
Hello All,

I have had fibro for 6 years of which I have been married (second marriage) 4 years. I had a very bad autumn and winter - exhaustion, pain depression repeat into a horrible downward spiral. I was just starting to feel better. Then 3 weeks ago, my husband packed his bags and left me. I am shattered. Dealing with fibromyalgia, depression and now divorce. Who has dealt with this and how did you manage the disease and heartbreak?

Hi Claudia
I am sorry you are going through the heartbreak. I wish I had some words right now to help you . but since I can’t think of any right now I am sending you much love and positive vibes for your well being.

Hello claudia.I am sorry you are having a tough time of it and struggling.I am sending postoive thoughts and vibes your way and i hope things will improve for you soon

much love xxx


Hello Claudia,

I just had to send my heartfelt support for you. Cannot imagine how you are feeling, and how you are coping now. Be assured there will be a lot of people sending healing vibes to you. I was with my partner for a couple of years before diagnosis, and he swore he would stand by me, support me help me, and could deal with this. At the end of the day. he couldn't. I am now 2 years without him ( I did ask him to leave ), and have not been any worse off without him. I can do what I want, what makes me feel better, without having the added stress of him in my life. I appreciate this may not apply to you, but I urge you to concentrate on yourself now, go to Doc if there are meds that may help you through this very difficult time, and I wish you well. Let us know how you are getting on.

Take care, Anne

The book that saved my sanity was "Self Matters" by Phillip C McGraw, PhD.

& a lot of crying, screaming into a pillow, punching a pillow, Mental Health Therapy, weeding, mowing the lawn, journaling & time.

Repeat as necessary.


Thank you all for your support. One moment at a time... and somehow it's another day.