To the best of my ability, I have eliminated all gluten, sugar, caffiene,all processed foods and drinks, genetically modified foods, dairy and nightshade vegetables(known to promote inflamation). I'm also senstive to corn and soy, so I eliminated those too. I buy mostly organic foods. I stopped eating meat and follow a vegan diet, but if you have to have meat, I suggest only grass fed organic meat. I use whole grains that do not have gluten, such as brown rice, quinoa, millet. Lots of greens and other vegetables fresh or frozen. Sweet potatoes are fine. Beans, legumes. I track my food online for the nutrient value and I get more than adequate protein. I filter my tap water and drink that. I don't miss junk food and I don't miss the meat. I feel satisfied all the time and no longer have the cravings and low blood sugar episodes. I can eat all I want.
I started out using an anti-inflamatory diet and then tweeked it to my own body needs and sensitivities. My doctor has guided me in this transition. I am being treated for other issues too which overlap with the fibro symptoms, and I have made conscious effort to eliminate as much stress as possible in my life. I try to stay active as tolerated without pushing myself past my limit.
My present supplementation includes digestive enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, b complex, vitamin C, magnesium (natural calm brand powder)since others cause me upset, b-12, extra b-6 and zinc, last three being specific to me advised by my doctor. Check with your doctor on supplements. I see an integrative MD so they are good at testing you for deficiencies.
I am also under treatment for candida/yeast overgrowth and leaky gut syndrome for which I take Caprylic Acid and Nystatin oral. I have extremely high levels of mercury in my body so I am taking DMSA chelator to remove that slowly along with Alpha Lipoic Acid. All these condition are inter-related. My digestive issues are gone, no more swollen belly for me and my digestion is working and bowels moving etc. I used to have swelling all over my body and my food would not digest, just layed there and my belly would be like a rock and bloated, painful and nauseating. It was horrible, so I can relate to PaytonsMom's problem.
These problems are serious. They are tied in with the fibro and autoimmune conditions somehow and need to be addressed. You need to find the right doctor who will guide you through and test you properly. Sometimes I feel like a nag on this subject, but we all seem to share alot of the same difficulties with our digestion. It's not a coincidence. Bottom line is I've gotten relief. You can too.