Blackie and others for round an hour, cos he’ll end soon, maybe never to come again loudly (just subsong).

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0)
Bats 0. Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 9:17 guinea pigs squeaking with joy when I’m feeding them, bouncy as ever, so to us no question whether this is all worth it.
  • 15:48 during the taping I found a few insects, a strange looking bug, faintly reminiscent of a ladybird larva, maybe a transforming one, tail up, and back down.
  • 17:21 white-tailed bumblebee(s) flying around.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain?
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-04 Tuesday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT n/a, jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 20’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites better (:x:)
  • Small issues at night: Mouth dry, Traumeel on sore thumb nail, Stomach ache again, Sleeping longer cos I’m deliberately keeping overheated.
  • Self-care: 2h work mail was OK, esp. as it’s the last ones now. Guinea pig still 1h per stint, 3xd.
  • QCS after getting up :white_check_mark:.
  • Thoughts:
  • Feelings:
  • Cheer: Now added swift pics on Monday’s entry, incl. when one flew directly at me in my window. Blackbird young one! Evening walk 1km, keeping under limits: ducklings & moorhen pair & fungus at lake.

Pic(k)s of the Day

Now looking in the same direction as “the pretty maids”, towards the front

Poppies in company, maybe less than last year, cos of letting everything else grow wild:

Grass may seem so slight, but to me it’s a sensual experience seeing how long and wild it’s grown:

Hydrangea / hortensia flowers budding - I think I like them better now than later, let’s see:

Rose campion: wham! And in true life the colour is a deeper neon violet:

“If I look into the corner maybe he won’t find me”

Found ya, littl’un!

Hmm, yummy washing powder water? Better put you back somewhere healther:

Pink bush roses on the streets around our house, not correct colour tho…

Big fat fungus wedge on tree, someone stuck a feather and a stick in it:

Just some weeping willows. But sinking into bits of anything intensely makes anything special:

Big stinging nettle: how many types of green?

These orange feet flashed at me over 20m, had to get closer:

Not a stinging nettle, a white dead nettle or white archangel blossoming:

*And another tree:"

A crisped / curly thistle caught our attention, growing inside of pond railings:

The clouds did too:

And my wife pointed out she loves these orange roses on the street around the corner:

Just believe me, this is a snip of the robin girl jumping up for an insect…:
VID_20240604_163757 robin girl jumping for insect snip

People of colour: white mother duck:

*White mum needs more of a break from swimming than her 3 littl’uns"

7 ducklings - we’d expected 8 from this mum, but later saw 1 was alone in the connected pond… The contrast of the brown ducks “in” the white reflection of the sky…

Ducklings warmly coloured by evening sun, not sure if it comes across:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/3 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/4 (❌), balance (8h25), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise ❌, "post postural ache", "PPA" (❌), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 8h25 ✅ (vQvCS: morning ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "5h rest", 3h very slow, 8h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h25, all deep ✅, QCS morning QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:05-7:55 5x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h55+7h55-(5x5’=)25’ = 8h50-25’ = 8h25.
23:05 after back exercises
0:15 5’
2:34 5’ (or praps 1:34?)
2:50 5’ dry mouth gel
2:52 rained a bit, less lights on in the street than usual recently, not bad.
4:59 5’ Traumeel on thumb nail, dry mouth gel
6:13 street blackbird sang me awake. Almond milk for dry mouth, pills thru, no QCS nec.
6:14 stomach ache – is that from the dry mouth gel or from the veggies Monday?
7:55 up, I think I’m sleeping long cos I’m keeping warm and overheated, hope that’s better. Now switch oe of the warm duvets for a colder one.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites (❌❌). Histamine foods: 20g goat cheese (✅), x specks of marmite (❌). Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): * Small issues at night: Mouth dry, Traumeel on sore thumb nail, Stomach ache again, Sleeping longer cos I’m deliberately keeping overheated. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • 9:45 Guinea pig is taking 3h/d on average
  • 11:28 2h mails for work, the last things that need doing, passing the baton.
  • 20:01 kept under the limits all the time on the evening walk.
  • 22:58 played skip-bo till 22:00, guinea pig for 30’, after that sorting his stuff, so then again far more than 1h for him.
  • 22:58 washing hair in the evening didn’t take too long or too much energy.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 14:47 deadheading the Alba fairy bellflowers I was surprised the juice is white too, and sticky like organic glue.
  • 20:01 Pics of interesting big fungus on a tree at the smaller lake.
  • 20:01 Pity the pink bush roses don’t come out right on the pics, try at dusk.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff at lake) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 18x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:35 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Greenfinch? Wren? Bullfinch? Treecreeper? Great Woodpecker? Green woodpecker? Raven(s)? Crow(s)? Song thrush? Above: Ducks? Heron? Peregrine(s)? Grey goose?)

  • Now added swift pics on Monday’s entry, incl. when one flew directly at me in my window.
  • 12:25 taped bird similar to blackcap, probably was.
  • 13:36 house sparrow chirping in the garden, that’s rare, they live on the street side
  • 14:48 baby blackbird! I think our male nearby. First breeding success after the 3 GreatTits.
  • 14:48 blackcap, GreatTits…
  • 14:53 standing near the nest looking up, saw magpie running past, so praps still good for the pigeons that I’m nearby anyway.
  • 16:40 robin female close again.
  • 16:40 swifts louder again, cos sunny and warm, so insects are out.
  • 16:59 blackcap, great woodpecker, woodpigeons not shy
  • 20:01 ducklings at nearer lake
  • 22:35 was the last time I heard a short robin phrase
  • 22:58 taped blackbird and robin evensong again for 1h.
  • 0:15 and 2:52 amazing how the moorhen’s nest in the nearer lake is built up about at least 60cm high, 40cm above the water, sitting patiently.
  • 7:55 dunnock loud as ever

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel 0)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 9:48 this morning was maximum weight he’s had in the mornings for many months, and accordingly the night before he’d bust the next 100g, so eaten 50g the last meal yesterday, eating grass by himself a lot, not feeding quite as much now.
  • 12:43 2 bumblebees in the celandines
  • 14:47 heard squirrel squawking, feared they were annoying the woodpigeon, so went there quick just in case, but was embarrassed it was 2 playing squirrels who ran away.
  • 15:13 the Spanish slug which I put 5-6m into the garden has come back into the cellar and is hiding in the corner of the cellar entrance, seems able to get under the door… 16:36 made me laugh again, again in that corner, pretty sure it’s the same one, read they like going to the place they came from if displaced, now it was on its way to get something to drink from the washing machine water rest, so now put it at the other end of the garden, 20m, let’s see when she comes back!
  • 16:40 reading up how ants live symbiotically with aphids, how they build & heat nests. Different kinds of ants, I do have yellow ones at the back of the garden, didn’t realise that’s a different type, lasius flavus, yellow path / meadow ant.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
20:01 nice evening walk 1km together, after bringing a bust bike to a neighbour for repair.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain 0.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-05 Wednesday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT 2:0 (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites better (:x:)
  • Focal seizures at 9:54 doing rabbit holes and 17:52 starting TT.
  • QCS in morning :white_check_mark:. Bed at 23:10 again cos of blog till 20:20 and guinea pig. Preparing pics alone takes >1h.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Maybe last big work mail. Sweet pea? Robins near again. Sweeper and changing shoes is simplifying.

Pic(k)s of the Day

Nothing particularly new or spectacular today - except cricket and firebug, then a slightly different woodpigeon call (audio), just bits in the garden that caught my attention, and 3 better pics of the robin girlie close.



Click here to listen to the different woodpigeon call - I’m probably the only person on earth that can distinguish and recognise most woodpigeon calls clearly, but it takes all sorts, dunnit, ey… :exploding_head: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
(Vocaroo doesn’t work for some, that’s the platform I always use to upload audio.)

Trailing bellflowers (poscharskyana) flowering up the slipshod stone area:

Rambler rose flowers increasing:

Flowering grass in front of the horse mint:

Cornel cherry curtain over alprose:

ivy and boxwood around hydrangea all growing healthily:

cherries ripening in cherry tree, great for everyone, new coming for that the great woodpecker and a jack:

chaos flowerbed in the sun:

Robin girlie featherball near 3x, with shadow 2x and black spot (hole) under to the front of the left eye in #3:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 30' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5/20' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT 2:0 fairly easily against my 2nd mate (moving 15%, talking 15%, counting 20%) (✅), moving ➔ 80%/4 13:43 after taking shoes off and putting them on again, then going upstairs, I’m really knackered and panting (❌), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep ✅ (vQvCS: ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "5h rest", 3h very slow, 8h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): , all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep :-: x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h+h-(x5’=)’ = h-’ = h.
23:10 back exercises already done
23:21 trying to catch a fly took another 5’, teeth cleaning difficult
23:21 I need a much longer 0.5 brush for my teeth, there must be something like that?
1:12 5’
2:53 5’
4:32 5’
6:35 5’ slight sinusey frontal & top of head headache, feels a bit like thirst. Sun’s out makes it hard to go back to bed.
7:45 think only deep dozing, dreaming of going to the bad 1st cancer doc and not having the August doc report with me, that’s telling me to remember that on Friday.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on 29th. Bites (❌❌). Histamine foods: 20g goat cheese (✅), x specks of marmite (❌). Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 9:54 focal seizure, so more GABA. While doing some rabbit hole stuff. 17:52 another focal seizure at the beginning of table tennis. 11:40 Of the 4 local pains all are OK, but the clavicle is subliminally there, so I’ll keep up more back exercises. The others OK, a 5th one too. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), May 27th (1) (1): 6 days without. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2), May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2), May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT probably from forgetting GABA the day before) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Why bed at 23:10? Cos guinea pig took so long again. My fault is again doing the blog till 20:20, should have finished by “12:00”. Browsing, choosing and preparing pics is taking much longer than 1h I think. But it’s rewarding for me.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 12:57 wanting to remove leaves with fungus on them, like on the ivy, I found hardly any, very healthy growth, incl. on neighbour’s side.
  • 12:57 the cornel cherry is forming a curtain in front of the alprose
  • 12:57 in the middle the grass is all flowering, so nice to walk thru on the trodden paths where it’s short. It’s preventing other flowers, but I’m keeping an eye on any small ones like thyme speedwell, which is there, and I hope the crimson clover I had one flower of last year will come again, despite the high grass.
  • 13:04 looking close I found another thyme speedwell
  • 13:05 strange also I haven’t had to cut back the leaves of the early bloomers, cos the grass, buttercups, snails and slugs seem to have reduced or hidden them, all tidy, except 3 tulips.
  • 13:25 new plant like a sweet pea next to composter 1.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff in neighbourhood) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 6x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:35 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Great Woodpecker? Raven(s) Crow(s) Song thrush)

  • 12:10 taped street woodpigeon with the rhythmic call, adding 2 notes, and stressing the first note of the first full phrase too.
  • 12:57 raven and magpie were here this morning, felt as if magpie was trying to chase raven away.
  • 12:57 robin and blackcap singing.
  • 13:05 jack(s) looking for the others flying around
  • 13:25 sound as if squirrel is scratching a hazelnut open above me, strange.
  • 18:28 dunnock here and robin all around
  • 18:31 greeted by female robin again, bathing, then male collected her and they buzzed off together.
  • 19:41 how sweet the robins flirting directly next to me like they coupled in front of me in the veranda 2-3 months ago, now flirty fluttering all around me in the cellar entrance.
  • 19:45 seeing tail of a woodpigeon doesn’t to me explain the German word Ringel(taube), cos it doesn’t look much like a ring.
  • 20:00 woodpigeon walking around me encouraged a house sparrow to come close as well, 1m, that’s rare.
  • 20:00 unknown bird call again….
  • 22:34 robins pretty much ended, at the same time
  • 4:32 blackbirds & robins, no greattits or robins

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 20:27 whilst I was putting the guinea pigs cardboard box huts and tunnels up in my room for them to play, they already started walking thru them, full of trust.
  • 22:34 big brown bat as well as the pipistrel before.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
11:15 maybe last work mail describing what to do in what order for my last major project, to hand that over.

f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain 0.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

  • 11:15 the sweeper is very helpful
  • 11:15 knowing which shoes to wear when worked well, too, putting it down cut thru the fog. Just gotta get - mainly - used to not taking off my shoes in front of the flat door, but in front of the cellar door.
Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-06 Thursday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT 1:0 and 2:1 (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th, slightly better for an hour or two today, so maybe recovering. Bites better :white_check_mark:, and no new ones, despite not putting oils on like I should.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9 days after last) (:white_check_mark:).
  • QCS: didn’t shower, cos early TT.
  • Fresh air: Trying with open windows at night went quite well.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: Not worried about tomorrow despite the dream last night reminding me to take my vertigo report with me. Time to prepare before, cos it’s at 12:00.
  • Cheer: 11:32 Blaxie visited with me with her 2 littl’uns, first she bathed, then they did. Great (‘coloured’) woodpecker a regular now, caught a few good views, hear the picking call a lot, and also him pecking wood for insects. 8 birds bathing.

Pic(k)s of the Day

Cornflower (again): some things are better ‘from a distance’, some from near:

(That reminds me of the beautiful(?)ly kitschy song “From a Distance” https://youtu.be/lN4AcFzxtdE. “She has stated that the song is about the difference between how things appear to be and how they really are.” It says “God is watching us from a distance”: to me however, He isn’t watching me from a distance, He’s right here by my side giving me strength for all this crap.)

The rose campions have really taken off this year, wonder if they’ll double that 120 at once, cos there are already +40 in places they weren’t last year. Early bloomers like this Onion of Persia up front are sposed to be cut off, but I want to keep them for contrast. The poppies look more orange here than up close, but actually looking at them “from a distance” right now in contrast to just green around, they do look fairly orange:

Mentioning my paths thru the grass yesterday made me look at them closer. I spose they look better now they’re well defined and the grass is flowering. That’s making me see all the flowering grass as flowers - wow, so many flowers!:

Bee - damaged on the table tennis table (sorry, bee, if it was us - but you’ve now been immortalised). Important cos I think it’s the first bee this year I’ve seen that wasn’t a bumblebee:

My first sighting of the darker blackbird baby on the veranda roof. Bad video-snip, but I’m happy to see they’ve managed a brood after all their magpie problems. Let’s see if they make it.):
VID_20240606_111140.mp4 0'12'' blackbird baby first smaller

Other swift, blackbird and bat films are fun to watch, if you know what you’re looking for, but no good for sharing a snapshot.

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10-20' ➔ 80%/4 ❌, music 5/20' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less), not sure, didn't try much (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT 1:0 against my 1st mate, and 2:1 against my 2nd mate (moving 15%, talking 15%, counting 20%) - pretty OK after (✅), moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 8h35 ✅ (vQvCS: no, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: slow, with "5h rest", 3h very slow, 8h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h35, most deep, despite windows open till 3 ✅, QCS: no showering, cos preferred early TT before the doc appt. = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 22:45-7:45 5x5’, some deep doze. Sum: 1h15+7h45-(5x5’=)25’ = 9h-25’ = 8h35.
22:45- bed
0:04 5’ sleeping with windows open is good, only slight sore throat, so closing nearest of 3 windows.
03:01 5’ closed 2nd window, then cos it’s 3 already everything, a little noisy outside in between, ear plugs itching, so out.
4:45 5’ did hear blackbird earlier, so wasn’t quite deep.
5:53 5’ 4th.
I think there was a 5th break, so I’ll write 5x5 just in case.
-07:45 up, didn’t note that, but as I’ve caught up I can remember.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on 29th, 12:27 at first I thought I’m coming out of the flare from the allergist appt. last Wednesday, but after a few hours I think not, need lots of rest before I manage to go to shops, but maybe improving. Bites ✅ - despite not using oils much. Histamine foods: 20g cow cheese (✅), 0 marmite. Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).

(3) DOCS: Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 22:40 Tried more fresh air at night, since I’m keeping pretty hot if I leave my long-sleeve and both winter duvets on. First all windows, then with each sleep break closing one more, just in time for the dawn chorus, when I need ear plugs anyway. I first thought the people on the street might annoy too much, it is a risk, so used ear plugs first, but started itching, so not clean I guess, so out again, and later in again, and washed them in morning. These pink more squishy ones are perfect for me for forming, noise and for cleaning. 0:07 left elbow tendon hurting, pressing shows both are, but left more, but then bit better, good to keep an eye on that. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1) 21st (1) May 27th (1) Jun 5th (2). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (from less GABA) May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT from less GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • 19:51 tried screen curfew at 19:00, but still got caught up with pics of the day from day before yesterday till now 19:50, but praps just cos trying to catch up. So did a quick late programme: quick eat till 20:45, bit of guinea pig feeding, shop at 20:45, grass at 21:00 and 21:20 guinea pigs properly - easier cos wife is out this evening. Finished them at 22:15, then myself till 22:30, then outside on the balcony for a 10-15’ for fresh air. As wife only came home now, she opened my windows as always for me, only then, and that made me try airing at night, successfully.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)
b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff in neighbourhood) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 18x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 8x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:45 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Great Woodpecker Raven(s) Crow(s) Song thrush)
9:20 swifts near and dunnocks loud as often in the mornings. First a jack, then 2 big black birds that seemed to be ravens. 2 blackbirds chasing each other. And saw a bigger white bird fly, which I guess was the great woodpecker.

  • 11:32 Blaxie introduced me to her 2 littl’uns. She came to start bathing, one wanted to come to her, but she picked them away, flew off after shaking herself, and left them, they put their beak in the bath, and took a few minutes to test the water, maybe first time, and then were both merrily splashing away at the same time, then flew up and flurried themselves dry. One lighter, thrush-like spots far clearer, one darker, praps female and male. Darker one liked to do the high pitched pick-pick alarm call the first days, altho nothing really to be alarmed about, was foraging in the leaves on the veranda roof.
  • 12:37 Great woodpecker here again. Dunnock in the background regularly.
  • 12:51 blackcap. Daddy Blackie bathing in the same birdbath as one of his littl’uns just an hour ago.
  • 12:56 robin bathing again, so at least 6 bird baths by now.
  • 13:05 heard something that sounded like a sparrow baby, but directly after the dunnock started, so maybe it was him.
  • 13:16 rhythmic knocking from the pot area I’m guessing is the great woodpecker, praps finding something in the lilac trunk.
  • 13:27 again weird noises, praps a GreatTit pair, one a baby, robin near too.
  • 13:29 Great woodpecker in full view, jack in cherry making big noise, maybe irritating him.
  • 18:25 Song thrush on the way back from TT
  • 18:50 Great woodpecker in background again. Never had them around that long that I know of.
  • 18:55 Blackie in cherry, but then a 2nd one too, probably battling.
  • 19:07 jack in cherry again, great woodpecker I can’t hear ‘picking’ anymore, but was knocking against wood, not sure if after the cherries or the cherry flies that put the maggots in.
  • 22:40 the robin finale was a quick-quick-alarm call, only one in the street still singing a bit.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 12:58 lots of flies flying at me, but now I think a real wasp, rather than a “wasp-looking fly”, like the marmalade fly.
  • 22:42 when I came home from getting the guinea pigs grass I left it downstairs so they don’t smell it, but when I came into the room they started squeaking and all the time I was feeding them they were smelling my hands and looking for that yummmy food that I wasn’t giving them, don’t know if they smelt it from me or from the air. Very pleased when I put them back into the cage and inundated them with their fave, even tho the flowering grass isn’t as good as lush green – but I did find some of that too.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain 0.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) 12:35 Lost some hazelnut leaves I’d plucked for the guinea pigs, so had to get more. (Still haven’t found them one day later.)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-07 Friday

Summary: Long one today - experiencing a lot!

  • Doc appt. (see (3) DOCS): one of the worst doc appts ever with the new assistant of my sleep lab psychiatrist: she apparently had nothing about fatigue in her file, believes that fatigue is treatable, it must have a cause and a diagnosis, and thought she’d have to do an expertise on my whole situation, I just wanted her to diagnoses ME/CFS, she didn’t get it. I left cos it was too much of a strain, and angering, esp. (as I told her) cos none of my major conditions have findable causes. Maybe naive, too little empathy, or listening enough. (As a person she seemed fine, actually.)

  • Heart thumping (see details in “CVD” below): palpitations and heart rate of 40!: praps cos no TT recently? BP is OK day and night, but pulse is down to 40, just recently it was 55-65, so check that with my cardio. Yeah bradycardia can come from age, but I haven’t aged inside of 3 months…
    Thurs: very slow. Fri: leopard slug close up first, 10cm long. CAMERA!

  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile more “very slow” than “slow”, TT at 9:00 0:2 → 1:2 (:white_check_mark:) and at 18:15 2:1 against my 2nd mate, bit harder for me than in the morning, altho it should’ve been easier (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 20’ (:x:).

  • Triggers: Allergist appt. on 29th, fairly recovered today, after 9 days “:white_check_mark:”, and sleep lab psychiatrist appt. today went badly, but strangely no backlash. Bites OK :white_check_mark:.

  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9 days after last). GABA mistakes!?

  • Sleep: heart thumping made me take BP, which interrupted otherwise good sleep. NSDR helped. Open window/fresh air :white_check_mark:, but air smells like car fumes, why? Hardly sore throat, but coughing all Saturday. QCS at 22:42 ➔ 2h deep sleep :white_check_mark:, but 4’ at 3:17 ➔ didn’t work, cos heard people thru the open windows 3x.

  • Thoughts: -

  • Feelings: Good that I expressed my anger in the situation with the doc, and amazing that this appt. caused no backlash, as opposed to the nice allergist.

  • Cheer: Blackbird juveniles all around! Ant heaps! Woodpigeon eggs are hatched! Squirrels! Great woodpecker Knocking on Wood! (Remember the 70s (60s) song?: https://youtu.be/XKuJUxGntRI) Piano playing in the neighbourhood. Leopard slug!

Pic(k)s of the Day:

Flagstones, red bush roses, beetle, trailing bellflowers, honey bee, cranefly, cherry trunk, blackbird kid, squirrel (both fuzzy), leopard slug coming up:

Flagstones embedded better now:

Flagstone pathway to front settled and embedded better now:

Red bush roses around the corner from our house:

Red bush roses around the corner - closer:

Long jointed bark beetle - looks like polished wood to me, but it’s also called hairy, cos the wing covers are hairy, just not visible here:

Trailing bellflowers, in German “hanging bolster bellflowers”:

Honey bee on a trailing bellflower:

Was that the same honey bee struggling to get out of my bedroom this morning?:

…along with this cranefly…:
VID_20240607_111012 0'33''-2 Schnake cranefly at window vid snip

Cherry separating the dark from the light side:

Under the cherry a blackbird kid with a cherry about to eat it:

Redbrown squirrel looking down from cherry branch:

Last, but for me not least, the leopard slug (a “small” 10cm one):

And a close up of the wonderful ripples on its skin, reminds me of a fish:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 20' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 10' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), 9:00 TT 0:2 → 1:2 (✅), 18:15 2:1 against my 2nd mate, bit harder than in the morning (moving 15%, talking 15%, counting 20%) (✅), moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 7:35 ✅ (Open window/fresh air: ✅. vQvCS: 23:15 and 3:20 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: more very slow than slow, with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 7:35, "all" deep ✅, QCS at 23:15 and 3:20 (4'!) QCS = very quick very cold shower (first unnec due to LDN, but started up again in ?March praps when warmer, everything else OK ✅ (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:15-7:55 5+60+5+5’, of that 10’ deep doze, + another 10’ deep doze. Sum: h45+7h55-(x5’=)1h15 = 8h40-1h15 = 7h25, let’s say 7:35.
22:42 heart thumping whilst playing skip-bo I checked BP, 132/89 = normal, down on the floor and up again 2x. Then 116/79, starting to dip.
23:11 QCS to unclad myself of the doc appt.
23:11 good I managed to wash my hair 3 days after the last.
1:07 light outside has gone on after all, but OK. Sore throat, might be from wet hair after washing it, so blow dried it a bit more.
2:40 +back exercises. Air smells like car fumes, why?! Sleeping deeper, praps cos of ear plugs, not waking up with a pee urge – why awake? 2:42 Try leaving windows open. Heart thumping again every time I get up.
2:45 96/59-44a 2:47 127/63-38, 2:53 pulse: 40 over 2 minutes, so readings right (normally had/have 55-65). Sometimes 6 quick pulses. 152/75-45a. 2:56 141/77-39 2:58 120/71-43a 3:00 125/70-39 3:10 do have to do another QCS, 3:16 quickly read up: bradycardia normal at 65y, heart palpitations too, unless heart problem.
3:17-3:21 QCS clothes off, QCS, deodorant, back on, back to bed in 4’ flat!
3:40 after 3 people walking/cycling past talking, self-NSDR not enough, so shut windows and NSDR audio. Very strong palpitations on left, so lying on right better, then ignoring.
4:45 with windows closed it wasn’t the dawn chorus that woke me up, but the following track after NSDR, I spose I need to put that on solo repeat if my phone always adds something else after it. Only heard 5’ of NSDR, then was off.
7:15 sleep longer? Still 3 GABA in my box, praps need to note each I take in night breaks.
-7:56 my alarm woke me – maybe change that.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Allergist appt. on May 29th, recovered Jun 7th. Bites (❌❌). Histamine foods: 20g goat cheese (✅), x specks of marmite (❌). Strain: Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th triggered a severe flare until around Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Allergist appt.: recovered by Jun 7th, despite bad sleep lab psychiatrist appt.

(3) DOCS: Sleep lab psychiatrist appt.: one of the worst appts ever: she apparently had nothing about fatigue in her file, believes that fatigue is treatable, it must have a cause and a diagnosis, and thought she’d have to do an expertise on my whole situation, whilst I just wanted her to diagnoses ME/CFS, and she didn’t get that. I left cos it was too much of a strain, and angering, esp. (as I told her) cos none of my major conditions have findable causes. Maybe naive, too little empathy, or listening enough. (As a person she seemed fine, actually.) Click for latest (April 26th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD med effects: Palpitations from lack of TT? 22:42 so checked BP: 132/89 = normal, then 116/79, night dip. 2:45 96/59-44a 2:47 127/63-38, 2:53 pulse: 40 over 2 minutes, so readings were right (normally: 55-65). Sometimes 6 quick pulses, then slow. 152/75-45a. 2:56 141/77-39 2:58 120/71-43a 3:00 125/70-39 3:10 do have to do another QCS, 3:16 Cleveland Clinic says bradycardia and heart palpitations are fairly normal, unless the heart has a problem, maybe note how often, how long. = BP is OK day and night, but pulse is down to 40, just recently it was 55-65, so check that with my cardio. Yeah, bradycardia can come from age, but I haven’t aged inside of 3 months. Click for latest (Mar 21st) & next changes, and details...)

Jun 7th: Bradycardia = HR of 40 now, together with regular palpitations night and day.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): GABA mistakes?! And liquid stools for the 2nd time once after 1st meal.:10:11 again like a few days back severe liquid stools, after first normal. From broken egg? Gut felt bad the past few days several times. Eating late after taking my first supps of the day at 8:30, others at 9:45 or 10:00. GABA: mistaken?: No GABA in the boxes of the 2nd day of the 6 day batch, forgotten? But seizures on 5th, so doesn’t fit to GABA less on 6th – why am I not getting seizures today? Maybe I did prepare it now, but not on 4th. Did take 4x0.3g at night. Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: (couldn’t fit 4 things into this entry)
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms) See pics.
b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff in neighbourhood) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 6x :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:40 / ?4:00…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Great Woodpecker! Raven(s) Song thrush 0.)

  • Blackbird juveniles! 11:41 bathing. 14:43 close, trying to get them used to my noise that shows them I’m here, so they don’t startle. 16:36 In rhododendrons foraging.
  • Woodpigeon eggs are hatched! 14:05 woodpigeon moving around a bit, praps I have to look if there’s a baby under. 14:06 yep, I’m very sure I saw something moving, white-ish under her, settled down again, got up again. Can’t quite remember, but I think they feed with a milk type of sap so they don’t have to fly around whilst the hatchlings are growing – sounds a bit like mammals. 14:56 Woodpigeon now with tail high up, head down, moving up and down, so probably giving milk.
  • Great Woodpecker 12:35, 13:37 Great woodpecker here all the time. 13:45 again in the serviceberries next to woodpigeons next, flew away maybe from me looking, so need to be more careful. 14:44 Thought great woodpecker was gone, but knocking on wood. “Knock on wood.”
  • 13:58 heard sparrow in garden area, always rarer, altho they’re not far away.
  • 14:05 magpie, I think first time I hear him today.
  • 14:33 Robin keeps singing a phrase or two, sitting near, I answer a bit, he flies away, comes back.
  • 14:43 GreatTit visibly close again, crow crowing overhead, blackcap subsinging after first loud singing when great woodpecker was here. Always a GreatTit-sized bird around I haven’t identified yet.
  • Blackbirds: 14:56 Blackie near woodpigeon came down and is foraging in the leaves next to me, and robin looked down at me and flew down to the veranda roof above me. Blackie was near the woodpigeon nest, dunno why making an alarm call. 17:38 neighbour’s blackbird sang a really great call, but didn’t repeat for me to tape. 17:53 a blackbird came down from the cherry with a cherry in his mouth, landed next to the phone, then saw me and flew away scolding (end of 17:39 taping, 14’). 22:39 bit sad in the evening that Blackie only sang at 21:50, and neighbour’s blackie late and short too. Wife says they might stop now, but looking it up it says till end of July, if they are breeding 4x but that might be the max. and they’re just happy to have managed these 2. Whatever, it’s good I’m taping him a lot.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • Squirrels: 12:35 squirrel came past and Blackie scolding. 14:29 redbrown and greybrown squirrel just came down the cherry tree trunk 2m away from me, I guess shyer than in the months where there were sunflower seeds in front of me. 14:48 tried to tape great woodpecker, but got the 2 squirrels squawking, squeaking and rustling the cherry leaves. 16:36 some time 3 squirrels were in cherry, rhododendron and elderberry.
  • Ant heaps: 13:37 Found a really tall thin ant heap next to the central flowerbed corner under the Scotch brooms, 10-12cm high. Not that surprised, reason I looked up ants was I wanted to know what reason they might have to heap up sand. But if ant heaps are built to store warmth, sand does do that as we know from the beach, so maybe these small ant heaps everywhere are designed to do that to, esp. if it’s under stone or earth, stone is cold, they need heat from somewhere, and sand supplies or mediates it.
  • Bank vole: 13:54 just came out under the veranda under me and stood 20cm from my boot, then scurried off to the cherry trunk, realising it was possible.
  • Insects: 13:56 when I went to the bedroom to close the swift attracting sounds, there were a bee, praps a honey bee or wild bee and a kind of cranefly. See if the photos were any good. No problem to get them out by making wind with a towel, then putting a glass over the window, and letting them find the way out better. Windows are a real hurdle for insects and birds.
  • Slug!: 22:39 wife discovered a leopard slug on the wall in front of the house, bit of a challenge to get my phone to take a sharp pic.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)

  • Piano: 14:56 piano sounds, someone seems to have got a new piano and some are playing regularly with window open, but not too long. One of the first people who played was really brilliant, modern jazzy chords, but sometimes a kid plays a simple kid’s song, at least fairly correctly, in between fairly good playing. Not got annoying yet. First thought it might trigger the desire to play again myself, but it doesn’t, not that it leaves me cold, it’s just nice to hear, cos I love the piano.

f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) Rain 0.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) A bit clearer today after coming out of the flare from the allergist appt.
Simplified: I put my copious voice notes from Friday under “Sum” first, so I don’t forget anything there, but it may be more work. I’m experiencing too much!

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-08 Saturday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 20% (:x:), energy profile “slow”, TT : (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Good 20-25’ allergist appt. on 29th :x:, fairly recovered Jun 7th, after 9 days “:white_check_mark:”. Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt. first :white_check_mark:, today knackered from it (:x:). Bites OK :white_check_mark:. Morning meals too small recently.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9 days after last)
  • Sleep: Screen curfew 19:40 :white_check_mark:, late bed cos of: guinea pigs “:white_check_mark:”. QCS at 4:00 ➔ 3h deep sleep :white_check_mark:. Open window/fresh air: 2h20 :white_check_mark:.
  • Thoughts: Not thinking that much about the doc appt (yet), except single things she said, like about the wheelchair.
  • Feelings: Managing to keep calm, have lost any anger already about doc.
  • Cheer: Garden is my new home. Wife wants me to get an expensive camera. Lots of swift tapes. Blackie more on the street now. Predators: raven, magpie, cat, great woodpecker: no victims so far. Blackbird young, at least 2 (actually it’s 3 I know now).
    Bees more and more. Squirrels squawking around again.

Pic(k)s of the Day

Tree, leaf colour, new ladybird larva, snail, 4x squirrel video snips, almost 30 swift snips, to try to get a slomo impression of their movements:

Lime tree opposite:

Garlic mustard leaves going an interesting colour - so that’s why it’s called mustard!?:

Garlic mustard leaves:

Vierzehnpunkt-Marienkäfer = 14-spotted ladybird larva:

Banded snail on hazel leaf:

Banded snail on hazel leaf from the side:

4 video snips of redbrown squirrel on cherry branch:

VID_20240608_110636.mp4 5'03'' squirrel on cherry branch vid snip 3
VID_20240608_110636.mp4 5'52'' squirrel on cherry branch - what's he doing there5 vid snip 4
VID_20240608_110636.mp4 5'52'' squirrel on cherry branch- best be gone quick vid snip 4

*** 28 Video snips of swifts above my window - often near rainpipe:***

VID_20240608_080156 2'06'' swift flying above
VID_20240608_080156 2'06'' swift flying above 2
VID_20240608_080156 2'09'' swift flying directly above 1

VID_20240608_082750 1'19'' swift sharp
VID_20240608_082750 1'19'' swift sharp 1
VID_20240608_082750 1'19'' swift sharp 2
VID_20240608_082750 1'19'' swift sharp 3
VID_20240608_082750 1'19'' swift sharp 4

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 20' ➔ 80%/3-4 (❌), music 10' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT n/a, moving ➔ 80%/4, more exhaustion than pain: 22:12 after visiting art exhibition next door, knew I needed a break, then totally knackered after eating, shop 10’ and guinea pig grass 10’ ❌, balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "80%" (❌) and sleep 8h20 ✅ (Open window/fresh air: 1:30-3:50 = 2h20 ✅. vQvCS: 4:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: Jun 7th more "slow" again than "very slow", but Jun 8th back down with "5h rest", 7h very slow, 4h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h20, all deep ✅, QCS at 4:00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:05-8:10 25+4x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h+h-(x5’=)45’ = 9h05-45’ = 8h20.
23:05- together for once, actually worked, I could sleep – she couldn’t well tho, cos noisy on the street.
0:32 5’ 1st
1:32 5’ 2nd wife had gone back in the meantime 1:33 bad back from different position. Opened window.
2:20 5’ 3rd (but somehow still 2nd white pill.) back hurting. Leaving window open. Throat dry, praps from windows, so dry mouth gel. 2:22 no sore throat tho. Left nostrils slightly stuffy. Ear plugs from now on.
3:50 25’ 3rd GABA, street robin and one in the distance, first sign of light. Dry mouth gel helped throat, but belly ache maybe from that. Now closing windows cos of dawn chorus. Too much unrest so QCS. 4:02 first blackbird, I think street blackbird, taping. 4:03 Blackie? 4:13 No, street blackbird I think (taped tho). Heard Blackie too. Smelling something like fumes again. 4:14 back to bed.
7:03 5’ 4th heart thumping a bit for a few minutes after last break. Calendula for sore throat.
8:10 up

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: 20g goat/cow cheese (✅). Strain: Allergist appt. May 29th, fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) "✅". Bad sleep lab psychiatrist appt on Jun 7th, ✅ first, then on 8th bad again: I wrote this on Friday, but had to revise it Saturday and Sunday: “Strangely, it didn’t get to me much at all, as opposed to the allergist appt., I think I was just in a much worse state before that, and this time was well prepared from last time, no additional stress from having to print out the notes. Altho I met someone I knew beforehand and those 4-5’ took a lot of energy from the start, so I was shaking. Even more of course after the appt., my keys fell down. Makes me think if it’s important to go to docs with my wife to help me in such situations. But I don’t think it’s worth going there with my wife. Even tho she ended “I do want to help”. “ Saturday I realise I’m much more exhausted than it first seemed, so again a cortisol effect on Friday. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) “:white_check_mark:”,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, Jun 8th back down :x:.

(3) DOCS: 22:50 keeps going round my head that when I told the psychiatrist that my wife thinks I may need a wheelchair she just protested: but you don’t need a wheelchair! – as if she knew. Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD, incl. med effects: Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Jun 8th not that much. CVD: 13:39 heart pumping, pulse feels like 55-60 Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...)

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 10:20 strange I’m not eating well in the mornings, weight seems 74kg. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90% (despite being knackered, still happy and everything)

Lessons in self-care:

  • 10:23 forgot to go downstairs quick, cos wife is often uptight in the mornings, which we both know. She wants to take me to the public health officer on Monday. Made me angry, cried a bit, but means I’m fraught.
  • 11:56 can get up easier out of the veranda, cos I’m not stretching my loins so much whilst sitting with one leg cocked, cos the loins are better.
  • 15:12 still too easy to keep my shoes on when I go downstairs, so I keep forgetting and have to retrace to rewire my habits.
  • 16:09 wife wants me to buy an expensive camera and tripod, has given me a deadline!
  • 4:14 the alarm 7:55 can only wake me up if I have the phone next to me after using NSDR audio.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • I spose moving into the garden as my new home is rather like changing houses and/or partners. And changing places in the garden, more in the veranda, is a bit like buying new furniture or renovating. Under the cherry I’m closer to food sources now I’m not feeding just in case it harms.
  • 11:55 less daisies than last year cos the grass has grown much higher.
  • 11:55 deep violet coloured rose campion shows contrast to the others even on pic, closer to the actual colour of most.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: Chaffinch :white_check_mark: (Chiffchaff nearby :white_check_mark:) Collared dove :white_check_mark: Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …22:50 / 3:50…
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Raven(s) / Crow(s))

  • Swifts 8:13 put on swift sounds, attracted those around, but always only 2m away, few close manouevres. 10:23 swifts directly over the house.
  • Blackie (and other blackbirds) 8:13 It was Blackie singing behind the lime, I’m pretty sure, actually in street blackbird’s territory, and probably was him making an alarm call on the balcony opposite, I think at my swift sounds, cos there was nothing else to be alarmed about. 11:03 mad for taping my Blackie so much, but it’s not just about listening to him after breeding time, it’s also he’s so unique in his musicality that I’ll want to listen to him in all future, like a good singer a few years ago. Just to have the tapes will comfort me, so I could listen if I wanted. Good substitute for not being able to listen to music much. * 3:50 street robin and one in the distance, first sign of light. 4:02 first blackbird, I think street blackbird, taping. 4:03 Blackie? 4:13 No, street blackbird I think (taped tho). Heard Blackie too. Blackie is expanding his territory to the street, don’t know where the street blackbird is.
  • Predators: 11:05 raven magpie and cat didn’t catch anyone yesterday evening. 15:55 raven rasping. 17:08 Great woodpecker regularly.
  • Magpie 11:45 great view, on magnolia and tree root sculpture. 11:46 woodpigeon and me wary when got closer, but didn’t attack. 12:12 found something larger (6cm) under the serviceberries and flew away with it. 12:15 close to nest again, wary again.
  • 11:18 robins to and fro
  • blackbird young 11:18 near (Blackie near and loud). 11:22 60cm from my boot. 11:28 even able to talk softly. Nice they’re still naive. 11:46 Blackie warning. 12:59 watching one in deadwood under cherry. Whilst Blackie is warning again, then singing. 13:03 cleaning itself. 17:08 woodpigeon made blackbird young feel safer close to me.
  • 11:33 blackcap 12:40 17:08
  • 13:03 BlueTit baby tried to eat an insect, but it flew away again.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

  • 8:13 seeing bumblebees searching for nectar on the lime tree opposite.
  • Squirrels 11:05 redbrown squirrel, 11:18 taped, squawks are so brilliant otherwordly electronic-seeming sounds. 11:28 filmed. 11:33 boxwood. 16:56 came up to me at cellar entrance, less shy up front than at the back of the garden.

e) Human life: (TT laughter :white_check_mark:. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-09 Sunday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 14% :x:, energy profile “very slow” :x:, but still TT (at 17:10) 1:1 (:white_check_mark:), jackknives :white_check_mark:, walking / cycling 15’ :x:.
  • Triggers: Doc appt. on May 29th: 9 days :x:. Re-exhausted from doc appt. Jun 7th :x: the day after - writing might at least set things straighter? :white_check_mark:. 0 bites :white_check_mark:.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9d)
  • Sleep good :white_check_mark:: Screen curfew 19:40 :white_check_mark:, late bed cos of: wife / guinea pigs “:white_check_mark:”. QCS at 8:00 :white_check_mark:. Open window/fresh air: 4h :white_check_mark:.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: Coping well with these additional challenges I don’t really need, but know very I’m just doing them cos my wife wanted me to and praps get a tax compensation for retiring early now.
  • Cheer: Blackie sang from my window sill! 3 young ones!!! Survived raven and great woodpecker alarm. Where were the robins late and early?
  • From the current FMA UK newsletter: 1) “HEALS” helped implement mindfulness changes. 2) Working at an art gallery. 3) LDN for cognition and (minority) for pain. 4) Normal CBT is just as good as exposure therapy. 5) Ketamine implant promising.

Pic(k)s of the Day

= expanding happiness

Green waceling silhouette on window against lime tree opposite:

Stinging nettle flowers:

Honey bee on trailing bellflower:

Pink roses look classy against dark green:

Noble raven pair sitting on satellite dish, and flying off, after having “threatened peril”:

VID_20240609_175804 1'33'' raven 1 of pair off after threatening everyone sitting up on the sat

These 15 swift snaps are as much about the sun, the blue sky and the contrast with the lime tree as their speeding around in groups:

VID_20240609_081658.mp4 2'20'' swift in blue sky 02
VID_20240609_081658.mp4 2'20'' swift in blue sky 03

VID_20240609_081658.mp4 2'20'' swift in blue sky 4

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 15' ➔ 80%/3 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT (at 17:10) 1:1, won 2nd game surprisingly high, considering. I asked to keep my slight stress down by not using a cappuccino as a reward if he manages to beat me, for once (moving 10%, talking 10%, counting 20%) (✅), moving ➔ 75%/4: 10:40 exhausted after shop 10’. 12:28 just getting up stairs is such a strain today (❌), balance (✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually "86%" ❌ and sleep 7h29 ✅ (Open window/fresh air: ✅. vQvCS: 8:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: more "very slow" than "slow", with "5h rest", 6h very slow, 5h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 7h29, all deep ✅, windows closed and ear plugs in at 3:00. QCS at 8:00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:10-6:57 4+5+5+4’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h50+6h57-(x5’=)18’ = 7h47-18’ = 7h29.
23:10 after listening to the original of Knock on Wood, cos I wanted a selection of ‘hooks’ to keep my mind off the doc - which worked out fine, it was actually thinking about the swift nesting boxes being unsuccessful.
0:26 1st 4’, closed 1st of 3 windows. Throat dry, but not sore, no ear plugs.
1:46 2nd 5’, 2nd pills, 2nd window, throat only slightly sore and dry, nostrils free, air smell only slightly fumes, no ear plugs.
2:55 3rd 5’, 3rd pills, 3rd window, now ear plugs.
4:33 4th 4’, 4th pills, no ear plugs, again 0 robins near, 1 on street & 1 GreatTit further away, but blackcap, and blackbirds
6:57 up. (thought 5th 4’, B0, maybe dozing? Nope, up)

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: 20g goat/cow cheese (✅). Strain: 13:50 only now do I realise I’m feeling so bad cos of the doc appt. on Friday, feeling OK on Friday was cortisol that pushed me thru for a certain time. 14:19 rattled and confused, can’t keep my mind on track. 17:10 despite heaviness TT 1:1, surprisingly. Doc appt. May 29th took 9d ❌. Bad sleep lab psychiatrist appt on Jun 7th ✅ that day, but ❌ from 8th on. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) :x:,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, from Jun 8th on :x:.

(3) DOCS: 14:51 decided I need to get the appt. out of my system by mailing to set things straight, even if nothing comes of it. 17:10 my 2nd TT mate was thinking to advise about anger about the doc, but I quickly convinced him I’m not in the least angry at her, taking her reactions personally at all, so we joked a bit about anger management. I just wrote the situation that I’d like my symptoms noted in a report, if possible an ME/CFS diagnosis, and pointed to more notes they must have about things like multiple exclusions for pain and fatigue (e.g. with spinal tap). And just ended “what do you think?” without any moralism, just pointing out what I think what had gone wrong and why. If this doesn’t work I could report her or write a bad review, but I believe these were beginner’s mistakes and that wouldn’t be fair and no help for anyone. Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD, incl. med effects: Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...)

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 12:28 Haven’t had bladder pain for ages now, got that under control. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

‘Research’ today

  1. In their newsletter, Hazel Boreland from FMA UK illustrates how then 10-week programme HEALS for health condition management with mindfulness was more helpful to her than others, mainly cos of the education on behaviour change, e.g. the ‘Tiny Habits’ technique (“This is about making tiny changes in your life that over time become habits, and tying them in with something you already do”. - as said I’ve long become expert and learnt to implement most new habits immediately.)

  2. That newsletter also linked to the article about Stacey Smith working with fibro at the London National Gallery (which I love almost as much as the Tate, so interested):
    Working life | 'Fibromyalgia is as much a part of me as my red hair and love of leopard print' - Museums Association

  3. And also to an LDN for fibro pain study:
    It didn’t fare well for pain on average, but:
    “naltrexone showed signs of providing a genuine benefit for cognition.”
    “Still, roughly one-quarter of the naltrexone group reported a 50% improvement in pain intensity, versus just 14% of the placebo group, which the investigators considered a clinically relevant point to consider in interpreting the overall findings.”

  4. Study: Traditional CBT as effective as exposure therapy for fibromyalgia

  5. Silo Pharma's ketamine implant for fibromyalgia shows promise

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: -
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms) -
b) Birds:
*(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: (Nuthatches 0) Magpies :white_check_mark: Dunnocks :white_check_mark: Great&BlueTits :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :white_check_mark: (Chaffinch nearby :white_check_mark:) (Chiffchaff nearby :white_check_mark:) Collared dove 0. Blackcap :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :white_check_mark: Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :white_check_mark:) Latest / earliest robin song: …HARDLY LATE / HARDLY EARLY (maybe shy cos of raven attack, cos back on Monday), blackbirds: 22:15 / 4:30.
(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen: Raven(s) - beautiful and exciting, despite danger and after all a kind of bird of peril, like all raptors, they have to remind me how easily all the young birds might well become bird food.)

  • Blackbirds, 3 young!: Young blackbird 9:26 in cellar entrance, flew off a bit, preening, near, some things are had to land on. 10:40 2 young blackbirds often near veranda. 12:28 saw 3 young blackbirds simultaneously for the first time. 14:51 2 young, 1 swooped around neighbour’s cherry. 14:53 One young getting cherries, the other chirping more baby-like down below. Again a 3rd one, safe now.
  • Blackie blackbird: 13:33 Blackie sang from the window sill in front of my 1st floor room, I saw his head, quickly ducken, was able to tape him, keeping my head down. 20:32 Blackie singing in the street opposite my window again.
  • 22:30 no robin, blackbirds stopped at 22:15 with their go to bed scolding. Weather is OK, but rain looming up.
  • Predators (ravens + Great Woodpecker): 18:01 Alarm by Blackie and Blaxie turned out to be from a pair of ravens , the 3 young ones were flying to and fro, sometimes scarpered behind each other in a straight line. Good they learnt about danger without harm. But of course ravens have to eat “meat” too. After looking for cats for 20’ I saw them sitting on one of the highest rooves, then flew off slowly, and Blackie could sing his song again. Great Woodpecker regularly: 11:31 alarm call, magpie and great woodpecker around. 14:51 on lilac, blackbird chased him. 14:53 enemy-from-above alarm call, maybe cos of him. 18:34 one blackbird scolding, one enemy-from-above-call 19:17 enemy-from-above.
  • I’ve often mistaken blackcap for dunnock, but heard dunnock again today: higher, thinner voice.
  • No chaffinch in the garden area normally, but in neighbourhood, like chiffchaff.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:, maybe 2)
Bats 0 Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
Guinea pigs: I’ve read more tree leaves for the guinea pigs, see if they like them like they love hazel leaves.
11:29 bank vole near not as scared as recently.
14:19 Sorry I killed a big housefly by mistake, just wanting to usher out by swinging a towel.

e) Human life: (TT laughter (:white_check_mark:) - whoops, forgot a few days last week. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).) Bladder pain 0 for months now!
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) Audio noted the raven alarm and table tennis etc. twice copiously, I’m regularly now forgetting things I’ve just done (inside the last 30 or 60’)
Simplified: Still learning to remember the shoe simplification procedure.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-10 Monday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 10% (:x:), energy profile “very slow” :x:, TT impossible :x:, jackknives (:x:), walking / cycling 5’ :x::x::x:.
  • Triggers: Doc appt. on May 29th: 9 days :x:. Re-exhausted from doc appt. Jun 7th :x:. Public health officer appt. went well as planned, but much too long, gonna need a week or 3 to recover, cos long and adding to Friday’s appt :x:. 0 bites :white_check_mark:.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9d)
  • Sleep: Screen curfew 0:00 :x:, late bed cos of: losing most self-discipline :x: (but still certain self-care, just undiscplined). QCS at 11:00. Airing: 4.5h :white_check_mark:. Lost self-control cos of feeling bad: screen curfew 0:00, airing 4.5h Dream of holding a too heavy camera. Luckily good sleep all the same.
  • Thoughts: Feeling so crappy and looking forward to selecting pics reminds me that what they are is expanding my moments of happiness: watching, selecting, fixing and sharing.
  • Feelings:
  • Cheer: It’s 3 great woodpeckers too, altogether! 3 young blackbird antics, lots of blackbird alarms cos of woodpecker, ravens and magpies, bit relieved that the robins are still there after all. Realized how the inhabitants have changed quite a bit. 18 buckets of rain. Blackie and neighbour blackbird don’t just “battle”, but when a neighbour blackbird sings a part motif of his, he adds his end, so it’s not just an echo, it’s like an orchestration.

Pic(k)s of the Day

= expanding happiness

One of Blackie’s amazing whistles (1 second): Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

Honey bee on nesting box for 24h, then gone, maybe just resting cos it was warmer there:

Left of the garden (mini-wood? :grin:)
-.-.-vine -.-.–serviceberry elderberry -.-.–.CHERRY
-.-.-forsythia … -.-.–.-.- magnolia
lilac … yew -.-.- -.-.dogrose … trunk sculpture -.-.- hazelnut:

Lavender blossoming in a balcony trough and…:
IMG_20240610_142114 Lavender blossoming smaller
closer up, surprised me:

Soapwort blossoms in balcony trough (had to get advice to identify those):

Robin - I keep seeing him and her much nearer, but never with phone in hand, this is on the balcony thru the closed door:

Rose campion blossoms have jumped up to 102 already:

I wish I could do something for this small yew growing thru a fence. I tried a while back, but praps need someone to dig it up, so I can put it somewhere safer:

Red leaves on quite a few plants now, the first inspired me to look for the others:
a) Not sure yet if dove’s foot cranesbill or small cranesbill in front of house, guess it depends on the flowers:

b) Small-flower Willowherb:

c) Robert geranium:

d) evening primrose:

e) Boston ivy (that’s gonna be great this year after I mistakenly cut it down Jan 23; in Germany often called ‘wild vine’, Parthenocissus tricuspidata):

Even greyer days usually have some light-holes, if we look for the sky…
(Not meant just symbolical btw, cos as I need the sun in my eyes for better sleep, I’m always looking to the sky, even if there is apparently no sun, and am usually surprised):

Mugwort budding, ah no, I wanted to use a nicer name, ehrm wormwood? Hell no, they’re forcing me to go Latin: artemisia! - can’t get artier…:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/4 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT impossible ❌, moving ➔ 80%/4-5 ❌, balance (❌/✅), body fog (❌), jackknives ❌, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually 90% ❌ and sleep 7h19 ✅ (Airing: 4.5h ✅. vQvCS: 11:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: since Jun 7th more "slow" again than "very slow", with "5h rest", 4h very slow, 7h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 7h19, all deep ✅, QCS at :00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep :-: x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h+h-(x5’=)’ = 8h05-46’ = 7h19.
0:05- lost self-discipline: screen curfew 0:00
01:45-2:21 36’ 1st pill, left windows open. Q6 and CFS-criteria.
4:46 5’ 2nd pills, closing all 3 4.5h, sore throat, ear plugs all night.
6:40 5’ 3rd pills, getting up completely, but realising 6h isn’t enough, so closing & back. Last dream was holding a too heavy camera.
-8:10 Blackie singing on street opposite. Honey bee on nesting box 2h ago since yesterday morning was gone, guess a bird.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: 20g goat/cow cheese (✅). Strain: Doc appts: (May 29th) (9d) ❌, (Jun 7th) ❌, (Jun 10th) 9:55 my wife had driven me to the doc and back, and supported me most the time when we left. Going up stairs is really hard all day. Pain up. Feel really ill, partly sick, nauseous, no appetite, forcing myself to eat. This is of course not just the one massive appt. today, it’s cos I hadn’t recovered from the one on Friday, which would have taken at least a week by itself. So I’ll leave it with the next appt. on the 26th at the earliest. Doesn’t look like I can do much the next days – knackered, ill, crappy, queasy. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) :x:,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, from Jun 8th on :x:.
(Jun 10th) Too long 55’ public health officer appt., immediately: :x::x::x:

(3) DOCS: Public health officer today, Jun 10th, went well, but despite asking the doc and my wife before to try curb the time to 10 or 20’, none of us were able to, and I think it was good for my wife, cos we also talked about it making her sad and that not being any help for me. Also that I’d get less money than normal early retirement, yeah I said, 10.8%, bit of a surprise. But I guess it'll be a long backlash. Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

CVD, incl. med effects: 23:38 BP/HR whilst needing to pee and after: 202/110-65a, 172/95-58 163/90-63 23:43: 148/99-61a 23:44 147/96-52a - I guess OK. Found out how to get the gadget to work with less strain again. Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): Cold feet all day today cos cold and wet, so 1 hot water bottle outside and 1 inside. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • A bit irritated when a colleague tried to phone me who is friends with my boss, but turned out harmless. Makes me feel stubborn that I don’t want any contact with school. But then the mail question was simple and fun to answer after all.
  • 14:12 Thankfully guinea pig was content with only 10-15’ feeding, praps cos wifecut up the veggies she puts in.
  • Wife opened up that she does want to get some counselling to cope with ‘me’ better, a good side effect of the doc appt.
  • Slightly irritated by the blog page suddenly closing on me, which without wifi in veranda means the last 10’ were gone. But I’m patient and just repeat in the cellar entrance.
  • 19:25 A neighbour who doesn’t talk much wanted to talk, so I pushed thru the pain for 10 or so minutes.
  • 23:38 self-discipline off all evening, before wife came home and after - no one to blame, just the appt.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen, new order of frequency Jun 9th, with :heavy_plus_sign: = increase: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: Blackcap :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Magpies :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:), Raven(s) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, and these all minimized :heavy_minus_sign:, (maybe hatching): Dunnocks 0/:white_check_mark:, (Chaffinch nearby :white_check_mark:) (Chiffchaff nearby :white_check_mark:) Collared dove 0, (Nuthatches 0).
Latest / earliest robin song: …22:40/ ?4:00…

(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen - all :heavy_minus_sign: = decrease: Wren)

  • Great woodpecker 11:11 13:38: saw one follow another and a 3rd answering from another tree, so I guess it’s 3, like I suspected not just 1. 13:47 keep thinking I hear a baby woodpecker or 2 answering the adult(s).
  • The 3 young blackbirds sometimes near, and chasing each other a bit, for practice and playing.
  • Wren for once
  • Unknown: small, alone, praps the wren? Later 13:45 maybe dunnock. Maybe a camera can help me better with this identifying, insects praps too.
  • Blackie singing: 8:20 on the roof above my room! 12:10 short subsong near, taped. 13:40 on big antenna, so not just for evensong. 13:48 street again. 15:24 Blackie and neighbour blackbird don’t just “battle”, but when a neighbour blackbird sings a part motif of his, he adds his end, so it’s not just an echo, it’s like an orchestration. 16:35 very clearly. 18:36, plus “young” chirps, likely blackbird young. 18:44 2 singing, seemed to show who is where, and a small territory invasion was possible by neighbour. 18:49 maybe that and marking territory with a ‘tag’ is what I thought was a “greeting”, altho maybe it was that too, cos it called Blaxie when they were looking for nests.
  • Blackbirds: Males chasing each other, seems they’re claiming ground again somehow. As if there weren’t enough to do. Sounds like human wars, but of course without the killing and to make sure the kids get enough to eat.
  • Woodpigeon nest: Only sign of the hatchlings today is the tail of each parent sticking out much more & higher.
  • Magpie 13:12 sat on a new black chimney topper next door, which was kind of funny – my wife pointed out. 13:40
  • Blackbird alarms: 13:38 Blackie scolding, Blaxie coming for aid. Maybe their alarm when woodpeckers are around is if it’s the adult, rather than the young ones. But this might be the ravens. 16:50 enemy from above, 17:01 2 woodpeckers. 18:30 & 18:36 “above” and “warning”
  • Raven cawing at 8:00.
  • Jacks with funny calls, hope I can catch them.
  • Robin relief: singing less, but both neighbour and mine are there and singing. 16:16, I’m relieved he’s still there after not hearing him in dusk and dawn. 17:58 robin girlie sat 30cm away from me. 19:24 robin singing again at last.
  • Dunnock and blackcap singing at the same time, just to make sure I hear the difference.
  • Had to top up bird baths this morning, altho it was wet.
  • Balcony at 13 to 14: good overview for swifts too, for to and fro. Camera would help.
  • Woodpigeons: They regularly sit next to neighbour’s ground floor feeding area, which is near the cellar entrance, so when I go thru too quickly, they’re off.
  • Missing: GreatTits most of the day too, and dunnocks, nuthatches have disappeared, chiffchaff only outside the garden, all despite the magpies having gone, but maybe raven and woodpeckers are making it hard, so I’m changing the order of the regular birds. Blackcap of course is around most of the day, just moving and not singing all the time.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats :white_check_mark: Bank voles :white_check_mark:. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) 18 buckets of rain.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-11 Tuesday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 10% (:x:), energy profile “very slow” :x:, TT imp., jackknives :x:, walking / cycling 25’ (:x:).
  • Triggers: Doc appts. May 29th: 9 days :x:, Jun 7th ?d :x:, Jun 10th :x::x::x:: PPA 4-5. 0 bites :white_check_mark:. BP/HR normal :white_check_mark:, weight down :x:.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9d)
  • Sleep: Screen curfew 19:00 :white_check_mark:, late bed cos of: guinea pigs “:white_check_mark:”. QCS at 10:00 :white_check_mark:. Airing: >5h :white_check_mark::white_check_mark:.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: 1 woodpigeon nestling! Watching feeding. Nest switches more often. Put sunflower seeds out for them. Rain :slight_smile: Looking forward to praps getting a birding camera, but like I knew it’s a rabbit-hole for someone like me to select.
  • Self-care/simplify: Keep blog voice notes shorter. Air car fumes back out of bedroom.

Pic(k)s of the Day

= expanding happiness

Let’s start with some kitsch and a repetition, the rose roses (pink in German is rosa, so “rosa Rosen”):

And close to them is the “sandarium” filling up more and more with water, so I’m calling it an aqua-sandarium. Can’t see it being useful for anyone as yet…:

Meet ‘Starsky’ - these roly poly insects are as old as the dinosaurs (100 million years) and like an armadillo in small, so some call it armadillo bug, or officially armadillidium. With the yellow spots it’s not the normal sort. I’ve found two possibilities, either it’s a sort called ‘Starsky’ (from Thailand!?) or it’s “Armadillidium granulatum” (originally from Spain and up to 2.5cm!?). The first you can buy for 15€, the 2nd as a special offer for 9€, for those who haven’t got any yet :rofl::

Even smaller are these sparkling raindrops on the celandine:

But from tiniest to most enormous here is another garden overview, this time the trees looking upwards (from my mat seat in the cellar entrance stairs)- somehow this photo makes me look at them in quite a different way again:

And in those trees to the left is the woodpigeon’s nest, between elderberry and serviceberry, now with one pretty big nestling being fed. Couldn’t get a good picture of that, but here’s another sitting switch pic:

Another pair is putting a bun in the oven for a new try:

Back to small, a big laugh for me when I wanted to feed the pigeons sunflower seeds again, cos pigeons need them and the insect eating birds now seem old enough at the mo: My yellow-necked field-mice love the sunflower bird food I’d been keeping in a bucket lately in the shed. My wife put a lid on the bucket and I left it there, thinking maybe they’d look for food outside. Instead or additionally they found it worth the effort to make a hole in the bucket. I always have to laugh out loud every time I see what they do to get at or protect “their” sunflower seeds:

Well there weren’t that many sunflower seeds in there any more, and I have the feeling it really took off after we left the lid on the bucket!:

In the daytime, the “honey grass”/velvetgrass with ryegrass standing out from the background…

…inspired me to do some late evening photographing without and with flashlight to make things stand out more, and these grasses then reminded me of fireworks:

hmm… and even more so with flash (but…):

…the lavender in semi-darkness gets a really deep lilac-purple look on photo as in reality - better without flash:

So flash gives a different look to…
…the trailing bellflowers:

… the rough hawksbeard, which reminds me of an evil sorceress, Mozart’s Queen of the Night…:

… like thus:

until they get their blossoms… :sparkles::

…whilst those beloved naaasty stinging nettles go all soft…:

This nipplewort I keep confusing with the hawksbeard if I don’t look at the leaves closely. Here it was growing as often out of nothing, and lost its footing/hold:

so I “uplifted” it and gave it some “security”, leaning it against a bit of deadwood - ah, again something to identify with…:

These leaves that appeared this year remain a complete mystery, the apps are absolutely no help:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/5 ❌, music 5' ➔ 80%/3 (nausea, strain less) ❌, white lips 70-80% (❌), TT imp. ❌, moving ➔ 80%/3-5 (❌), balance (❌), body fog (❌), jackknives ❌, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" 4-5 ❌, stiffness (❌), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually <90% ❌❌ and sleep 8h23 ✅ (Airing: 5h ✅. vQvCS: morning ✅, "PPA": 4 ✅). Energy profile: since Jun 10th "very slow", with "10h rest", 4h very slow, 2h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h23, all deep ✅, QCS 10:00. QCS = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:05-7:50 4+4+10+4’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h55+7h50-(x5’=)22’ = 8h45-22’ = 8h23.
23:05 hardly jackknives. Aired fumes back out with window wide open
00:59 4’ 102/78-67 1st pills, windows open, fumes out, ear plugs in
2:33 4’ 2nd, open, in
4:13 10’ 3rd closed, in, dry, GreatTits o, but bb & rob altho it’s still dark today, my Blackie’s on street opposite, tried to tape.
6:19 4’ 4th PPA now 4-5, slight top headache
7:50 up, headache’s making me feel sick, nauseous, dizzy, so drinking more

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: 20g goat/cow cheese (✅). Strain: (May 29th) doc appt. (9d) ❌, (Jun 7th) Bad 20-25' sleep lab psychiatrist appt, from Jun 8th on ❌. (Jun 10th) Too long 55' public health officer appt., immediately: ❌❌❌. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) :x:,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, from Jun 8th on :x:.
(Jun 10th) Too long 55’ public health officer appt., immediately: :x::x::x:.

(3) DOCS: Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD, incl. med effects: 9:04 125/83-67 while eating, 9:06 121/77-68. Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...)

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 11:38 73.6kg. 11:49 spot on foot gone from calendula, rather than tea tree oil. 22:26 since I said my bladder pain is 0 the past months, I’ve noted it’s quite often 1 the past few days, next to losing pee, I think both may be from general pain and exhaustion. 7:54 forgot evening meal meds, so have to add 2x0.3 in the course of Wednesday. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:

  • 11:38 rabbit hole: birding camera.
  • 11:49 time management down the drain, but not all self care: checked bp/hr, kg etc.

Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)

  • 19:48 looking up cranesbill made me wonder what to do about them losing a lot of ground this year to the trailing bellflower, gotta sort that out.
  • 22:53 took lots of photos in the dark, using the various effects with and without light and flash.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen, new order of frequency Jun 9th, with :heavy_plus_sign: = increase: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Sparrows 16:43 :white_check_mark: Blackcap :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Magpies :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:), Raven(s) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, and these all minimized :heavy_minus_sign, (maybe hatching): GreatTit 13:58 first time I heard today, warning call, 14:36 too :white_check_mark:. Dunnocks 0, (Chaffinch 0) (Chiffchaff 0) Collared dove 16:39 one short call .:white_check_mark:, (Nuthatches 0).
Latest / earliest robin song: …22:40/ ?4:00…

(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen - all :heavy_minus_sign: = decrease: Wren 13:43)

  • 1 woodpigeon nestling!: 12:56 yes, there’s 1 nestling under the woodpigeon! 17:01 the parent left the nest for food for quite a while, first to the balcony, then praps the serviceberries next to the nest. That was what let me keep the tape running and also also decide to put out some sunflower seeds again. 18:55 another parent switch.
  • Blackbirds: 11:51 on street singing, then enemy-from-above, surprisingly. 13:33 Blackie singing often again. 16:58 Blackie almost flew at me in the veranda. 22:13 Blackie squeak-whistled even better than the one I linked to yesterday.
  • 3 young blackbirds: interesting how they can fly quite a distance, it’s the intricacies of landing that are a problem, like on the rubbish bins (unsuccessful) or bird house (successful in the end) or 13:52 low cherry branch in front of me. A bit less shy, one 6m, one 2m away out of view. 14:36 trying to get at the cherries. 16:28 one bathing, one sun-bathing after preening.
  • 13:01 taped the ga-dadadaaa woodpigeon.
  • Alarm calls 13:27 above 16:43 above
  • Singing: Blackie and all Blackbirds and the blackcap >3x/h all day. Robin seems later in the day, 13:52 on cherry, whilst preening himself to a fluffy ball.
  • Social chirps: Magpie 1x/h when together. 13:59 Small quiet: young blackbirds.
  • Predators: 13:41 magpie 50cm close to woodpigeon nest, but irritated by a small noise I made. 13:59 raven cawing. 14:07 16:28 16:35 16:58 woodpecker.
  • Close: 16:35 robin female 30cm
  • 90’ veranda recording 17:01 left the phone taping for 90’ in the veranda whilst I went to the cellar entrance for wifi/web, that probably got some valuable sounds from nearby, cos there was a lot of singing in the cherry.
  • 4:13 robins and blackbirds altho still dark today

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats 0 Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
8:47 guinea pig squeaking again quietly but gleefully when I feed him
22:53 7 8cm Spanish slugs in front of the house.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:) Looking forward to blogging.
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) 14:12 love sitting outside watching the pouring rain. Another few buckets full. All full again.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) 8:25 Again an identical voice note repetition inside of half an hour.
Simplified: Aired fumes back out with window wide open. Keep blog voice notes shorter.

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-12 Wednesday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 10% :x:, energy profile “very slow” :x:, TT imp. :x:, jackknives :white_check_mark: - surprisingly, walking / cycling 5’ :x:.
  • Triggers: Doc appts. May 29th: 9 days :x:, Jun 7th ?d :x:, Jun 10th :x::x::x:. Pain up to 4-6 (tears) if I move, 2-4 in rest. 0 bites :white_check_mark:. Tongue histaminey at night.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9d)
  • Sleep :white_check_mark:: Screen curfew 19:00 :white_check_mark:, but then 1h at 22:00 - cheating (:x:), late bed cos of: blog photos fun “:white_check_mark:”. QCS at 9:00 :white_check_mark:. Airing: 4h :white_check_mark:.
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Several beautifully lively scenes with 4-6 birds/animals at the same time.
  • Foggies: Forgot pills. And need to be more diligent, often get confuddled.
  • Simplify: Cutting meadow 1-4x is good for biodiversity and a great easy supply for the guinea pigs, I’ve realised.

Pic(k)s of the Day

= expanding happiness

By the way, found yesterday’s woodlouse was just a usual “shiny” or “grey garden” woodlouse. Most have these yellow spots. So just a more spectacular look than I expected, so many things are worth a close look…

And @ModSupport Merl:

OK, my “plantation” coming up soon… :smile:

Clearer tape of the unusual woodpigeon call (only 14’') with 7 instead of 5 notes: Vocaroo | Online voice recorder.

Aren’t we all just stinging nettles next to the rubbish bins, growing as we can despite a broken stem?:

Broken stem:

Bird food result - oats growing. Nice shadow of the metall stairs looking like a Jewish prayer shawl:

This is how the Asian ladybird larva is doing: neither one or the other - is this comparable to puberty? or menopause? :grin:

For weeks I’ve been wondering who’s opening kernels at the back of the garden, sounding like squirrels opening hazelnuts. Mystery solved: squirrel yes, but in the cornel cherry, opening and eating the insides of cherry stones…:

Blackie and Blaxie together on shed roof - never seen them calm like this before, together peacefully only in winter. Well, the kids are out of the house, job done, now just watching and warning for the enemies that might still ruin all the hard work:

Need to find the strength to put the ladder up and get a better picture, before it’s gone:

And here as a filler some old ones I did with the “macro” function of a 14 year old smartphone 2 weeks ago, for comparison:

Rose campion, I think the colour may be slightly better here than my other old phones:

The deeper purplest fairy bell flowers again:

…and the lighter ones, again showing the white stamen (anthers on a filament, let’s get it straight):

That’s another buttercup flowerbud:

And these forget-me-not flower colours are quite realistic too, quaint and blue to pinkish-blue:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 30' ➔ 80%/3 (❌), music 5/20' ➔ 80%/3 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT imp. ❌, moving ➔ 80%/3-4 (✅)- 11:26 gardening very difficult causing pain 4-5. 13:49 pain 5 after coming in from veranda, pee pain 1-2, maybe cos cold too. 13:55 pain causing me to lose a few tears, so by my definition 5-6. 14:38 listening to a gardening webinar was OK, good distraction, but nausea when I tried encapsulating at the same time, when less distracted pain up again from 3 to 4, balance (✅)/(❌), body fog (❌), jackknives ✅ - surprisingly, SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (✅), stiffness (✅), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually 90% ❌ and sleep ✅ (Airing: 4h ✅. vQvCS: 9:00 ✅, "PPA": 2 ✅). Energy profile: since Jun 10th "very slow", with "10h rest", 4h very slow, 2h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 8h05, 45' deep doze, 5' NSDR (✅), QCS at 9:00 QCS = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:20-7:55 15+5+5+5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h40+7h55-(x5’=)30’ = 8h35-30’ = 8h05.
23:20 bed. Ear plugs for 2h.
1:33-1:47 15’ A3 pills after: Realised no pills prepared, so have to do it now, at least the evening/night ones! Tongue feels histaminey, praps from overdoing walnuts, using calendula essence for that and sore throat helped. Ear plugs out.
3:27 5’ 1st GABA. Closing windows, altho 0 birds to be heard as yet.
5:51 5’ 2nd GABA. Akilwinter for dry hands. Throat hurting dry, even after drinking.
6:38 3rd GABA. Various thoughts escaped me about things to do now I’m ending work, heart rate quicker, not thumping, able to get off them, but not pacified enough, best NSDR, left nostril stuffy and belly ache despite quite a bit of almond milk.
-7:55 alarm. Fully fell over some things at the side near my bed, strange, couldn’t hold myself, completely lost my balance, almost bashed a paper lamp, somehow it survived. Need to tidy up. But was this similar to a trigger reaction, like after the uro exam August23 and the contrast in Feb, or was it just normal, like just sometimes happens? NSDR´worked a treat, only caught 5’ of it.
airing 4h

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Fully fell over some things at the side near my bed, strange, couldn’t hold myself, completely lost my balance, almost bashed a paper lamp, somehow it survived. Need to tidy up. But was this similar to a trigger reaction, like after the uro exam August23 and the contrast in Feb, or was it just a normal one off, like just sometimes happens? Hurt myself only a little. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: Tongue feels histaminey, praps from overdoing walnuts, using calendula essence for that and sore throat helped. 20g goat/cow cheese (✅) Strain: (May 29th) doc appt. (9d) ❌, (Jun 7th) Bad 20-25' sleep lab psychiatrist appt, from Jun 8th on ❌. (Jun 10th) Too long 55' public health officer appt., immediately: ❌❌❌. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) :x:,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, from Jun 8th on :x:.
(Jun 10th) Too long 55’ public health officer appt., immediately: :x::x::x:.

(3) DOCS: Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD, incl. med effects: Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...)

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 9:53 Losing a bit of pee now and then, sometimes slight pain, not sure if that means more or less GABA. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care:
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
d) All: Unusual & lively scene 16:14 2 blackcaps singing, Blaxie & Blackie together, squirrel, robin bathing.
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)
11:25 Stinging nettle next to the rubbish bins broken at the stem/trunk, growing beautifully outside of its trough, the leaves look just as healthy.

b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen, new order of frequency Jun 9th, with :heavy_plus_sign: = increase: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: Blackcap :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Magpies :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:), Raven(s) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, and these all minimized :heavy_minus_sign, (maybe hatching): Great&BlueTits few times :white_check_mark: Dunnocks 0/:white_check_mark:, (Chaffinch nearby :white_check_mark:) (Chiffchaff nearby :white_check_mark:) Collared dove 0, (Nuthatches 0).
Latest / earliest robin song: …22:40/ ?4:00…

(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen - all :heavy_minus_sign: = decrease: 0)

  • Swifts: only 3-6
  • Ravens/crows: 10:44 cawing higher, crow more likely than raven, 10:47 deeper “rock”, have to check. 11:34 raven
  • 3 Great Woodpeckers very regular.
  • Sunflower seeds bird food: woodpigeons (staying closer now, battling again), but also GreatTit a few times.
  • Robins 12:03 2 playing/flirting.
  • Singing: 12:45 recording of robin, blackcap answering each other, then blackbird took over from robin, 13:42 Blackie adding his motif end to the street blackbird’s – since it’s often a repetition it does sound like an echo after all. Robin singing all day today
  • GreatTits: 13:00 warning call. 13:15 not warning. 13:23 bathing. So around.
  • Blackcaps: 16:14 2 singing at the same time. There often.
  • Blackbirds scenes: 16:14 Blaxie preening herself near me, then with Blackie on shed roof, first time like that, and no fear from a loud noise (film & pic). 2 Blackbirds chasing each other again.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats 0 Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
16:00 Asian ladybird larva on grass is morphing more and more. Half a ladybird.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.) 7:59 sun’s out, cool, nice atmosphere. 0 rain.
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).) I encapsulated for the week, but forgot to prepare the pills, only realised at 1:33

  • Learnt that for biodiversity, cutting a meadow 1-2x/y is good. If it’s too fertile even 3-4x. I think mine might be. But now after No Mow May, I’m starting to. As recommended, I’m cutting it bit by bit for 5’ a stint with small shears, let it lie for a while to give the insects time to move home, and give it to the guinea pigs. (Ideally for insects 2 days, but for the guinea pigs fresh.) This saves me getting them grass from elsewhere, I can dose it well, and I’ll be giving insect friendly plants more room. Also learnt it’s good for wild bees etc. to have bits where there is just earth, nothing growing, which I still have in the wood corner.
  • Cos I have my 5 pairs of socks on 24/7, it’s hard getting my trousers over them, always takes a trick, and 2 minutes. That’s better if I’m going to bed, but if I’m showering, it’d be easier if I took the socks off first… - might confuddle me tho.
  • I irritated the guinea pigs by cornering & taking them too fast. 1 minute more and they’d’ve been fine.
Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

2024-06-13 Thursday


  • LDN May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st- 3mg) :white_check_mark: for Energy “30%” :white_check_mark:, partly usable = 10% :x:, energy profile “very slow” :x:, TT imp., jackknives a little ((:white_check_mark:)), walking / cycling 10’ :x:.
  • Triggers: Doc appts. May 29th: 9 days :x:, Jun 7th ?d :x:, Jun 10th :x::x::x:. Balance wonky at night. 73.4kg.
  • Last focal seizure: Jun 5th (9d)
  • Sleep long = 9h: Screen curfew 20:15 (blog, decreasing browser tabs), and a bit at 23:00 :white_check_mark:, late bed cos of: guinea pigs, everything else well calculated as wife was out “:white_check_mark:”. QCS at :white_check_mark:. Airing: 4 or 5h :white_check_mark:. Sleep: up 6x, but in sum only 21’!!
  • Thoughts: -
  • Feelings: -
  • Cheer: Leaves of a Devil’s paintbrush! 3 young blackbirds: All 3 bathing at the same time, one in the wheelbarrow.

Pic(k)s of the Day

= expanding happiness

Before I get to the flies, incl. one mimicking a honeybee, my hemp and some flowers:

This hemp plant, cannabis sativa, in a balcony-pot grew by itself:

Apart from inflaming passions and dividing minds: lovely leave shape:

For more space for insect friendliest plants and biodiversity, I’m slowly removing the old stalks after all, plus everything that’s less friendly and taking up space - which actually includes all of these small spots of colour… - so compromises:
IMG_20240613_163840 Colours in rectangular flowerbed im R smaller

After a first flurry of red roses, there’s only 2-3 atm, this is the only big one, I guess warmer weather will help:

So back to happiness thru mindfully naming things, “even” flies. “But” first the honeybee mimicry…:

Didn’t quite fool me, but I did think it was some other wild bee. Turns out tho it’s a hover fly called drone fly, and the mimicry makes Germans call it a dung bee. And that’s where I found it: on one of my buckets with stinging nettle dung potion. Face first, cos I found a video helping me identify it via the eyes with certainty as a dronefly, and like most male flies the eyes are together: bigger, they think cos always on the lookout for a lady to hook up with:

But it was this slightly blurry one which illustrates a mystery I haven’t unravelled yet, a kind of barb which I could watch all the time it was flying, which I haven’t seen on any other pic or vid on the web. It really paid off to film and take 10 photos to identify it:

And the pretty wasp mimicry by the marmalade fly, also hover fly, this time on the anther of a fairy bellflower ‘Alba’:

Not sure yet, but this could be “Phania funesta” in German “shield bug fly” (parasite of field bugs):

This big brown behind looks very interesting… :grin: But couldn’t find what it is and didn’t want to disturb or even hurt it, so I’ll just patiently wait:

These two in nice contrast to the beautiful green of the leaves are easy ones, so common, but I’ve only ever had a rough idea which is which…:

A lesser/small house fly, those are the ones - hard to get out - that silently but hectically annoy us in our rooms. Supposedly warding enemies off their territory(!?)

*And the “common”, or I prefer marbled grey flesh-fly, which I find fairly pretty if we are able to detach ourselves from the meat eating bit, esp. looking at those big red eyes:

All the fly eyes were together, so all males today.

And the 3rd mystery today, a small white bug or louse or something, that my phone camera wasn’t able to capture better:

LDN: May 20th- 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg), click for effects/dosage...)

10th- 2.75mg, 9th 3mg, 8th ?2mg, 6th-7th 2.625mg, Feb 8th-Mar 5th 2.25mg better than 3mg. :white_check_mark: (Slowly up from Oct 1st ~0.07mg.
Walnuts, all apple sorts, larger portions of baked beans, I think that’s all LDN.
Forgetting Dec 23rd caused big energy dip immediately, so there’s no drug level, it works day to day. (It’s constantly and reliably improved mainly energy (from 10%), heaviness, walking (from 5’), fine motor skills, stiffness (from 70% down to 10%), recovery time, Ache, pains, sleep :white_check_mark:, possibly from Dec on drinking only 2L/d :white_check_mark: which is helping sleep, and possibly reducing histamine and/or tannin from walnuts :white_check_mark:, but not my paleness (yellow/white face, black eye rims and white lips) or listening ability/sense :x:. Last side effect was wobbliness, listening problems and Ache on day (1 and) 2 of 2mg (Dec 12th), before that “hangover” on Oct 20th :white_check_mark:.) .)
Dosage: Oct 1st ~0.07mg evenings, 8th 14:20 0.125mg, 9th-15th 10:00 0.125mg. 16th -19th 10:00 0.25mg. 20th-31st 0.5mg, 1st- 2x0.5mg, 10th (2+1)x0.5. 16th (1+1), 17th 2x0.5, 19th 1x1.5, Dec 11th 1x2, Dec 27th 1x2.25mg, Jan 10th 1x2.5mg, 16th 1x3mg. Feb 5th 1x1.5mg, Feb 8th 1.5+0.75=2.25mg. Mar 6th-7th 2.625mg, Mar 8th 2mg I think (2.75mg intended), Mar 9th 3mg, Mar 10th 2.75mg, Mar 21st- 3mg.
Additives: white capsules with TiO2 (HPMC with SiO2).

1) MAIN ISSUES: talking 10' ➔ 80%/5 ❌, music 10' ➔ 80%/4 (no nausea, strain less) (❌), white lips 70-80% (❌), TT impossible ❌, moving ➔ 80%/4-5 (❌), balance (❌), body fog (❌), jackknives (❌), SO post exertional malaise (❌), "post postural ache", "PPA" (❌), stiffness (❌), exhaustibility theoretically "70%" ✅ / actually 90% ❌ and sleep 9h01!! ✅ (Screen curfew 20:15 (blog, decreasing browser tabs), Airing: 4 or 5h ✅. vQvCS: 10:00 ✅, "PPA": 4 ❌). Energy profile: since Jun 10th "very slow", with "10h rest", 4h very slow, 2h slow, 0h medium, 0h quick. Click for past months...
EXHAUSTIBILITY: Theoretically stably better from circadian rhythm, then LDN since Oct 1st - but moderate triggers bring it down to 10% for days to weeks.
SLEEP (click for tonight's details): 9h01, all deep ✅, QCS morning = very quick very cold shower (22 issues under control).

Sleep 23:10-8:35 x5’, 0 deep doze. Sum: h50+8h35(x5’=)21’ = 9h25-21’ = 9h01.
23:10-- bit of laptop late, washing and blow drying hair
0:15 4’ 1st balance wonky, windows open, ear plugs 0, no sore throat, but blow dried hair cos of late washing, mouth dry
1:38 4’ 2nd GABA, sense of balance, throat ok, bit cold, no ear plugs, dry hands & mouth
3:01 4’ 3rd GABA. Noises outside make me curious if it’s creatures of the night, dry moth gel, balance problems
3:55 4’ 1st robin and blackbird. 4th GABA
5:24 3’ just pee, QCS unnec.
7:02 2’ just pee
8:35 up, forgot to look at the sun, swifts reminded me at 9:45. Work mails first.

2) Watching TRIGGERS, esp. of exhaustibility. Balance wonky at night from appts. Bites OK ✅. Histamine foods: 150g baked beans 21:55 (no problem). 20g goat/cow cheese (✅). Strain: (May 29th) doc appt. (9d) ❌, (Jun 7th) Bad 20-25' sleep lab psychiatrist appt, from Jun 8th on ❌. (Jun 10th) Too long 55' public health officer appt., immediately: ❌❌❌. Dentist's local anaesthesia on Feb 15th flared till Apr 28th ❌, next I'll need 3 tiny fillings, definitely without anaesthetic. Click for list Nov 7th 2022 to Feb 20th...."

(Nov) 7th 2022 caused MCAS / histamine problems like the first 2 till around July. Esp. ENERGY DOWN further to (10-)15-20% (max.), but more slow energy. Each jab -5%.
Made me stop cryotherapy/acupressure and acupuncture from Dec on!
(Jan) TCM recommendations for a few weeks took my appetite.
(Feb) ~3% of levothyroxine (T4) pill Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight and sleep, antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms (stopped cos causing nauseous sinus headaches & painfully dry mouth).
(Mar) inkling of Covid, negative, but cough, appetite, night sweats…
(Apr) cancer checking ending with weird onco,
(May) 20th… 17 stress triggers, till end of May: 8-12%, seizures May-June every 10d.
(June) 21st: circadian rhythm Better to 18(-24)% a few days, but mostly back down to ~10%:
(July) 19th-24th: 3 garden bird deaths
(Aug) July 31st-7th uro exam and methylene blue trial. 9th… severe vertigo, check in clinic no result, so trying blood meds again. Hindsight: Painful uro exam on 7th, stiff neck from bird deaths, twist-stretching too much.
(Résumé) These triggers are “monthly” and kept bringing energy down from 20% to 10%.
(Sept) Histamine/MCAS symptoms (headaches 0%, tongue burning 10-20%, down. Further painful bladder exam injured (‘screaming’ 3d) & scarred me, caused UTI (2x3d). CoV-type infection (12th 10 days) (hantavirus??), work stress, abdomen pains, 24th-: listening to music painful, guinea pig, wife, CVD meds bad.
(Oct) (V)LDN helping a “lot”, Complex filling OK, CVD meds bad, BP low and slow OK.
(Nov) Atorvastatin difficult.
(Dec) Guinea pigs, atorvastatin, boss, often post postural Ache, DAO: baked beans tough, better with less sauce and more DAO, but walnuts OK without now. 28th: car trip to kids and and only 2x20’ bad for several days. NYE stress.
(Jan): (1st) DAO: 0x: 100g baked beans with reduced tomato sauce for 2nd meal caused tongue to burn a bit for half an hour, 3x: 150g for 3rd meal caused no burnt tongue or histamine reaction at all, despite the addition :white_check_mark:: Makes a difference! (2nd) Clearly severely woozy brain from talking during TT. (3rd) Are the seizures on Monday, pee and TT issues praps all caused by histamine from the baked beans, despite DAO preventing direct reactions, and that’s decreasing serotonin? 6th: Phone alarm music causing hurt from listening? (8th) Onco appt. better in evening, worse at night and next morning, OK by 10th. (11th) Contrast orally plus injected (doc thinks the excipients) caused a week of overall Ache, but energy and stiffness OK-ish, then (15th) fairly severe vertigo with walking problems and then 3h of vomiting, diarrhea the following day, but firm before and after, nausea and pain continuing till 18th, 7 days, then suddenly OK. Praps the oral one for gut, rather than the intravenous one (seemed not too bad in August), or praps cos too frequent/soon after the last. (25th) professional tooth cleaning.
(Feb) (3rd) stomach praps from apples & naltrexone, insomnia praps from naltrexone 3mg, pain praps from ezetimibe 3mg. Strain and sadness from guinea pig eating losing appetite and weight again, 7th better. (8th) LDN down to 2.25mg improved 4 issues, so increasing to 2.5, then 3mg was too much (cos next to GABA?). (15th) Dentist (cap-preparation) went well, but flare 17th-… from local anaesthetic (16th) temp cap fell of, (20th) got it put back on. (29th) Cap on.
(Apr 28th) Recovering from the anaesthetic after 10.5 weeks. Unsuccessfully re- trialling DAO (Apr 20th-) for vanilla and raspberry in yogurt (April 16th-24th) and marmite (e.g. 25th): only worked for sinuses, NOT for pee / dryness, sleep and possibly seizures (2 on Apr 22nd).
(May 29th) Good 20-25’ allergist appt., fairly recovered Jun 7th (9d) :x:,
(Jun 7th) Bad 20-25’ sleep lab psychiatrist appt, first :white_check_mark:, from Jun 8th on :x:.
(Jun 10th) Too long 55’ public health officer appt., immediately: :x::x::x:.

(3) DOCS: Trying for higher disability from Apr 25th on. Click for latest (Jun 7th) details.)

DISABILITY: (May 29th) Allergist helpful (Jun 7th) sleep lab psychiatrist not helpful, coming up: (Jun 10th) public health officer. Then make another GP appt. and (Jun 26th) Cardio.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
GP (Apr 25th): Just update (cancer and bp OK), and asking about possible help with sick notes and disability.
CARDIO (Apr 26th): Heart OK, (Feb 2nd) Belly plaque still “25” OK, next with bloods. (Dec 11th) Rosuvastatin?
DERM (Mar 19th): wart (but tea trea oil helped) on genetic enlargement under toenail.
ONCO: #2 (Jan 8th/11th/18th 2024): nothing in bloods or contrast CT, believes it’ll be nothing docs can find, the week of reactions likely from some excipient(s). That finishes the cancer exclusion Odyssey since April 2023.
URO (Nov 8th) IPP/PD shockwave therapy? (Bladder exam July 31st and bloods Aug 7th followed the vertigo/BP attack on the 9th - so maybe contributing, altho Aug 8th I could play TT 5:1.

(CVD, incl. med effects: Jun 7th: Watching palpitations (regularly lately) / HR 40 (new discovery Jun 7th). Click for latest (Jun 7th) & next changes, and details...)

(Jun 7th) Watching palpitations / HR 40 = bradycardia.
Mar 21st: Horse stance 70’’ ➔ 164/107-90 ➔ 139/94-69 ➔ 136/87-70, each inside of 1’. Confirms stopping candesartan.
Mar 17th BP getting too low, so stopped candesartan.
Thought Mar 17th: If BP spikes were from MCAS flare after bladder exam (in the summer), why is it now not spiking after local anaesthetic flare (in the winter)?
Atorvastatin Dec 16th- 0mg and ezetimibe Feb 4th- 0mg - trying 1mg again once LDN is sorted. BP :white_check_mark:, despite only ~1mg.
CANDESARTAN (BLOOD PRESSURE): Even alone starting Oct 24th was dreadful, but spreading over the day in ~0.5mg specks from 31st on worked, up to 4mg (5) since Nov 6th, but checking RR 24th/25th too low, so down to 2mg from Dec 10th. Dec 17th: BP at night sitting down :white_check_mark: (SBP ~100), so 2mg is a good compromise :white_check_mark:. (Jan 28th) been taking <1mg lately. Mar 17th: 0 since a few days now, cos BP low now.
ATORVASTATIN (LIPIDS): Nov 13th 1mg/d, + caused severe fatigue/Ache, stopped 24th, re-started 27th with specks of the middle without the mantle excipients good, but 28th 1+1 and then 2mg too late caused insomnia, so earlier in the day, increasing quickly from 29th to Dec 2nd: 10mg+, un-mantled, with first only slight problems, but increasing week of 4th, so Dec 10th-13th 0mg, 14th 5mg later likely caused pain 20:00-23:00… Summary without coating: Dec 2nd-9th: 10mg+, 10th-13th 0mg, 14th-15th 5mg, 16th- 0mg). Further trials.
EZETIMIBE (LIPIDS): Feb 3rd: muscle pain praps from 3mg, so 4th- 0mg.

4) UNDER CONTROL ✅ (attention necessary (✅)): 9:39 73.4kg before meal. I’m often eating at 10:00 atm. Watch GABA intake (compliance) better! Resumee Jun 2nd of Creatine monohydrate Apr 9th- 2x5g for more (slow) energy has had a small positive effect, but less than the LDN. Might be trying creatine malate next. Last seizure Jun 5th (2), 9 days since last. Last esophagus block May 7th: 7 months without. Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. Creatine Apr 9th- 2x5g, LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, Seizures slight, weekly & during TT from Mar 20th to Apr 2nd, then Apr 8th (3-4), Apr 22nd (2), May 2nd (1) 13th (1). Click for latest (May 13th) & next changes...

Latest: Seizures increased since Feb, and weekly since Mar 20th.
Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg, like Masterjohn recommends. Nux vomica D12 helping for nausea from music/talk, sleep and bladder not much. Also for sleep: Cocculus and acidum nitricum later. Supp costs ~400€.)

1) GI, pee, local pains (incl. jaw & bladder), weather, dry mouth and drinking well under control: So no details at the moment.
(2) Seizures and esp. esophagus blocks fairly under control - click for details. Last SEIZURES: 1-2x/m - Jun 5th (2) May 27th (1) 21st (1) 13th (1) & 2nd (1). Apr 22nd (2) & 8th (4), 2nd, Mar 28th, 20th & 2nd, Feb 19th & 14th & 3rd Jan 1st 2024. 2023: Dec 22nd & 2nd/3rd Nov 20th Nov 13th & 5th Oct (26th/27th Oct 18th/19th Sep 19th Aug 9th (vertigo day). July 17th. Last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKs May 7th. Oct 21st.)

Last focal seizures: Varying from 2-weekly (May-June, Oct-Dec, Feb-Apr: 11 / 5 / 12 / 18 / 8 / 5 / 6 / 14 / 10 / 11 / 8 / 6 / 9, so weekly mid-Feb and mid-Mar to mid-Apr, praps cos of creatine vs. GABA) to 4-weekly (before May, July-Sept, Jan). Increases from stress, histamine, and less GABA. Jun 5th (2) (9:54 rabbit holing, 17:52 beginning of TT, from less GABA). May 27th (1) 21st (1 after TT, forgot some GABA) & 13th (1: too little sleep) 2nd (1: after TT) Apr 22nd (2: after TT), 8th (4: errands, eating, TT, after meeting with kids on 7th) 2nd (1, TT) Mar 28th (1, TT) 20th (1, TT) 2nd (2) Feb 19th (1) Feb 14th (1) Feb 3rd (1) Jan 1st (3) Dec 22nd (?2, slight) Dec 2nd (1) & 3rd (1) Nov 20th (1) Nov 13th (1) 5th (1) Oct (26th-)27th (1) Oct 18th/19th (3). Sep 19th? (1). Aug 9th, vertigo day: (2). July 17th (2), 2 slight focal seizures about Dec 22nd? Dec 3rd (1) 13:00 during TT, after feeling a bit seizure-ish, and not able to win: GABA my main suspect, cos of less sleep breaks. Dec 2nd (1) after the dizziness of 15’ of concert or from too little GABA at night. Nov 20th (1) I think it was, after food fell off my spoon into a bowl… Nov 13th 20:30 slight cos of wind noise. Nov 5th very slightly seizure-ish at TT, then 20:50 (cos only 2x GABA at night, not compensated). Oct (26th-)27th 10:00 (seemingly seeing an ex-flat mate), seizure-ish 2x 26th. Oct 18th 17:50 (going on to busy street) & 20:15 (emotional music that could reach me). 19th: 11:00 table tennis. Sep 19th?? Aug 9th: 13:42 & 15:40 (after vertigo). Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Increase in May-June was stress, histamine, and less GABA: Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: May 7th 2024. Oct 21st 2023. Sep 30th, (25th,) 16th, 11th. Aug 31st, 26th & 8th, July 23rd & 16th, May 31st, Apr 4th. Deleted further details on/from Dec 30th 2023, cos last block worth counting on Oct 21st. Mindfulness, care, stop eating whenever there’s the slightest esophagus pressure.

SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal, stable, but necessary, Carnitine Apr 14th-, Apr 13th EGCg, Apr 9th- creatine 2x5g (Mar 19th- 2g in the morning), LDN May 20th- 3.5mg. Mar 21st-May 19th 3mg, (Jan 16th: Less magnolia bark and pine bark cos of possible vertigo side effect. No ellagic acid (not convinced of use) or feverfew (serotonin and dizziness as possible side effect). Jan 16th: LDN 3mg. Jan 10th: ~29 supps + LDN (was 40) costs ~400€/m (was 350€/m) +20€/m cps. Last changes see before Aug 22nd.)
SELF-PHYSIO: Always OK, see before Aug 22nd what I now always do when needed. Jaw-joint end of Sept. Nov: salivating technique(s) for dry mouth:
Supps: Carnitine Apr 14th-, EGCg Apr 13th-. LDN May 20th 3.5mg (Mar 21st-May 19th). 3mg, Mar 19th- creatine monohydrate 2g before morning meal. If monohydrate doesn't work, then the malate form. Jan 18th: Reduced vit. C to 3x400mg like Masterjohn suggests. Jan 10th: 29 supps + LDN cost 400€/m (was 395€/m) +20€/m cps. Try creatine again when LDN is plateauing, if not the monohydrate then the malate form. 16th: no feverfew (reduces serotonin, possible dizziness), less magnolia bark and pine bark (cos of possible dizziness/vertigo). 10th: no ellagic acid (not convinced of use). Dec 22nd/23rd: stopping ginkgo caused hearing/tinnitus/balance problems for 15h. Apigenin for sleep seldom. Dec 19th/20th: DAO working for walnuts, but only 10% (on 13th) for baked beans. No B2 lately. Nattokinase Nov 4th- : 1x0.1g, from 15th 2x0.1g. Oct 16th: Silymarin 2x.5g now, LDN Oct 1st- 0.25mg, 9th- 1.25mg, 16th- 0.25mg, 20th 0.5mg, Nov 1st- (1+1)x0.5mg, 10th- 2x0.5 and 1x0.5mg, 17th- 2x0.5, 19th- 1x1.5mg, Dec 11th 1x2mg, 27th 2.25mg, 10th 2.5mg, 16th 3mg. Deleted details Dec 30th: Stopped eleuthero, cos of BP. NADH. Theanine 2x0.1g since about Sept. Last changes see before Aug 22nd. Probably not colostrum or ATP again. For details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs see before Aug 22nd:

No ‘research’ today

Quality of life: 90%

Lessons in self-care: -
Reasons to be cheerful:
a)-d) Plant, bird & animal life:
a) Plants: (Newest blossoms)
Devil’s paintbrush! 17:54 looking for best grass places to cut first I found one I knew I had somewhere and am so desiring for it to blossom, saw it down the street the other day, and its names are telling: devil’s paintbrush, fox-and-cubs, grim-the-collier, king-devil, missionary weed, orange hawkweed, orange paintbrush, red daisy, tawny hawkweed, in German Orangerotes Habichtskraut - Meaning orange-red hawkweed [Pilosella aurantiaca, Hieracium aurantiacum]. That I want tons of!!
b) Birds:
(Every day cheer, song/calls/seen, new order of frequency Jun 9th, with :heavy_plus_sign: = increase: Woodpigeons :white_check_mark: Blackbirds :white_check_mark: Robins :white_check_mark: Sparrows :white_check_mark: Blackcap :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Great Woodpecker :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark: Swifts 16x :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Magpies :white_check_mark: Jacks on the increase (from immigrated ones) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, Birds bathing 4x :white_check_mark:), Raven(s) :heavy_plus_sign: :white_check_mark:, and these all minimized :heavy_minus_sign, (maybe hatching): Great&BlueTits - 1x/h :white_check_mark: Dunnocks 0, (Chaffinch nearby 0) (Chiffchaff nearby 0) Collared dove 0, (Nuthatches 0).
Latest / earliest robin song: …22:30/ !4:00…

(Regular cheer, song/calls/seen - all :heavy_minus_sign: = decrease: 0)

  • 3 young blackbirds: All 3 bathing at the same time, one in the wheelbarrow
  • Alarms: 14:40 squirrel and magpie.
  • Woodpigeon nest: 17:07 now sitting next to the nestling, not on it.
  • Near: 17:30 GreatTit and robin flew to me
  • Ravens/crows: 17:58 higher craw, smaller, so I guess 2 crows. 21:10 raven: big and “slow”
  • Swifts: 17:58 6, 21:09 16. 21:49 still.
  • Singing: Robins starting evensong 21:49, blackbirds not in our gardens. But 3:55 1st robin and blackbird.

c) Animals: (guinea pig antics :white_check_mark:. Redbrown squirrel :white_check_mark:)
Bats: 21:18 a pipistrel altho it’s not even dark yet. :white_check_mark: Bank voles 0. Insects: bees, bugs :white_check_mark:
Quite a few insects today, esp. where I put dung water a new wild bee.

e) Human life: (TT n/a. Skip-Bo :white_check_mark: Wife :white_check_mark: Art :white_check_mark: Music listening :white_check_mark: Nice talks :white_check_mark:)
f) Environment: (Outdoors :white_check_mark:.)
g) Body: (“Theoretical” energy 30% (:white_check_mark:).)
Foggies: (Body (:x:). Brain (:x:).)

Click for development/summaries and see profile...

More details before Aug 22nd.
Entry changes (June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023

Hey @JayCS,

I had to look twice at that last photo. That looks very, very similar to another well known ‘medicinal’ plant, one that’s not on your list :wink: :smile: :rofl:


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