Neck Pain

Irish-thanks for your input I think I will look inot the chiropractor too good idea!

Carliec-The injections he gave me were called Betamethasone (sp?) and were really little needs (like the interdermal ones) it is a steroid with anti-inflammatory. It burned for about 2 days and it really didn't seem to help more than two days. I honestly think the heating pad works better. I am going to look into the neck support like Mike suggested.

Thank you Tracy! Do you know if the Japanese Mint oil is the same as Mint essential oil? I will look into it at a health store ASAP.....thanks again!

Great advice Texas....I live in Calif and in the desert area so it gets mighty steamy here too.....I am goingto try the ice and alternate heat, I never heard of that combo before so thanks for the wonderful tip!!

Have you ever tried using a TENS unit? (Transdermal Electrical Nerve Stimulation). I have used one for years, and I really love it. It doesn't cure anything, but it distracts your nerves from whatever is irritating them and relieves or diminishes the pain while you are wearing it. I got mine from my pain clinic, and my insurance paid for part of it as durable medical equipment. It's worth a try!

I have this problem. I've recently had an MRI of my neck area for this problem. I currently take Mobic and Tramadol, but it doesn't help a whole lot. The physical therapist gave me neck/shoulder exercises that give me some looseness. I'm still searching for relief to this problem and I hope that you find relief, as well. Best wishes.

How about ice? I use it for my aching SI joint and it helps a lot. Heat's never done it for me.

Also, what about a sports injury massage? You need to be sure the person who does it is trained to do it and handles a lot of those cases, but let me tell you, it HELPS. But only for a few weeks at a time.

I recently rubbed some Tiger Balm ( a menthol-type cream) on my horrifically sore SI joint then had my sister massage it with a laundry ball with spikes on it. You can get them at your local drug store in the laundry area. It also helped quite a bit.

Good point, SK!

Japanese Mint Oil sounds a lot like Tiger Balm. Wonder if they have the same ingredients?

20 minutes ice, 20 minutes heat. It may help. Five of the seven disks in my neck have problems, so the Fibro isn't the cause of the pain, just intensified by the Fibro. As a Fibro sufferer I'm sure you know what works one day may not the next but everything simple is worth a try. Good luck.

Yes........exactly what might work ok one day seems to do nothing the next. I am so gratefull for all of the great tips on here.....I am going to try them all! Thank you everyone

Hope you are feeling better today!

I was prescribed these nifty lidocaine patches. The other night, I covered myself in patches and slept very well. Just another thing to add to the list of potential pain relief!

My Dr. gave me Voltaren Gel (presc) that seems to help my muscles. It also helps with the back pain and the RLS. A few nights ago nothing was helping medicine wise so I had my roommate rub the cream on my back and neck, I also rubed it on my legs. I was asleep in 20 minutes after hours of restlessness. I also do Tai-Chi and Yoga at home with a video so I can do the ones that work and avoid the ones that hurt. There is a Yoga dvd out for people with disabilities. Before you buy one you might want to check one out fom the library to make sure you want to do it. I bought mine new about 12 years ago (it is a vhs) and I am just now using it. lol.

A lot of us seem to have DDD. Mine "looks" minor on MRI but hurts horribly. Guess the fibro is the culprit, but it's highly coincidental that so many of us have DDD and fibro. Altho one of my docs said DDD happpens a lot as we age...

I think I tried those. Wish I could give you mine, Sunflower.

Yes, it's odd that one day's treatment is the next day's placebo. It helps one day, does nothing the next. If the cause is the same (fibro) why the heck doesn't it work all of the time or gradually stop working as you build up a tolerance???

GREAT suggestions, Dotty!

Is it hard to do tai-chi or yoga if you are only staring when you already have fibro and its pains?

I tried it once, I don't think it was so bad pain wise but I had a real problem with balance. The part of tai-chi I did was all standing up ones. With the yoga you only do as much as you can do with out causing pain. I combine some simple yoga. I have even improve my ability from when I first started. Was it on here that I read with fibro the muscles shorten and the stretches help to lengthen them? I know I went through physical therapy to strengthen my core muscles and they also did ultrasound to my back. That really helped. I'm sure I've told you more than you asked for. Hope you are having a good day.

No, your reply was great! I never thought of the balance aspect. I'd be on my arse in a heartbeat!

I think SK mentioned the muscles shortening but I'm not really understanding that aspect of it. But stretches lengthening them makes sense. The work I've been doing makes me go up and down stairs, which helps the core muscles, believe it or not, which helps the SI joint pain some, which is nice.

Thank you for well thought out reply!