Kinda new here

Hi everyone!! I found u all several months ago but the pain has kept me away. I know right now I’m pretty depressed. I was wondering if anyone struggles with not eating enough? I have 2 force myself to eat 2 take my meds 3 times a day & people just laugh about it. Several yrs ago when this happened I dropped down 4 sizes in less then 3 months. Not very healthy but something I’m having a very hard time controlling. I know in my pix I don’t look under nourished but it was taken during one of my many fibro flares this year so I was VERY puffy! (Smile). Just checking 2c if anyone else is dealing w/this to & how they r handling it. Many days my hubby actually stands & watches me eat 2 get me 2 eat more than 2 bites. So frustrating!!!

I know a few people tha elgin by eating small portions throughout the day. They rely on foods like nuts, fruit. Granola…basically whatever is easy to put half a cup of next to you. Retrain yourself to eat more often by eating these small portions. If you have morning computer time or the news…you should have whatever it is nej to you. If you keep some food in your stomach throughout the day, you will hopefully be able to eat more of your diner/lunch meal later. Remember, protein and fiber. Your goal should be a balanced diet…you say you are puffy In your photo…hhrrmmmm…I think you look skinny! So if you have lost weight since that…I’m with your husband, I would stand over you too like a hawk. Your eating habits need to be retrained. If this continues, you need to address it with your doctor. One of your meds might be making it hard for you to eat. Try it today. Every hour or two, go get a small handful of whatever you like. If nothing sounds good…pick a protein or a fiber. You might have to start with only 5 little nuts or half a piece of whole wheat toast…if you have to, set a timer on your watch or stove to remind you. Tell your family you are doing it. They will help nag…I mean remind you to eat. Best wishes! Now go get a snack!

Welcome back :slight_smile:
Try some protein drinks also, I know there are many out there now that have better taste to them. I lost a lot of weight and I. Pretty stable at 148 so I’m still not too skinny. But I rarely feeling like eating, but when I do I crave sweets which are really bad for patients with fibro. I also like at walmart the protein bar made by snickers… It taastes like chocolate and Carmel delight !
For the depression, well I come here and post and read and it really helps. Also I keep busy with my college work, which is online, I’m working for my degree in business. Journaling is also an idea sometimes if we get out what we are feeling it will help relax our brains.
Hang in there keep coming here, it really helps :slight_smile:

Boy Jennifer. I'm worried about you. Your eating habits aren't good for you at all. Do you think your lost of appetite might becoming from your med.s? If so, your dr needs to know about this. Good for your husband - I would be doing the same thing (smiles). Keep in mind, he is doing the best that he can because, he loves you and he cares about you.

Tiffany has some wonderful ideas to try. Sometimes we have to re-train our stomach to handle more food and starting off easy or light is the way to do it. I know - I had to do it a few times after I had my back surgeries and I was bed stricken for a while. With all of the meds they had me, I lost my appetite and my stomach shrunk in the process . According to my dr - It's the capacity of how much it can hold is what shrinks . I had to re-train myself to handle more food. Eventually, I was able to eat a proper and a regular meal again.

Justamom is right too. Those protein drinks help and they don't taste bad either. Chocolate and strawberry were my favorite flavors (smiles).



We have several members that come on and read when they do not feel well and some same it helps them. I was trying to loose weight after i stopped lyrica well with the med change i lost my appitite and am now trying to eat better and more i have stated eating small meals during the day and fruit and veggies it seems to help we are talking about an antidepresant which the dr thinks will help with depression and my eating.


I have real problems with keeping weight on due to my fibro. I get very sick as well. I have had drastic weight loss in a short amount of time. People think it cant really be a problem but it is. You need to eat in a flare up as it makes you feel better. Little and often seems to help but my personal favourite is soup. Not the heavy ones but the more clear ones and if you can manage a slice of bread with it even better. My doctor has put me on the build up drinks before but i find them hard to stomach and they play haoc with my IBS. Fish is also not too bad for me I think because its light.

Being under weight and your clothes hanging off you can make you feel really low and dent your confidence so hopefully you will find something that works for you. Handfuls of nuts and dried fruit also help me. Unfortunately sometimes it just comes down to forcing something down however much you dont want to. When I dont want to eat but have to I only have the bit of the meal i can stomach and add salad to everything even if it doesnt go. Eat what you want however weird it is. Something is better than nothing.

Best of luck


Yes, Jennifer, I'm having this happen. And I used to be a big eater. For me, I think it may be the return of a stomach ulcer. So I am wondering if you may have something else going on that's causing you to not eat. You may need to get an upper and/or lower GI to see if something's going on inside of you. I don't know, I'm not a doc, but I strongly suggest that you see one ASAP. I know I will when I return from being in Florida.

I did know a little old lady in a nursing home who ONLY survived by drinking Ensure. I never saw her eat a bite of food. I used to marvel at this but it worked for her. So my suggestion is that you get something like Carnation Instant Breakfast or Ensure and drink it everyday so you can keep up your health until you get an answer from your doctor. Yogurt is another thing to keep by you as it could also give you some nutritional benefit plus it goes down easily.

Good luck with this. As others have said, it's not healthy for you to keep on like this.




That's a wonderful idea suggesting she gets an upper and a lower GI. I've had stomach problems for years and I'm so use to it, I forget about it. But, Yea. A stomach ulcer, IBS, hiatal hernias, etc.. Can all put a damper on the appetite. Good thinking :).


When I was 16 I was diagnosed w/Anorexic Depression. There are a few of us out here that instead of eating a lot during a depression, we DON'T eat. You need to tell your Primary that you might have this also. I see others who say it may be your meds. & yes throughout my 52yrs, I have had numerous Drs try to get me to gain, Gain, GAIN. 'Cept for being pregnant w/my son, I have never gone over 165lbs. 17mos ago, I had to have all of my teeth removed & I panicked thinking I would end up in the hospital, w/no teeth to eat with, the weight is gonna drop off of me in a month! I bought the big gallon jugs of icecream to keep the weight on, however icecream shot my cholesterol up thru the roof! So I stopped eating the icecream every day for 30 days. If my weight had gone down 5lbs I was gonna tell the Dr screw the cholesteral. I went down 2lbs, so there IS hope. Do the best you can, find things that appeal to your tastebuds, I am an eater of tart foods, yogurt, oranges, grapes, cheese...... Oh I so miss eating nuts, salads & my homemade salad dressings, sorry got off track there. We are here for ya, keep us in the loop Maggi

Hi Jennifer, I didn't eat that much for the first 1 1/2 years of the FM, but I wasn't lucky like you; I didn't drop weight. My metabolism is shot. I suggest you drink your meals with protein shakes too. Do you have any food cravings? Indulge the ones that don't involve processed foods, refined carbs or sugars. Watch it on excessive dairy intake. Your doc can give you something to increase your appetite if you ask if it gets to that point. Do you have a juicer? I find a fresh green juice gets in all the phytonutrients and enzymes and gives my system a good boost. My husband makes the juice for me. I find celery is great for my well being. High in minerals. I also wasn't washing as often during the period I wasn't eating. I guess because I wasn't going out of the house very much either. I still lay in bed a lot when I have pain, as not moving is the only way to control feeling pain sometimes. But I worry about not getting the exercise I need. It's a catch 22.

Hi Ben & Petunia! Thanx 4 the great ideas!! I’ve had many upper & lower GI/endoscopies I think they r called. I do have colitis & MANY food allergies. I make all my food from scratch which is hard when ur depressed. :). I am allergic to dairy, any milk products, beef, anything 2 do w/a cow; wheat, gluten & soy. My son to has many food allergies. This makes it very hard 4 me 2 just get some snacks from Walmart. Due to my IC (Interstitial Cystitis) there are many other foods I can’t eat including many of my fav fruits & veggies. :(.

Hi Tiffany!! I just read ur message & I’m trying 2 snack now!!LOL. Family is fast asleep!

Thanx 4 the great ideas!! Unfortunately, i do have colitis & MANY food allergies. I make all my food from scratch which is hard when ur depressed. :). I am allergic to dairy, any milk products, beef, anything 2 do w/a cow; wheat, gluten & soy. My son to has many food allergies. This makes it very hard 4 me 2 just get some snacks from Walmart. Due to my IC (Interstitial Cystitis) there are many other foods I can’t eat including many of my fav fruits & veggies. :(. My sweet husband isn’t really a cooker so getting him 2 cook something I might want 2 eat can b quite a chore; especially when there’s no guarentee I’ll b able 2 eat it all. I’ve been teaching my son for years how to cook & make our flours & mixes so when I’m not around he can take care of himself. So, if my 16 yr old son can follow the directions posted in every room on how 2 get things done w/o me; including cooking & baking…what’s up w/my loving hubby? It’s not my son’s job 2 take care of me!! Oops!! Sorry! Got off on a tangent…I’ll keep u all updated!! New week with more doc visits!

Hi Ben!! I will talk 2 my docs this week. Thanx 4 the great ideas!! Unfortunately, i do have colitis & MANY food allergies. I make all my food from scratch which is hard when ur depressed. :). I am allergic to dairy, any milk products, beef, anything 2 do w/a cow; wheat, gluten & soy. My son to has many food allergies. This makes it very hard 4 me 2 just get some snacks from Walmart. Due to my IC (Interstitial Cystitis) there are many other foods I can’t eat including many of my fav fruits & veggies. :(. My sweet husband isn’t really a cooker so getting him 2 cook something I might want 2 eat can b quite a chore; especially when there’s no guarentee I’ll b able 2 eat it all. I’ve been teaching my son for years how to cook & make our flours & mixes so when I’m not around he can take care of himself. So, if my 16 yr old son can follow the directions posted in every room on how 2 get things done w/o me; including cooking & baking…what’s up w/my loving hubby? It’s not my son’s job 2 take care of me!! Oops!! Sorry! Got off on a tangent…I’ll keep u all updated!! New week with more doc visits!

Hi Maggi! Thanx 4 the response. I’ll ask my doc this week about aneroxic depression. Quick question- my family doctor or psychologist? As far as what I can & can’t eat; I have many food allergies & we r finding out more all the time. I almost died 3 times last year due 2 exposure 2 food allergies we didn’t know I had. A very scary experience I must say!! I will def keep u in the loop.

Hi NIR. TY 4 ur response. I find the bathtub is the best place 4 me. Exercise 4 me rite now is just being able 2 walk w/no help. My goal is 2b back 2 lifting & working out by summertime. I want 2b able 2 bike ride, roller skate, swim, horseback ride, play catch & just have fun with my guys again. This is soooo frustrating 2 me 2b sick like this! I will try celery & c if I will like it enough 2 snack on it. Not sure if it will hurt me due 2 my other conditions. I’ll let u know.


As I sit here eating my salad I remembered your post and wanted to make a suggestion. Some days I also don't feel like eating. The thought of picking up a fork, stabbing food, putting it in my mouth and then having to chew and swallow just makes me sick. However, I love food so I forge through it, plus I work and everyone goes to lunch together so its good peer pressure. But this week everyone is traveling and I'm here alone and don't want to eat. Everything in the cafeteria made me want to hurl. So I got a salad and that is what made me think of you. Do you think your husband could make you a salad and then you could pick at it. I know its gross but that is what I'm doing today is picking at my salad. That way I have control over what I'm putting in my mouth and its just a small bit. I don't know maybe I'm weird but thought I would suggest it. (and by picking, yes I mean using my fingers)

Today I found a rice protein mix, that doesn’t include gluten. So tonight I’m having a protein shake made with blueberries,raspberries, and strawberries. I wanted to put Kale in it but ran out of room in my little ninja.
I hope you were able to eat today.
Gentle hugs,