I am starting yoga tomorrow and I am really nervous. I tried a few poses myself here at home and it was a strain so I am scared I won't be able to do it very well. Additionally, I don't find myself fat, but I am also not skinny and I am worried that that will make it even harder. I bought a mat and some comfy clothes. Has anyone tried yoga? Has it worked? Was it really hard at first?
I also think I am dehydrated, it's been a week since my ex broke up with me and I have lost about 7 pounds. I constantly have a nervous stomach so I am eating like a bird. lol..and I am not drinking much. I feel like my muscles are shriveling up and they just burn and ache more than usual. Any ideas on how to fix this some before yoga? I can't imagine dehydration will work with yoga lol :)
Hi Engprof, the only solution I know for dehydration is to slowly and continuously drink caffeine free and non-carbonated fluids particularly water. I can’t comment on yoga as I’m not able to get off the floor without some assistance (bench, chair Etc). I would like to try it eventually. There is an exercise and fibro group on this forum you might want to join or refer to as it does talk about yoga. Most fitness routines I do such as cardio, resistance training, free weights I found and with new ones find hard at first but they do get easier.
I’m sure you’ll do well, you just need to remember that you go to classes to learn and you need to learn at your own pace and not worry about the others who may have been doing it for years.
Have fun, and don’t stress yourself out about it (easy for me to say lol) you’re there to learn how to relax.