I am very grateful to be a new member of the support group, and truly would appreciate any input on my recent diagnosis of FM and Fibro Fog , which I find is the most debilitating symptom of all !! I have found that Public Places with Bright Lights and over stimulazation triggers if off , especially if it involves motion ( like the supermarket )
Also cold / rainy or extremely hot days causes severe neck pain which once again causes the Fibro Fog . Of course lack of and interrupted sleep every evening must contribute to this issue also . I find it to be very scary and I almost anticipate it happening every time I am in public . Almost feels like it could be Derealization .Does anyone else experience this ? Any suggestions ? Thanks to many of you for your warm welcome. My heart goes out to all of you ,
Thank you ever so much Lovett for putting things into perspective for me . I use to be such a strong willed person to this . I just have to learn to accept that is is apart of it and go with it , rather than becoming anxious everytime I have an episode . You are so right about the larger public spaces the light & noise , it is horrible what it does to my head so hard to describe .
Hope you were safe with the bad storms. Hugs
Brain Fog happens to me when I have been in constant pain for days, for me it is Migraines. I once had a Migraine for 21 days! Now with having Fibro......... walking will do me in every time! I think it is the cement floors I get to walk on & I usu have to plan my shopping . Mostly because I have to go to a bigger city 34mis away to shop.
Sorry getting of topic. When I have BF I usu lose words & Thankfully my kids are patient with me when I must describe the word I have lost. & I try my BLEEEEPist to NOT sign anything that has to do with legalizing something or even signing a check.
When the barameter starts moving up or down yes I can feel it. For me it feels as if my hip bones are grinding against the socket bones, M
Mine is worst when i am tired try and rest when it starts happening. It also got worst on some of the meds i was taking and had to change them
I experience it, A Lot I wake up and I know when the weather changes because I wake up feeling achier and sicker be it hot or cold im super sensitive to both,and it depends on the "trigger" for me it feel like I "space-out" and if I come to on my own I'll experience a momentary confusion, then i shrug it off and all is well, however when I am in public places, often people arent very patient or understanding so when people shake me or holler at me its like someone took and wiped their hand across the chalkboard of my mind and i cant get a grip what it was I was thinking about or what i got stuck on and it induces such as scary sense of being anxious and loss of words, I feel like a deer and the head lights looks and the more people continue to attempt to connect Ill go "mute" unable to talk and go into full panic mode. I've learned not to go out on my own Ive had a misunderstanding were an officer felt i was just being uncooperative and pointed his service weapon at me and of course my mind raced the voice box stayed locked tight and al i could do was flap my hands like some sort of nutjob... If it becomes an interference like it has with me dont be afraid to ask for outside help a physician can help you with physical symptoms a counselor or psychologist can help you ease out of these easier.. mine used to be alot rougher Id space out while driving its a wonder i never killed anyone
Also words suck they say this goes with the fog Its not un common for me to say hey pass me the ketchup and mean mustard or give me a spoon and mean a knife or they ask me what color is this and the colors switch on me i know my colors they look correct i just spit out the wrong name for it
for example yellow->orange->green->purple->blue->red get confused to the color closest to it orange gets called green, blue gets red, green gets purple.. so on and so forth .. and im rambling so
This has given me a lot of insight. I frequently experience this type of thing as mentioned from A- Z like all of you, minus being arrested ;). Sorry vishq, although I do experience everything else you have mentioned. The doctors I see categorize that as a non epileptic seizure. I know I get the brain fog usually when I am in pain for a long period of time. Change of weather, especially cold, lights, and sounds , only enhance it after it has already gone bad. Being unable to remember the word I want to say is very frequent. Forgetfulness of things all together is common and frustrating. The more things like this happen is the more likely to bring on a seizure . Trying to find ways to destress your life can help.
Hi Susan...I've been suffering from fibro since the early 90's and made it until 2004 before I had to take a medical leave from work and gave up my license to drive as the fog was THAT serious. I only do Doctors appointments, Physical therapy and pharmacy visits and those alone do me in for the rest of the day and I always have to have either my daughter, husband or bestie with me to keep things straight and I carry an appointment book and receptionists know to remind me to put it in my book as well.
I found it easier to accept my disabilities than to "let them go" cuz...that's rather impossible when they consume my every movement. I have gained control by medication. Everyone is different. My body is failing bit by bit but I still continue to try to do the things I love...I just have to choose my battles and know that after the fight I will be licking my wounds for days. That's all good with me. It gives me control rather than letting my body control me.
At least you know now, if you didn't already, that you are among some of the most caring, albeit broken, foggy *lol*, folks that know just what you are talking about and aren't shy about sharing their stories here.
Be sweet to yourself Susan and I hope you obtained some answers here.
PeacenLove~Always~Laurel aka Northwoods
Brian fog mixes me up, because it happens when I'm not ready for it. But I've learned what to do when it hits, meditate if I can, and remember the roof is not falling in on me. But it really bothers me when I am talking to some one and all of a sudden I forget what I'm talking about or a word. Oh jelly beans again, LOL.....