JayCS’s Fibro Blog

2023-08-07 Monday - Methylene blue trial, day #11: 0 drops = better again.

What … worked / went wrong … today?:

:white_check_mark: Sleep no more than 8h, early sun, air all day, screen curfew at 8 :white_check_mark:.
:white_check_mark: Insect bites OK.
:white_check_mark: Stopping methylene blue as it seemed :x: no help, only :x: problems, but praps micro-dosing sometime?

How was I today?:

Feeling 85%-ish (:white_check_mark:), energy today (:white_check_mark:), sleep Sunday night :white_check_mark:, sleep Monday night :white_check_mark:, nausea 0% (:white_check_mark:), fog 10% (:white_check_mark:).

Today working mainly on … watching changed supp effects, esp. methylene blue, watching where exactly in the body I sense stiffness (temporary “tendonitis”?) and Ache, getting & keeping energy back

1) Early circadian rhythm for a) energy/sleep & b) Ache

7’ workout? Nope, no after 6 games of table tennis and a bit more tougher garden stuff and a cycle walk in the evening too.

1st meal a bit later, 2nd & 3rd early (slight intermittent fasting): :white_check_mark: (:white_check_mark:) (:x:),
whilst keeping food amount up :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:. IF = 13/11 (from /9:45 to /20:45)
Bed early / up early (:x:) (:white_check_mark:), screen time down (:white_check_mark:) → Effective sleep :white_check_mark:.
“PEM” (:white_check_mark:) vs. “Ache without exertion” = post postural Ache (:white_check_mark:). Better today, despite getting bloods taken!

:ping_pong: Since June 20th often winning (but hardly talking, not counting/picking up balls). First, 2-3 weeks 6-8 games a day, then 2 weeks holiday break, July 22nd-26th only 4 games a day, mostly won. July 27th 0:1 → 5:1, easy. July 28th-30th 4 games. July 31st to Aug 4th impossible cos of uro, Aug 5th 2:0, 6th 1:1, 7th 3:3 (=5:1?)

1a) EXHAUSTIBILITY today: “82%". Energy down from June 30th, after great increase starting 20th by making my rhythm circadian, more natural, earlier (with the consequence of re-focusing & pulling forward these blog entries). Click for today's ENERGY profile/envelope (= moderate, with "3h rest").

R rest: 100% exhaustion 20% of the time (3h),
VS very slow: 60% exhaustion 20% of the time (3h),
S slow: 40% exhaustion 30% of the time (5h),
M medium: 20% exhaustion 30% of the time (5h),
Q quick: 0-10% exhaustion 0% of the time (0h)
(pre-fibro: 0% exhaustion 100% of the time.)

SLEEP (click for details): 7h07, up 4x (1h05), all deep ✅. 3:45 massager cos of neck pains, stretches cos of tight left calf (which then as ever got worse, so massager at 7, that helped. drymouth30% sore throat5-10-20% tongue20% nostril/s0-?10%, everything else OK ➔ Feeling 80% well, Ache 2 of 7 ✅, getting up: 80%/2 ✅. 1x FCS at 7:15 ✅.

3rd meal time (:white_check_mark:), screen time (:white_check_mark:), tired (:white_check_mark:). GABA A2/+A3/
A3 A4:0 teeth0 p0 FA/CS#0 HWB#0 Sleep 22:45- 3rd # is LBU
23:52 40’ 6 80%/2/5% p0 st2 sip fw2’ fl0’ deep/ air/ A4/
drymouth30% sore throat5% tongue20% A5/ teeth0
1:46 9’ like 23:52 except 70%/3/5% st4->3 fw6’ A6/ gel/ sore throat20%
3:36 13’ like 1:46 except 75%/2/5% st2/1 fw2’ A7/ sore throat10% massager cos of neck pains, stretches cos of tight left calve.
5:28 3’ like 3:36 except 75%/2/5% st2 fw2’ A8/ sore throat10%. no ex.
-6:57 like 5:8 except B/ sore throat 20% (had felt cold but no 3rd duvet), massager on left calf.
Sum: 1h15+6h57-(40+9+13+3=)65’ = 8h12-1h05 =

1b) ACTIVITIESACHE = PEM (Post exertional malaise): TT 5:1 (3:3, but mate ‘cheating’ ;-)) (moving 20%, talking 5%, counting 0%) ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, gardening/moving ➔ 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, talking ➔ 80%/3 :x:. White lips50% (:white_check_mark:).
1c) REST/STIFFNESS ➔ ACHE At night st3 → 80%/3 :white_check_mark:/:x: Getting up st2 → 80%/2 :white_check_mark:, later too.
Where stiffness, where Ache? Both much less today Monday, starting before getting up, similar Tuesday.

2) Histamine/MCAS symptoms

Nauseous sinus burning headache: Nope :white_check_mark:.
Tongue burning: A little (:x:).
Insect bite itch: no oils, no decreasing nec.
Excitement (:white_check_mark:): going to get the bloods done by bus and back takes some getting used to, on the way back the bus was so full I had to stand and mask.

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) causing MCAS / histamine problems, esp. ENERGY DOWN to (10-)15-20% decreasing to 8-12% by end of May from the new symptoms, partly from CoV itself, energy increased June 20th to 30th (>20%), and usually still quite higher after (16-20%), further symptoms down too. Increasing a little from July 25th.. Triggers: Foods (esp. soy, white beans, yeast spread, >1/2 banana), grasses slightly, Click for developments....

JAB#3 (on Nov 7th) → MCAS / histamine since end of Dec: 15-20% energy for under 45’, then white lips & pale face. But if I keep strain down to ‘half speed’ (70%) I can push on thru for hours - with a few breaks and lots of task-switching. Not that much specifically histaminey problems since end of Dec, occasionally sinuses and nausea, no more ill ache. Usually white lips & face 30%, and some sliding instead of walking indoors 10%, bit more cold intolerance 30% (long johns 24/7, 2 thick duvets at night). From Jan on, bit warmer (5-12° C), I’ve swapped long johns for a 2nd pair of pyjama trousers at night and when I’m pretty active at daytime sometimes no long johns, but when out slow cycling/walking. And don’t need hot water bottles any more, whether I can manage a cold shower (usually) or not.
Development summarized: Down: Nov 17th - Dec 1st, worst 17th-18th, best 20th & 29th. Up: Dec 2nd-6th, Down 7th-8th, Up: 9th-14th, best 13th-14th: Winning easily 4:0, and slow energy for 4h! Down: 15th-21st 7 days, Up 22nd to 24th winning roughly 3:1, Unsure: 25th-31st: TT 2:2 or no play possible: 25th 2:2(?), (26th 0), 27th: 2:2, (28th 0 - ordered supps, not cellar), Down: 1st-2nd, 4th. Up: 3rd, 5th. Both: 6th-11th - sinuses, tongue, lips, runny, DAO helping. Cold: 12th. 13th: GI: HP supps? 14th: B3-Flushing up!? 15th: Runny nose, 16th-21st & 25th-26th…: Tongue off and on. 23rd-25th: Sore buttock (& leg) muscles like after the jabs since 23rd. 26th: Cold, pain & fatigue, energy from 18% to 10% since 19th. 27th: Bad. 28th: Bad to better. 29th: OK, considering. 30th: Foods slightly histamine-y. 31st: Still no appetite. From Feb 3rd on: 10% energy. Cold tolerance good, just not my fingertips. 8th: Bit of tongue after red beans, but OK. Feb 12th 6:00: Stronger histamine-y symptoms and stomach pang. Feb 15th: strong headache evening and night probably from red beans without DAO, praps also the sinus burning. Feb 18th: More energy for the first time. Very red lips, looking inflamed, go white when I press them together. From Feb 19th on: back down to 10% energy, everything else fairly OK, incl. at night, incl. cold tolerance, incl. fingertips, but lips’d be white if they weren’t chapped and inflamed. Feb 24th: Energy up to 14% due to specks of T4. Feb 26th: sinuses upon waking up 9:20… Energy up to 20% from T4. Mar 10th evening: Virus Ache of 5-7, underlying energy seems unchanged 20%. Mar 12th: all Ache und pains decreasing, urge better until I move, but no appetite, nauseous when I do something slightly strenuous, and dry coughing like mad a lot of the time. Mar 13th: Histaminey burnt tongue and feverishness after 1h intense ‘work’ phone call. Mar 16th: Still some histamine rests, but energy vs. histamine like before CoV, praps less stiffness, but less appetite. Mar 23rd still seemingly in the midst of a re-visit of the "CoV symptoms. Mar 24th still severest exhaustion with feverish ache despite energy, appetite increasing, bladder a bit better, cough not sure. Apr 4th: Found out that we’d got CoV from a person who hadn’t taken theirs seriously and hadn’t told us immediately that they had it: grrrrrrrr! Increasing GABA has stopped all bladder problems, but not yet all sinus burning. Apr 11th: CoV-cough and bladder seems to be recovering, T4-temperature/night sweats too, now appetite needs to recover weight… Awake at night 1h and tongue burning for >24h from banana and tuna. Apr 15th Histaminey sinus “cold” 21:00-24:00 after too much concentrated soy products. May 1st: strong histamine symptoms after 100g of washed white beans without DAO. But shows that the recent higher histamine symptoms after CoV have got better. May 16th: Soy yoghurt & yeast veg. spread without DAO. Try again with DAO! Effect: Wide awake at 4, needed extra vagal relaxation to continue sleep, woke up with sinuses and frontal headache for 20h, then also awake at 4/5 the morning of the 17th. Evening of 16th: 2 DAO, continuing that. May 28th: sneezing in the evening while being outside, looking up: grasses (usually only short / one day). May 29th: Only itchy nose, less in the countryside. and at the end: People stress end of May for a few weeks. Energy up from June 20th.

Treatments: Antihistamine, and extra GABA from Nov 29th. Stopping the antihistamine at the turn of the year quickly caused sleep problems. May 19th: Tried more yeast spread and some tofu with DAO before, but still got a strongly burning tongue, my sinus burning from talking too much didn’t get more. May 25th: Sinus headache in the morning, most probably cos of a whole banana in the evening without DAO before. Stopped antihistamine I think in April, cos of zombification, dry mouth and I think more, and sleep still good from everything else. Once for dentist June 23rd wouldn’t have been necessary.

3) Docs:

Aug 7th: Bloods taken for uro/onco - no problem, just she strangely asked what I want taken, so I said: everything.

Last DOC update Aug 7th: Bloods taken for uro/onco. Aug 1st: Phoned about the forgotten bloods. July 31st: Uro exam extremely painful, so forgot bloods - would have been tough anyway. Urine sample was no problem. The talk was disappointing in that he is nice, but definitely no oncologist, so it will still only be a pointer for cancer. July 26th: Phoned urologists/oncologists, the man at the reception was very friendly and asked helpful interested questions, I'm not used to that at all, and I got an appt. for next Monday, 31st, already, praps cos of the summer holidays. The urologist I'm assigned to has 3 reviews that sound promising, and "looks OK", young, interested and caring, like the reviews say. July 20th (added 25th): Got my onco labs at last: only eosinophilia visible to me (put the research on the 25th), GP has no idea, which warrants getting a "2nd" opinion, in absence of a 1st. July 13th: Unsuccessfully asked for my onco lab results. June 24th/25th: Teeth problems resolved for the time being. Waiting for onco report, “2nd” opinion or not? (“B symptoms” = night sweats, appetite, weight starting Feb/March resolved in June.) Click for details…
Click for details: Update Aug 7th: Uro/onco bloods. July 26th: Got a cancer appt. on 31st. June 24th/25th: The new filling is better: nothing getting stuck any more, easy to get between the teeth. June 23rd: New filling at dentist went well, no anaesthetic necessary, just druggy for 4-5 hours from the antihistamine, which may have protected. June 13th: Gum inflammation down (to 20% from December), so keeping tooth, but renewing filling on the 23rd. May 26th: Asked my GP what to do, we agree on waiting a bit, but going to a different onco doc. May 25th I went to get them, and asked whether this means I don't have cancer, I was told a report will be coming 'soon'. May 24th: onco doc is giving me my reports back without an appt - Apr 24th: Weird, interesting onco appointment, further appt. by next Tuesday at the very latest. Apr 20th: Bloods OK, except PSA: prostate too high, all the more reason to get the cancer check starting Monday 24th. Apr 9th: Night sweats have inside of 2 nights switched over to the opposite extreme: cold, needing full winter bedstuff & sore throat. Apr 6th: My gyn(!): nothing on the sono, don't get it taken out, praps a mammography, keep the oncology-appt. on 24th. Apr 5th: wife's gyn says get a mamilla sono. Apr 3rd: surgeon cos of left mamilla swelling says wait 5 weeks, Mar 30th: lung X-ray shows nothing to explain my cough, Mar 29th GP says possibly B-symptoms. Mar 9th: Tea tree oil salve since takes the brunt off the lip hurt. Early March: Antihistamine back up to 10mg to curb T4-insomnia & histaminey symptoms. 3% of a T4 for thyroid Feb 24th till Mar 23rd: more energy, but lost appetite and weight. Feb-bloods: Ω3 needs increasing, much too low.

GP’s antifungal cream for my lips Feb 28th, then Mar 1st tea tree oil cream, helpful, but never quite gone.
3% of T4 Feb 23rd-Mar22nd: Day #4 bit more than the days before: Slower energy, histamine-y sinuses and frontal headache. Decreasing improved all that again.
Bloods Feb 7th: Most (like WBC, B2, phosphate and protein) are better, but still keeping those going, biotin and manganese too high.

4) Under control, attention necessary :white_check_mark:/(:white_check_mark:):

:one: Tea tree oil on onychia :white_check_mark: and fungus on my right foot. :white_check_mark: Almost done.
:two: Beau’s lines on thumbnails: Reduce washing :white_check_mark:, olive oil soap :white_check_mark:, moisturize :white_check_mark:/:x:. 7/8mm healthier thumbnail now.
:three: Slight gum inflammation from stuck food (:white_check_mark:): free :white_check_mark:.
Calendula essence for gum as well as CoV, praps umckaloabo too! :white_check_mark:
:four: I never lose pee at night, why?
:five: Neck and base of neck still has tendonitis & stiffness :x: from the Kami shock: massager at 3:45 :white_check_mark:
:six: Calf tightness :x:: stretches made it only temporarily better, than worse, but massager then helped in the morning :white_check_mark:.
:seven: Right knee seems OK :white_check_mark:.
:eight: Right foot seems OK now :white_check_mark:.

Loose stools 80% at 16:00 and 19:00, bloating after that - what from? Ahhh: Too many fresh blueberries! I’ve been eating tons and had another 400g or so today for the 2nd meal. They stop if you eat some dried, but mine were fresh, my wife had got me 2kg, so I’ve been eating loads of 'em, I love 'em. Great reason to eat lots of dark chocolate now ;).

1) Symptoms well under control: GI (via elimination), pee (via GABA: ENOUGH? ✅), LOCAL PAINS (exercises, back: via using wall/door for support) ✅. Details...

except GI: stools loose80% :white_check_mark:, appetite :white_check_mark:, pee pain: 3p1-2 :white_check_mark:, lower back unrest :white_check_mark:.

2) Symptoms fairly under control - click for details on Weather: SUN / WIND ✅ (layering off and on all the time), THIRST (✅), dry mouth (day and) at night ❌. Last SEIZURES: Last SEIZURES: Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish, so again GABA up, added 2x sublingual. July 25th seizure-ish 3-4x, so GABA up. July 17th: 2x. July 7th seizure-ish 4x. Jun 23rd 4x, Jun 16th, Jun 6th 2x ❌, May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, May 14th/13th, Apr 16th/15th, last ESOPHAGUS BLOCKS: July 23rd & 16th, May 31st (all 3 cos distracted), before that Apr 4th ✅. JAW solved for the time being since June 23rd. ✅

Weather: Outdoors almost all day now, for energy/sleep from light and air - not too much pure sun, that’s all, but getting better used to it.
Dry mouth (day and) at night has always been a problem, a stronger added real thirst making me drink a fourth litre of almond milk a day came up in April. Stopping the antihistamine completely has praps helped stop it become painfully sticky at night, so I don’t use the gel much any more.
Last focal seizures: Aug 1st: 4-5x seizure-ish. July 25th: seizure-ish 3-4x. July 17th: 18:30 19:55 after thunderstorm. July 7th seizur-ish 4x. Jun 23rd: 11:30 12:15 14:00 15:06, 2 before, 2 after antihistamine, maybe from the confused night, taking sleep meds too late and more?? Jun 16th 20:05, June 6th 13:45 & 14:35. May 25th 17:40 & 21:00, maybe from higher histamine and not enough GABA lately, May 14th 9:00 and May 13th 20:00 from stress I think, but I have also reduced the night time GABA praps too much. Apr 16th 13:25, Apr 15th 22:00 (GABA too late plus cold type symptoms = histamine), Mar 31st 19:00 (too little GABA, too strenuous meeting), Jan 15th 10:40 (from a pee urge, only 2nd “wave”). Jan 14th 23:58 (no trigger, praps missing out on .6g GABA Friday). Jan 5th (after being scolded for being hyper). Dec 11th: 1x. Nov 21st: 2x.
Last esophagus blocks: Generally, mindfulness to be extremely careful and stop eating, spread supps & meal (length up to 2h), whenever there’s the slightest pressure. July 23rd cos distracted by the Kami stress. July 16th I was concentrating on testing if hazelnuts increase my nicotinic acid flush with my 3rd meal, and disregarded a slight throat pressure, which went totally wrong, was the last straw for an esophagus block, so had to get it out, lots came out, incl. supps, and needed to wait quite a bit afterwards. (June 6th narrowly avoided.) May 31st, argument made me forget to concentrate on a small carrot. Apr 4th: Carrot, got it out quick. Mar 26th just the supps. Mar 23rd: Tiny bit of parsnip I think it was, had to get it out, had no patience to massage longer than 5-6’. Mar 13th (roughly) same as: Feb 26th: midday: block not waiting long enough with muesli after supps. Feb 20th eve: block from I think carrots resolved with massager. Feb 5th: From C-supps. Jan 19th: Sometimes do use massager a while to make sure. Jan 17th: I can take my B supps and then go to bed again atm. Jan 8th: Block after evening supps, maybe from twisting. Jan 7th: Testing if twisting before, while & after pills & food increases esophagus blocks Jan 6th: Slight blocks. Jan 5th: Medium block in evening. About 5x small blocks from pills around end of the year. Dec (20th, 15th) 11th (9th,) 1st, Nov 30th 2x, 29th 2x, (28th,) 24th, 22nd, 20th. Powder blocks in funnel if it’s too much in one go…
Jaw: Hardly & seldom pain since Nov. A bit more in Jan. Jan 6th: Slightly psychosomatic from memory of a painful time. Jan 10th: A bit after tooth cleaning. After: regularly a little bit, 1-2x/d. Better since improving tooth care again and giving that side of the jaw a rest from chewing for a few days from Feb on. May 18th (and about a week now, so let’s say from May 10th: 3 tooth problems, like often it seems from food stuck between teeth which I can’t get out. Trying sucking it out with liquid, either almond milk or calendula essence, but it’s stubborn as heck. Immediately improved when a broken filling was taken out May 22nd. June 6th: I think I need to get both teeth done, cos they’re causing a lot of problems that I can’t prevent any more… - June 23rd: OK, the fillings were enough, solved for the time being.

Methylene blue trial, day #11: 0 drops better again. Maybe micro-dosing, maybe there is a rest in my body which is doing some good?

Treatments under control: SELF-TREATMENT & SUPPS optimal & stable, but necessary - Aug 6th: 40 supps (was 42), costs 435€/m (was 470) +20€/m cps. Aug ~1st: pine bark again, + methylene blue + polysterols, Aug 5th Feverfew & PQQ again. July 25th (updated almost everything too): Increased eleuthero, decrease theanine to 2x0.1g and quercetin, added EGCG, all 4 in the B-supps. Next: Methylene blue! LDN! Creatine?
SELF-PHYSIO (click for details): OK. Wrists: more (✅), jaw-joint: to do (❌). Air + light + movement all day. ✅ Cold showering every day ✅.

:white_check_mark: airing 5x2’, cold shower 1x(10’), cream/oil fc/ey/hd/ft x1’, teeth x2’, HWB 0x3’, breath exercises 5x1’, Y. Nidra 0’, massage gun 0x3’, daylight lamp/sun 6x5’, plantar/calf stretch x1’, acupressure 0x1’, palpate 0’, belly 3’, back 10’, !!aloe vera 0x1’, twist-stretch x1’, yoga/stretching x1’, hang x1’. wart x1.
Combine: next?
:x: hunchback-pillow 0’. neck 1+ x1’, RR: 0, neck 2 0x1’, workout 7’, horse stance 1’, balance roll standing 5’, breath-hold 12’, jolt-jump 1’, marionette-hang 1’, shaking dance 1’, bent leg fall 1’.

Supps Aug 6th: 40 supps (was 42), costs 435€/m (was 470) +20€/m cps. Schedule TODAY: OK. Aug ~1st: pine bark again, + methylene blue + phytosterols, Aug 5th Feverfew & PQQ again. July 25th: EGCg again, eleuthero up to 3 and above, quercetin down cos of more rutin than suggested, next: theanine divided up into 2x0.1g? Creatine? Colostrum again?? ATP?? Click for details on the lists, with dosing batches by times and tubs:

69€/5000 capsules = 0,0138€/cps, x49/d atm = 0,68/d = 20€/m.

ZERO now: Arg, alpha-GPC 1x150mg, fisetin: 0x196mg, huperzia A, mumijo, NAC 1*.5g, NADH, psyllium (Ps), Ribose, rupatadine/Rupafin, Serrapeptase, Zinc, P5P (= vit. B6) 0x27mg (high).

REGULAR as of July 26th (42 supps): (R-)ALA .2g, aloe vera juice 0ml/d, apigenin 1x50mg, vit. B2 3x1x600mg, vit. B3/Nia (2+2+1)x0.6=3.0g, vit. B5/Panto: 3x1x.5g vit. B12 (methyl-C) 0x5mg/4m s.c., BUT B12 1x0.2mg (all 3 good types) WITH vit. B9/5-MTHF 1x0.4mg, vit. C 3x2x.5g, L-carnitine (Cr) (3+3+2)x0.6g, copper (Cu) 0x2mg, vit. D3 20.000 IE = 500mcg, WITH vit. K2 (MK7) 200mcg, DAO before EGCg 3x1x(50%, incl. L-theanine?)113mg, ellagic Acid (Ell) 2x.2g (+43mg vit. C), eleuthero (eleu) 3x4.5mg, feverfew (fev) 3x.4g WITH 3x.2g MSM, GABA (Ga): 4-8x0.3g+2x.6g=2.4-3.6g, ginkgo (Gi) 3x168mg, (L-)glutamin (gltm, glu): 1x0.6g, glutathione (gltt) 4x250mg, honokiol (hon) (2%)x2x.4g=16mg, luteolin 1x.2g, magnesium glycinate (mag gly) 0x50mg, mag malate (mag mal) 0x45mg, mag threonate (mag threo) 3x2x50g, monkfruit 0-0.1g, myo-inositol 1x2x0.5g/1!-2d, olive leaf extract (oli) 2x1x.75, Ω3 1x5mg, passiflora (Pf) 2!x1x.35g, Levagen±PEA 1x0.3g, pine bark (pin) 2x1x.5g, PQQ 1x20mg, CoQ10 (Q10)(ubn) 1x.1g, quercetin (Qc) 3!x1x.5g (down in B-supps cos more rutin than suggested), resveratrol (Rs) (50%) 2x1x.4g, rhodiola (Ro) 2x1x.35g, rutin (ru): 1x522. SAM-e (Sa) 1x2x.1g, Selenium 0x.2mg, Silymarin (Sil) (80%) 1x.5g (+83mg L-cholin), (L-)theanine (The) 1x.2g (+.15g polyphenols) (next 2x0.1mg), TMG: (1-2+1-2+1)x0.6=3.0g (as much as B3). NO rupatadine/Rupafin in micro-amount (0.1-0.3mg) as often as needed since jab#3 Nov. No longer practitioner’s recommendations, cos lost appetite ((#1) masterwort / Imperatoria ostruthium, #2) Hexacyl (Sulphur D4, Lycopodium Ø, Berberis Ø), #3) add Steirocall comp. (for “arthrosis” & bones) (& umckaloabo). Not at all sure about any of these, after 3 weeks of Hexacyl, #4 bitter herbs when Hexacyl bottle is finished, #5 more B5 now, #6 “glutathione activator” → upping MSM, selenium, and have asked if manganese and vit. E are important. #7 Pro Mucosa: added Hericium, can’t increase glutamine, asked back about ficin and biotin, #8 Chlorella, #9 B9 as 5-MTHF for homocysteine.))

What-when-details: Updated July 26th.
“16:00” preparing pills
“17:30” A1 PF#1:0, 2x threo., Lut, Qc#1.
5’ “empty time” = to see if I need worry time.
“18:30” 2 myo-inositol + teeth
“18:30” A2=12+1 1xvB2#1 1xvB3 vB5#1 2xC#1, 2Cr#1, PF#(2->)1, 0Cu, .3gGABA#1 1xTMG#1. Meal: 1PQQ, 5ml Ω3, CoQ10 (oil) &! 0 Se & Hon#1. monkfruit.
Meal 20: ’ Back exercises. 2x glutathione, 1x phytosterols
“20:30” pre-A3 agigenin 1h before bedtime + teeth
“20:30” 0chamomile
“21:00” A3 PF#(3->)2, 0.3gGABA & .6glu & Qc#2 Hon#2 + 1%:0 Rupafin or A2
“2:00” A4 .3mg GABA + teeth
“4:00” +0.25 GABA etc., A5-A8, according to pee pain and seizure-ishness
B=11/ in sun/lamp “07:00” R-ALA, Ro#1, Qc#3:0 Rs#1 2xSAM-e EGCg (from July 26th again) 3xEleu (forward from C to B-batch, maybe slowly increasing, even to 4g/d!) + Fev/MSM#1 + Sily +0.2->0.1The.
Back exercises
0 Soak pumpkin seeds & almonds.
C=20 with meal: 1xB2#2 1-2xvB3#2 vB5#2 2xvC#2 3xCr#2 .6GABA#4+, gink#1, Oli#1, pine#1, 1-2xTMG#2 2threo. PEA Rutin = 20. (vit.D3 1/wk)
2x glutathione, 1x phytosterols
“11:00” D1(0) + Teeth (+2h/) Ellag#1, Fev/MSM#2, gi#2.
“14:00” Meal ’ in sun +aloe
“14:15” D=15/ ’ in sun vB2#3 1-2xvB3#3 vB5#3 2xvC#3 3Cr#3, .6GABA#5, gink#3 Oli#2, pine#2, 1-2xTMG#3
2x glutathione, 1x phytosterols
“16:00” preparing pills: 5x to encapsulate.
E “17:00” (“meal/acids+2h”) Ellag#2, Fev/MSM#3 Qc#(4=)3, Ro#2, Rs#2.
A1 “18:00”
Eat + aloe + PQQ+Ω3 if not earlier.
A2 + apigenin & heating down
(B12 s.c.: 2022-11-04, 2022-04-10, 2022-01-10: B12 5mg methylcobalamin s.c.)

The day's supp-compartments (8', plus 10' making capsules), July 26th

Pf: A1:0+A2+A3, vB2: 1C,1D, 1A. vB3: 1-2C,1-2D.1A, vB5: C+D+A. vC:2C+2D+2A 8Cr: 3C+3D+2A, Ell: D0+E. Fev/MSM: B,D0. Ga 4-5x: C,D,a2,a3-a6(-a8), Gi: C,D0,D Glutathione: 2-3x after meals. Hon:A2.A3. MgThreo: 2C,2D,2A. Oliv: C,D. pine: C,D. Qc: (B.)E.A1.A3. Ro:B,E Rs:B,E SINGLE: A1: 0xMgMal, luteolin. myo-inositol (15’ before meal 1x/(2)d) A2: 0Cu (separate from P5P etc.!)+0P5+1xQ10 (ubiquinone <150mg/d!, not ubiquinol), 0x1xSe. (A2:Ω/Pq:meal, A3: apigenin) A3: Glutamin (0c1), B (or C): R-ALA, EGCg, 3xeleu, Ru, 2 Sa, Sily, Th, C: PEA, DAO before risky/all meals. monkfruit usually evenings, aloe vera. vit. D3/K2-MK7 saturdays. (A2:0Se)
TALLIES July 26th:
A1=7+1 Pf#0 Qc#1, Lut, 2 MgThreo + 2myo-inositol + (DAO?)
A2=12 1vB2#1 1-2xvB3, vB5#1, 2xvC#1, 2xCr#1, 0Cu, Pf#2->1, Ga#1:0.3g, Hon#1, Q10, 0Se, 1-2TMG#1 (0 Rup). = 12-14.
+Ω3/PQQ/0aloe +monkfruit +apigenin 10(+4) =14.
A3=5 Pf#3->2, Ga#1, Gltm, Hon#2, Qc#3
A4=1 Ga, A5=1 Ga#2 etc.
B=11 ALA, EGCg, Eleu more, Fev/MSM#1, Qc#3:0, Ro#1, Rs#2, 2xSa, 1-2Th, Sily (DAO?) = 10-11.
C=20 1vB2#2 2xvB3#2 vB5#2 2xvC#2 3xCr#2 Ga#(4+) Gi#2 Ol#1 0Pin#1 2TMG#2 (Eleu in B) 2xMgThreo PEA Rut = 20.
after meal: 2xGlutt.
D0=2 Ell, Fev/MSM#2, Gi, + (DAO?)
D=11-13 vB2#3 1-2xB3#3 vB5#3 3xCr#3 Ga#(5+) Gi#3 Ol#2 0Pin#2 1-2TMG#3 Fev/MSM#2
after meal: 2xGlutt.
E=5 Ell, Qc#(4->)3, Ro#2, Rs#2. Fev/MSM#3 = 5
B12 4-monthly, D3 Saturdays.

‘Research’ today: Bits’n’bobs.

Quality of life

Lessons in self-care: Got to ´start getting used to bus, however now I’m feeling better I can cycle a bit more again.
Reasons to be cheerful:
a) Bloods no problem.
b) Much better suddenly!
c) Re-planting even more in the garden. First they have problems, but then I re-position, put more earth around the base and now most are doing fine.
d) Pigeons getting closer.
Simplified: I think there was one thing. Of course having more energy simplifies everything…
Foggies: Foggy - head dulled I put my try somewhere where it didn’t fit. But I thought it should, so I put it there all the same, something needed to be pushed aside, turned out it was a cup half full with water and a spoon (for my bite itches), So fun guaranteed, spilled it all over stuff, then was slow deciding what to do… but saved everything.


Click for links to "entry changes" (after June 19th 2023), "biggest successes" (after June 18th 2023), "summary" (on June 14th 2023), jab side effects, foods, blog references, e.g. abbreviations, & guideline for symptom tracking & trigger hunting

Entry changes (after June 19th 2023)
Biggest successes (after June 18th 2023)
Summary of fibro 2020-2021, jabs 2022 and first half of 2023