
Almost a year ago I started this horrible journey of attempting to find medical care in a new city and having no meds. Today, it finally ended!

I was a little leery of working with an intern practice to be honest, I mean, it could have really gone either way. I am so happy to say though, she was wonderful. I could have done without the nurse who seemingly didn't see the big, red LATEX ALLERGY sticker on my chart and attempted to give me a shot with latex gloves on. And cap it off with a latex bandage...

But, I'm back on my meds and she's LISTENING to me guys! Actually listening and wanting to explore things. I've been trying for two years before this to get complete blood work done and keep ruling some things out. At least make sure they're not concurrently going on. Because there are some things going on that point to other possible issues going on as well.

I am just so excited to get back to some feeling of normal, as normal as we can get anyhow ;-).

Hello LegoFamily,

So glad you feel positive about this condition. So important to get a Doc who listens. I wish you well.

Take care, Anne

So glad that things are getting better for you. Please keep us posted on your journey with new medical care.

That is terrific! I am glad you took a chance and gave the new doctor a try. That can be really scary and it is so great you didn't give up! Hugs!

I won't lie, I was really scared. I live in a town that is notorious for drug seekers. If you mention pain you are automatically informed you will not be getting narcotics and required to sign a pain contract saying you will not seek care from anyone else without notifying your doctor.

When I was 17 I moved to this state and had been scheduled for knee surgery before the move. I went to a doctor with my orders and MRI in hand, wanting a referral to an ortho. He told me I was a drug seeker (I'd not asked for any pain relief at this point) and he would give me one prescription for pain pills and I should be grateful. I just wanted a referral...

So the first thing out of my mouth to this one was, I want to get back on my medication, but I do not want narcotics. They just don't help me anyway, and with five kids that I homeschool, I can't walk around drugged up, which is all they do to me.

I'm crossing my fingers and hoping this doctor keeps her willing to be a detective with me attitude. I try to do my part and meet them halfway.


Auburnm said:

That is terrific! I am glad you took a chance and gave the new doctor a try. That can be really scary and it is so great you didn't give up! Hugs!

Thank you! My kiddos are pretty excited to get their Mama back! I will definitely keep you guys posted.


purplebutterfly said:

So glad that things are getting better for you. Please keep us posted on your journey with new medical care.

Thank You!


AnneV said:

Hello LegoFamily,

So glad you feel positive about this condition. So important to get a Doc who listens. I wish you well.

Take care, Anne

Hi, I hope things are continuing to go well. Hugs!!!

im with auburnm, hope everything continues to go well for you