
Hi guys, just wanted to share this bit of information with you all. For the past month now I have been taking 3,000 mg of Omega-3 everyday. I take one after each meal. The reason I started doing this is because of a book I was reading. Bob Harper the trainer on the "Biggest Loser " said that he would often have sore muscles from all his work outs. So he started taking the Omega 3 and found that it took away the soreness and achenes. So I figured why not try it. Within a week I noticed a huge difference in my pain level. I told both my PCP and my Fibro doctor what I was doing, and they both said that was just one of the many benefits of Omega 3. I know that Fibro is a chronic condition with widespread nerve pain, but I also get flu like achenes. I have CF as well and the flu like symptoms are one of many. I figured I may as well give it a shot and I’m glad I did. Leanne

Hi living, I have been taking 3000 daily too for over 6 months. I haven’t seen any real difference in soreness. Or maybe things are so bad that I can’t tell difference?? I also wonder have you noticed weight gain? I do and I wonder if it’s the Omega 3?? Thanks for any help.

That's wonderful news Leanne and livingpremium. Many have found supplements that help us in various ways. B-Complex is helpful to my energy level! It's not what it once was, I still have major fatigue, but it helps.

Is it a spendy supplement? Is the Krill higher priced than the Fish Oil? I know these things can be quite an investment sometimes and puts them out of range for some, while the insurance companies pay for our prescriptions. Doesn't seem right does it?

Thanks for the good information!

Thanks Leanne for sharing this… I was taking Omega 3, until I found out 95 % of it was fish oil and little of the Omega 3 was actually in it , I think the Omega 3 is very important to muscle and brain health, so I am willing to try the Krill… I also have a lot of flu like aches and CFS, I think I will give it a shot. Thank u !!

So glad to here something is helping :slight_smile:


Thank you livingpremium. Yes, that does help.