'frankenstorm' on the way!

I hadn't thought about the Enbrel - worth protecting at all costs! I don't suppose your health insurance would replace them if something were to happen?

SK, it's good that your trees have lost their leaves, as keeping them on makes the tree more vulnerable to coming down in wind and rain. Trees up here still have a lot of leaves on them, unless the weather today stripped them off. So that's a worry.

I hope you don't lose power again or the new part of the roof - or the rest of the roof either, for that matter. You've been there and done it. Aren't you below the line of fire, though?

Oh no, we are definately not out of range, not as unbelievably massive as this storm is! I have all the freezer blocks that the Enbrel comes in and the cooler they send them in, so I will make sure they are safe. We have hubby's insulin in there too. If I have to I'll take them to the grocery store and beg them to put it in a refrig there. I guess the insurance would cover them, who knows how long and long lasting the red tape would be!!

It's supposed to hit us about 2:00 am. We get tornado and sheer wind spin offs here when something like this happens. The commonality of these sheer winds here is scary, like cork screw type winds that already snapped the roots of a 6 story Ornamental Elm tree a few years ago when we were away on vacation, luckily it shifted away from the house and my husband, son, brother, and neighbor took it down, and the grandson helped too, he was amazing, of course he was with me until it was on the ground, but worked with the men until it was all done! The walunt trees are at least that big and closer yet! He is with us now, planning to play board games, army men, cars, cards and various other games by lantern and candle light! ha! He has been drawing plans up to rearrange his bedroom when that is completed. All the rest of the ceiling and walls come down, wiring, dry wall yet to go.

The water doesn't stay in our tub long, it leaks out, so as soon as my husband takes his shower, I have a big toy bucket, size of a large clothes basket, that I am waiting to fill for flush water. Have food cooked, that is good cold, and lots of albacore on hand, bought dried beef (chipped beef) in the jars, make great sandwiches. I'm going to make a big pan of scrambled eggs with cheese tonight, they will be good on rolls for breakfast, even cold.

Hopefully my son's beautiful house by the Potomac River is far enough to avoid the surge, when the weather is bad they keep him, he took clothes to work with him. He is a master tech, works on all county vehicles down in the city, by DC. If these vehicles get stranded on the beltway, he has to take a team and go get it running and back to the shop. The buses are powered by huges natural gas tanks on the top of the bus. He said they are like bombs on wheels! No wonder my hair falls out!!! Maternal worry!!

The winds are getting strong now, we always have strong winds here, we usually get twice the winds the Weather Channel predicts, but I hope not this time. I don't want to double the 70 mph winds they predict for out area! NO thanks!

I'm thinking I can still raise my leg up high enough to put a New Balance up my husband's keester to get him in the shower, had to fight with the grandson earlier, now him! UGH! MEN!! UGH!!

This monster is surely on the way, my entire body is swollen up and thumping, of course all the preparation has not helped! Gonna be a morphine night!

Everyone be as safe as you possibly can be, be prepared to be out of power! Fill up pitchers, tea pots, buckets and anything you can for water!

Wishing you all well


PS my heart goes out to all of our Canadian friends experiencing quakes as dangerously strong as 7.7, and Hawaii under Tsunami alert due to these. Praying for your safety as well!

Well, this probably will be a night that you wouldn't want to sleep through, not to mention couldn't, anyway. If I were in your shoes, my eyes would be glued to those trees every single minute. Any wind that could previously snap the roots off of a six STORY Ornamental Elm...Sorry, but that leaves me speechless. I honestly had no idea that your area came under such strong winds. I knew the Carolina's did. But I didn't think the winds went up any farther than that. I mean, don't the mountains slow them down at all?

Funny, you made the scrambled eggs and cheese, while I made up a big pan of boiled potatoes. I wish I had thought of the scrambled eggs and cheese, mind you. Can we trade?

Your great-grandson sounds so, SO cute! I wish so much I had a kid or grandkid of that age, although the fibro would make that pretty hard to deal with. But still...just LOVE them at the age where their imaginations are limitless. And I LOVE talking to little boys about rocketships.

And then they turn into...MEN. Big, grunting, grumping MEN. As my son has. Sounds like you're dealing with them as we speak. My goodness, they're getting some late showers, though.

After 1 AM here and still calm. Was very overcast and ugly here today though, with smatterings of rain. I truly hope you don't get much on your side because tornadoes and strong winds are bad news.

As for your son, there won't be many county vehicles out on the roads will their be? Haven't they been pulled off the roads until the weather abates? Even in Boston, the city is closed up.

I'm sorry, SK, that your body's all swollen. I guess that says just how bad of a storm it'll be, huh?

Please, BE SAFE!


PS: I hope no one was hurt in the Canadian earthquake. It's hard to know as news is at a virtual standstill right now, thanks to Frankenstorm. If any Hosers are on here and can please let us know, I'd greatly appreciate it!

I think the Tsunami alert was cancelled, no?

Thanks angel, have to keep the sardonic humor flowing, ya know? Where would we be without it? I’m net the only comedianne here, believe me! Well, he must have read my mind, I no sooner typed it and he was in the shower!

Oh Petunia, I had the grandson in he tub before dark, as I knew he would fall asleep on the couch, and he did. Come to think of it, not sure he brushed his teeth, so I’ll lasso him in the morning, they will be brushed if I have to play the role of the dentist! (think the dentist in the movie ‘Marathon Man’!) Need to check the length of all his nails, have a look at the ears too. He is just at that age, almost 11, I have threatened to wash him with the scrub brush and Clorox! That works too!

Petunia, we have had winds here we thought would blow the house down. Many a night, the husband has stayed up all night because of these winds. We live surrounded by mountains, the wind gets to moving around like traveling the inside of a bowl, and sounds like a speeding train! A great deal of the immediate area is crop fields, so wind can really pick up speed in open areas.

That is a trip I always wanted to make, never been up through New England, love antiques, so I am sure I would feel at home there!

You could take those cold potatoes and brown them, then pour the beaten eggs over it, delish! I have pork chops, steamed shrimp, baked chicken, spaghetti, cooked, though I am NOT wild about cold spaghetti, and will not be trying to warm that up on the grill in the middle of ‘Frankenstorm’! NOPE!

I would have thought the public transportation would come to a screeching halt, not sure, he has to be there anyway. He used to just work on the Police Cars, guess they would use them for ambulances, cops, crash trucks, anything really. My son and the other supervisors are some of the most highly trained master techs in the country, they can work on anything, my son even worked on an all wheel drive 18 wheeler when he was still in the MD National Guard. This was a kid who would get quiet, I’d go check on him and he would have rolled out the refrigerator, take it apart, what he could get to anyway. Took him several years after those times before he learned to put things back together! Said if he would have it to do over, he would work on jets instead!

Alright, eggs should be cool enough to put in frige, need to go lay down. I guess hubby is standing guard for now.

I hope there is no Tsunami anywhere! Too many dangerous things going on as it is!

My Mom just hollered down for me to get the cushions off the front porch chairs. Oh boy! Would rather go get them now, than have to climb a tree to retrieve them!

Big hugs to everyone, hopefully we won’t loose power!


Susan, tonight on the news NY city said that all work was closed except for emergency personnel. Even Wall street, which only closed for weather once in 30 years. The subway shut down at noon Sunday. Gosh I literally feel like my bones are broken as I get the EMFs from the Earthquake West of me and the barometric pressure of the storm East of me and this flu. 70% of Canadians are in danger, but I'm safe. Most Canadians live in the East I guess. Praying for all.




If your area loses electricity, the grocery stores fridges and freezers won't work either. It will be fine at your house.

Hoser report: Yes tsunami alert was cancelled and the earthquake was on the Queen Charlotte Islands, now called Haida Gwaii, which almost no people live on, so we just lost a lot of coastline in the earthquake. There are tons and tons of aftershocks that are causing damage on the mainland and they are almost as strong as the original earthquake, so those could cause more damage than the original earthquake and could still cause a tsunami.

Bless you,

Wow, John, I hope you got out safely. Time to go when you're right in the path of a potentially monstrous storm But I also know how clogged up the roads get when others evacuate, as I lived in Florida during the years of the busy hurricane seasons of 2004-2005. For whatever reason, the stupid Governor at the time (Jeb Bush, I believe,) didn't make both sides of the interstate into one way traffic heading OUT of Florida, so the backups were MASSIVE. You literally could not get out of Florida. I hope you've had good luck in getting out and finding some place safe to stay.

Yes, exactly. It's very different when you're the one who's directly in the path of the storm. Your stress level must be through the roof, John (and SK.) Please take good care of yourself and do something low stress once you've arrived at your destination and got some sleep. Play some cards or board games to feel calmer.

My prayers go out to her. Talk about some stress, when you're also pregnant and not feeling well. I hope she's okay today and resting comfortably. And I hope her house is intact and has no damage.

I hope things are okay down there in Virginia. And you're right that it's the time spent over us that will be a problem, as well as the possibility that the Hurricane shakes hands with the snowstorm system, as well as the other low pressure system. That's when the problems will really escalate, and some of you might just end up with a Snowicane.

I agree about the stress. I remember that people actually had heart attacks in Florida when they were in the direct path of the storm and were massive line trying to buy plywood to cover the windows with. The fear you feel is heart stopping So I hope that those of you who will be directly impacted by the storm are able to do something to take your minds off of stress today. Now that you've prepared, there's little else to do but wait, so might as well try and do it calmly if you can.

Geez, Sheila, I'm sorry. In all of our preparations, i forgot about the earthquake. While I'm glad it hit a mostly uninhabited island, it's a real shame that you've lost coastland and I hope the aftershocks aren't causing major issues or any tusnamis!

Please stay safe and my thoughts and prayers are with our Hoser friends.


Hi Sue!

Thanks so much for your wit and humor!! You make me LOL.. : )) I hope you're not collapsed today.. how are you feeling? You did a LOT yesterday... ( is the edema from your other conditions? I"ve not heard of that due to Fibro?)

My boyfriend lives right outside Atlantic City.. and works on the "island" ( where they have evacuated). Egg Harbor Twp. .

I'll post the latest as I hear from him - should get crazy later on today. I was thinking about "JC" ... glad to read he's at a shelter ( can't be very comfy) but hopefully safe!

Gentle hug and blessings,


Okay, here is some up to date info on the storm. Looks like Virginia through New York are currently impacted. Connecticut and Rhode Island are supposed to get hammered too. It really stinks for Rhode Island because they had a devastating flood through a large swath of the state only a few years ago.

Anyway, here is the link:



Awww, little grandson probably didn't like being awakened to a toothbrush but at least he's all prepared for the storm. Little boys sure do have an aversion to getting all spiffed up.

My sis and I grabbed our baths. I'm starting to ache so know the storm's approaching. Bad news is I forgot if I took my pills or not this morning. No bueno!

Mmmm...I hope that whipping wind isn't whipping through your yard today but I'll bet it is, judging by the link I just posted. Hope the water isn't following suit. Looks like the heaviest rainfall is on your side, sorry to say.

Oh gosh, SK, you never got up to New England? That's a real shame. It's beautiful up here. I know you would love the beautiful architecture, the gorgeous lush lands, and, of course, the antiques. I hope that someday you'll be up to the trip and i'll show you around if you are. if WE are.

Sounds like your son definitely will be needed today if any of the emergency vehicles poop out or are flooded out. It'll be a trying day for him and especially the emergency response people who have to rescue those who refused to evacuate. He'll be left to fix the vehicles that pooped out rescuing those people.

LOL, thinking of your son taking apart the fridge. I hope he put it back together! Otherwise I could see a little war breaking out there. Maybe he's lucky he didn't choose to work on jets because a lot of that work has been farmed out to third world countries without the training or certifications of the workers here. Gulp.

Let's hope, hope that no tsunami for Canada! And no more earthquakes. I wonder if this earthquake was impacted/related to the recent one in Maine. We even felt it here. It only happened last week. Hmmmm...coincidence?

Hope none of you have any flooding or loss of power. My phones are acting wonky and I had a hard time logging onto this site.


Please put out your best thoughts possible for those in the direct line of this storm. I'm in the Boston area, noin t the direct line of the storm, and it's terrible here. I've never seen a storm like this, even in Florida. I hope everyone in its path is safe and well. Photos of the Virginia through NJ area show a lot of damage already. Very bad storm. Just praying everyone is okay.

Be safe!

Wow sending up prayers for those in the path Sandy .

good luck to all ...............wish you all safe days............i live in london ontario canada............

Living in Wisconsin, we are to get the high winds and possible rains, but know it will be nothing that millions of you and your families are facing. My prayers go out to all of you. Physically, it is having an impact on me so can’t imagine your pain and the stress of what is to come and the aftermath. Please stay warm and safe - we are thinking of you all. Went through the member list last night and so many of you will are on the east coast. I never did like my name, and am so tired of hearing it! God be with each one of you and your loved ones. We look forward to hearing from you soon <3 Sandi

We are safe, but flooded, inside and outside. Outside is a huge lake in 2 or 3 areas, we are NOT in a flood plain either. The shed is flooded, hopefully this will not spread next door to the garage, which is the wood shop. We did loose power a few times, but it came right back on.

My husband has stayed up 2 nights in a row with the wet vac going, trying to keep the basement dry, but to no avial. We will have to have this re-assesed, can't have mold growing in here!!

This has been very bad for the arthritis, swelling my joints to the point that I could not easily bend them to walk, stayed in bed most of yesterday. Really feels like broken bones today! Our flood alerts have been extended.

Calls for more and more days of rain to come! UGH!

I know, I heard the subways in NY have flooded, not sure how they will deal with this. We did not need the gathered water but will not get rid of any of it yet, who knows what else could happen!

Best to all. Remain safe, be careful of downed power lines!
