Neck Pain

I didn't start till I was in full Fibro and unable to work. Brain fog is one of my main problems, which is why I forgot to mention the Tai-Chi is Tai-Chi for Seniors. Slow easy movements. And Tai-Chi for health Yang Short Form with Terrance Dunn. We do 2 Yoga from a company called Gaiam relaxation and breathing for meditition Gentle Yoga postures, and Yoga conditioning for weight loss. We also do Prevention Magazine's No stree 10 minute workouts.

If we did all of them we would be doing workouts for 8+ hours. We pick and choose just the first few minutes and the longest we have done it is about an hour (on a really good day). With Yoga balance is a problem for me also since I have other issuses with my left leg, not related to the Fibro.

Before you buy anything, I strongly suggest you check it out from the library first and try to get it for handicapped or seniors. They are much easier on these groups and show us how to still do the moves to the best of our ability.

Hope this helps.


Hi Dotty,

I agree with selecting the exercise, stretches, pilates, yoga being for seniors or handicapped. Some I have bought that were sold as 'gentle stretches or gentle yoga' were too much for me! The worst thing was they did everything lying on the floor, which is a very difficult place for me to be, yet every photo on the package, they were standing!

Just be careful not to do something that causes more pain!


The Tai-chi for Seniors starts out sitting in a chair and just does stretching and breathing exercises, which all different versions I have emphasize. We do not breath correctly let me correct myself. MOST people do not breath correctly, thus our body's do not get the proper oxygen to help us to heal ourselves.

I agree that is why I strongly suggest checking out what the library has available. I bought a tape years ago, even before Fibro and due to other physical issues I could not do it. I bought these because they were supposed to be kinder to my body and didn;t open them for years. One day my roommate and I were atlking about trying it. I told her I have the tapes. So I dug them out and they do work for me. I have FINALLY (ALMOST) learned to listen to my body, we still have our issues there. My mind still thinks it is in control, while my body laughs and says "just wait till later you will see who is in control. "I told you not to do that did't I?" lol.


Yes, I have been told the very same thing from a Chiropractor about getting enough oxygen into the affected area. His best answer for this was walking, or swimming, but be sure to talk to your Doc first.

My best friend has MS, she goes to an MD, but also to a Homeopath or Naturopath who suggested she injest liquid oxygen. I had never heard of it! Again remember this is regulated and dosed from a health care professional.

I have heard of it, I choose to do deep breathing exercises. I jut have to remember "BREATHE IN-----BREATHE OUT" lol. If you do the deep breathing, you can feel it in yor abs. I have heard you can lose weight this way. YEAH right! I have seen no evidence of that.


I never thought of going to the library for it. Or looking for the senior version. Sometimes my mind seems to be stuck in one gear anymore. So thank you for these great suggestions. I'm going to follow up on them! THANK YOU!

Sure sounds like you need to keep an eye on AS since you have so many red flags towards it. Have you ever thought of getting a second rheumy opinion?

Hi Althea,

I had shoulder, neck and arm pain for 8 months and I went to a fibromyalgia specialist. He put me on elavil and zoloft and all the pain went away in three weeks. That was7 years ago.

I have pain in exactly the same places (most people do actually, but not to our extent) Mine was livable until I got Fibromyalgia. Then the flares were so bad I felt like I couldn't even breathe. Sounds like you know about trigger points, but those aren't the only part that hurts. Fibromyalgia and other similar conditions affect your musclular fascia, with increases in inflammation and tightening. Fascia is the thin layer that surrounds your muscles (like the skin on a chicken). It's probably not your muscles getting shorter, but the fascia that are getting tighter. The effect is sort of like shrink wrapping your muscles

Like everyone else has said, heat and gentle stretching is great, but sometimes it isn't enough to relax the fascia and you need help with that. I highly recommend trying "myofascial release" (MFR) massage once in a while. It is the most interesting, but FABULOUS feeling in the world! Just make sure it says that the massage therapist does the MFR technique. Deep tissue massage often hurts, but MFR should not. Give it a shot. I guarantee you'll like it:)

great info, very helpful.

Hi Althea. I had horrible neck and shoulder pain years ago - long before my Fibro was diagnosed. It was very debilitating and I would have to miss work because of it. And when there was rain the the forecast, it was even worse. Then my doctor gave me Amitryptiline to take for my Fibro because I was not sleeping well - and I swear I have never had this pain since I started taking it. It is wonderful for sleeping also. Early on, I was told that the neck/ shoulder pain had a lot to do with how one sleeps and I remember that I purchased a pillow filled with buckwheat which worked wonderfully because you can manipulate it so well. Another suggestion was to sleep with your neck being supported by a towel so that it is 'straight'. That helped also before I got the Amitryptiline. Good luck to you in getting this resolved because I know how awful it can be.

My neck and shoulder have recently been bothering me. I didn't realize how bad it was until after my Rheumatologist appointment. Since that appointment last Monday, my neck, shoulder and back have been killing me. I have several pillow stacked up on the bed. I reposition them until I find a comfortable spot. That along with taking my buspar is the only thing that helps. It's too hot right now to use my heating pad but it does help when I'm having back pain. Sorry to hear nothing is helping I hope you find some relief.

Wish I could do something to make all of you well! Please do all you can to get better and find comfort!